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There is also another kind of cyclaminos, known by the additional name of "cissanthemos;"1 the stems of it, which are jointed, are good for nothing. It is altogether different from the preceding plant, and entwines around the trunks of trees. It bears a berry similar to that of the ivy, but soft; and the flower is white and pleasing to the sight. The root is never used. The berries are the only part of it in use, being of an acrid, viscous taste. They are dried in the shade, after which they are pounded and divided into lozenges.

1 "Ivy-flowered." It resembles the other plant in nothing but the name. Fée is inclined, with Desfontaines, to identify it with the Lonicera caprifolium of Linnæus, the Italian honeysuckle, though that plant bears no resemblance in either leaf or flower to the ivy. The Lonicera pericly- menum of Linnæus, the Common woodbine or honeysuckle, has been also suggested, as well as the Brvonia alba, Solanum dulcamara, and Cucubalus bacciferus.

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