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The flour1 of bolted meal, kneaded into a paste, has the property of drawing2 out the humours of the body: hence it is applied to bruises gorged with blood, to extract the corrupt matter, even to soaking the bandages3 employed: used with boiled must, it is still more efficacious. It is used as an application also for callosities of the feet and corns; boiled with old oil and pitch, and applied as hot as possible, it cures condylomata and all other maladies of the fundament in a most surprising manner. Puls4 is a very feeding diet. The meal5 used for pasting the sheets of papyrus is given warm to patients for spitting of blood, and is found to be an effectual cure.

1 The flour of the grain called "far," Fée thinks. See B. xviii. c. 10.

2 This statement is probably founded upon the notion that corn has the property of attracting liquids, even when enclosed in vessels.

3 A paste of this kind, if applied to a recent wound, would have the effect of preventing cicatrization, and giving free access to the flow of blood.

4 See B. xviii. c. 19.

5 Or "flour." See B. xiii. c. 26.

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