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[78] Propius, i. q. “praesentius,” as in 1. 526: ‘adsis’ contains the same idea of the interposition or manifestation of the god by physical presence. Comp. 10. 254. ‘Numina,’ revelation: comp. 4. 123. The confirmation is given just below vv. 81 foll. The parallel use of “numen” and ‘omen’ has been mentioned on 7. 119. “Omina firma” occurs 2. 691, and Sil. 4. 127 comp. by Cerda has “Adsis o firmesque tuae, pater, alitis omen,” doubtless imitating the present line. Meller ap. Cerdam conj. ‘omina’ here. In another view we may comp. “Di numine firment” 12. 188. ‘Tandem’ for ‘tantum’ was read before Heins., and is found in some inferior MSS.

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