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Psyllion,1 cynoïdes, crystallion, sicelicon, or cynomyia, has a slender root, of which no use is made, and numerous thin branches, with seeds resembling those of the bean, at the extremities.2 The leaves of it are not unlike a dog's head in shape;3 and the seed, which is enclosed in berries, bears a resemblance to a flea—whence its name "psyllion." This plant is generally found growing in vineyards, is of a cooling nature, and is extremely efficacious as a dispellent. The seed of it is the part made use of; for head-ache, it is applied to the forehead and temples with rose oil and vinegar, or else with oxycrate; it is used as a liniment for other purposes also. Mixed in the proportion of one acetabulum to one sextarius of water, it is left to coagulate and thicken; after which it is beaten up, and the thick solution is used as a liniment for all kinds of pains, abscesses, and inflammations.

Aristolochia is used as a remedy for wounds in the head; it has the property, too, of extracting fractured bones, not only from other parts of the body, but the cranium in particular. The same, too, with plistolochia.

Thryselinum4 is a plant not unlike parsley; the root of it, eaten, carries off pituitous humours from the head.

1 Identified with the Plantago Psyllium of Linnæus, our Fleawort, Fleaseed, or Fleabane.

2 Nothing, Fée says, can be more absurd than this description of the plant.

3 Whence its name "cynoides" and "cynomyia."

4 This plant has not been identified; Wild water-parsley, perhaps a kind of Silm, has been suggested.

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