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Nutella stuffed Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Pardon me for posting such bad quality photos but I don't have the camera with me :( But since I happened to make the BEST cookies ever, I just couldn't let it go by and not post it on my blog. I mean, seriously. If you make cookies that absolutely have the best consistency ever, are stuffed with chocolate and nutella... It's just not an option to not share it with the world! If people didn't think I am completely nuts, then I would definitely shout it out that YAAAY I finally found the best of the best recipe!! 

Just look at it. Nutella is oozing out of a perfectly chewy cookie. It is something you must make for yourself to know what I'm talking about. I sprinkled some salt on top so the sweet and salty combination sends your taste buds to heaven. And I'm not even exaggerating! I made a half batch of NYT cookies. They were fine. But they don't even compare to these lovelies! So now you have it. Run to your kitchen, or the closest grocery store to get a jar of nutella and dive yourself into making cookies! I found the recipe on Pinterest. I made some alterations to it. Like I immediately halved the recipe since 8 giant cookies are already too much for 2 :D And I noticed that if I make too many cookies then I'm more likely to eat 3 or even 4 in a day! That makes my ideal calorie intake for a day and I haven't eaten anything else yet! So I make less and I eat only 1 max 2 cookies which are a lot better. The original recipe also uses browned butter but all I had was some margarine and it doesn't brown so I just melted it and let it become solid again. I've noticed a huge difference in cookies when I used this method! I'm not sure why but I do get rid of the excess water that comes out of the already solid margarine after it was melted. Maybe that's the key? I don't know but it really makes the cookies chewy and gooey! Okay, I don't keep you on your toes anymore and here's the recipe.

Nutella stuffed Chocolate Chunk Cookies
recipe adapted from Ambitious Kitchen

1 + 1/8 cup flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 stick or 113 grams margarine or butter
1/2 + 1/8 cup brown sugar
1/8 cup granulated sugar
1 egg yolk and 1/2 egg white
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 Tbsp plain greek yogurt
50 grams chocolate chunks 
8-9 tsp Nutella
salt for sprinkling

Melt the margarine or butter in a saucepan over medium heat. If using butter, it will take longer since you want it to brown. First, it will foam then keep stirring it until you get a nice brown color. Then put it in the fridge or outside (it's freezing here) and let it become solid again.
While you're waiting for the butter to cool, incorporate the flour, baking soda and salt together. 

When the butter/margarine is solid, add the sugars in it and blend it together with an electric mixer. Add in egg yolk and half the white. Mix. Add in the vanilla and then the yogurt. 

Mix the dry and wet ingredients together. Fold in the chocolate chunks. You can refrigerate the dough for a few hours. I didn't.

Preheat oven to 350F or 175C.

Measure a scoop of dough, flatten it with your hands and spread 1 teaspoon of nutella in the middle. Carefully fold the dough around it so you'll get a small ball. Repeat with the remaining dough. Sprinkle salt on the top of each dough balls. Bake for about 10 minutes. 
Let the cookies chill for 10 minutes before eating! Enjoy :)


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