I was in India this past summer. It was only a few days but it was as intense as if I spent 2 weeks there. Spending a month in Nepal prior to my travel to India might have had to do something with why I felt I got a bit bigger glimpse of India than I actually did. I can't say I had only good experiences there ( I was alone. I am a European young girl with blonde hair. You can imagine...) but I did gain several amazing memories. I made some new friends so after all I wasn't all that alone. :) Indian people are extremely nice, I can only speak of one other nationality that is nicer than Indians. Nepalese people. They are incredible, so genuine... But back to my point. What I loved most about India? Fooooooooood, of course! I am in love with the Indian cuisine. I'm not exaggerating when I say I could eat Indian food every single day :) I really would! Even though it's not hard to create an Indian meal but I just don't have the motivation to actually cook some