

August 13
First day of Kindergarten

Brett started school this year! SO crazy. I can't believe I have a kid old enough to go to school. So starts the school craziness for the next 18 years. And the regular craziness for the rest of our lives.

He absolutely loves school and loves his teacher, Mrs. Payne. 

I think he was getting a little embarrassed of me taking pictures.
But how can I be a good mother if I don't embarrass my children?
Answer: I cannot.

He's extremely kind, smart, and a great friend to others.

Love this green-eyed boy of mine.


Halloweenie 2012

October 31

Oh, hi blog. Long time, no see. Actually, my blog is my home page. So, every time I open my web browser, BAM... there is my drugged up mug! So pretty AWESOME! So, I see my blog every day. I figured I better post something before some insurance agency or p0rn site hacks my blog and starts posting random crap.

For the first time ever, I let the boys pick their costumes for Halloween. I usually let them give some input, but ultimately just decide for them. But I guess this year I was being nice. Ugh. Not doing that again. They can wear themed costumes for the rest of their trick-or-treating lives like all the other kids with controlling moms. Suckas!

So, here they are:

2 Lego Ninjago Masters of Spinjitsu, Kai and Jay  (<-- I think)


1 Cabbage Patch doll

Aren't they cute? Of course they are.

Love her so much. 
My sister helped me made Blake's wig. And she did a great job. 
Just used a pre-made crocheted hat and some yarn! BOOM, got yourself a doll wig.

The boys costumes ended up being pretty easy to make.
I bought sweatpants and 2 long-sleeved shirts each. Silk-screened one and tied the other around their heads. I cut jersey knit and wrapped it around their waist and some around their legs over black socks. Which they wore in lieu of shoes to look more like ninjas. MOM OF THE YEAR. Also, they wanted their faces painted, which I thought turned out pretty weird and creepy. Lego Ninjago face FAIL.

Raggedy Ann, Lego Ninjagos, Dexter, and Cabbage Patch doll

These are the only family pictures we got. Right before costumes came off and we went to bed! 

Until next year!

Coming up... Alleween Halloween party pics. 
And this year's party was a BLAST! 
 (but aren't they always? Yes.)  



Since I'm a little allergic to morphine, (makes me itch soooo bad), my doctor gave me dilauded. It made me not able to keep my eyes open, and also fall asleep mid sentence.

Every single picture we took at the hospital on our little camera, except for about 7, look like this.

You're welcome.

Happy weekend!


Blake's Birth Day

Blake wasn't due until April 16th. My OB does his surgery's on Fridays.

Sometime in early March, I asked my doctor when we were going to get this baby out! He said, "Well, you're due the sixteenth, so we could do your c-section on the thirtee...." to which I blurted "Don't you make me have a baby on Friday the thirteenth!" He laughed and said that it would probably be okay to do it on the 6th, even though I wouldn't quite be 39 weeks yet.

Thank goodness she was 10 days early or homegirl would have been huge!

Friday, April 6th, Nate and I had to be at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. Not too bad. WAY better than 4:30 or 5:30!

I got up and washed my hair in the morning, so I wouldn't have to do it in the hospital. It said no make-up on my hospital papers but I said a big H no to that.

We went into the triage room and I got started on an IV, which made me go to the bathroom a zillion times. They also asked a million and a half questions. We sat around and joked and I'm pretty sure I just played Draw Something and read the news (because I'm 90) until it was time to go back. 

Although this was my third c-section, I was really nervous. REALLY nervous. Mostly about getting the spinal. Because that shiz hurts. And makes me nauseous and vomit. With Brett, I didn't really know what to expect, with Burke, it was an emergency c-section, so I didn't have time to be nervous before they knocked me out. So this time, I knew what to expect and had plenty of time to think about how bad the needle in my back was going to hurt. 

The needle did not disappoint in the pain department! Good thing there was a really great nurse who held my hand and let me put my head on his shoulder and made me take deep breaths. It totally helped. The nurse anesthetist was so great too. She said she was going to give me some anti-nausea drugs right after she did the spinal to keep me from vomiting. Well, she wasn't quick enough. But after the throwing up, I felt better and they got started. 

They were really tugging because she was breach. Nate said that my doctor asked for a stool, because he needed to get up higher to pull her out.

And out she came at 10:04 p.m.!

Doesn't she look like a total brute? All chubby and bloody?

I loved her before I even saw her. She looked exactly what I thought she would look like. Still does.


Bath time. To get all of the blood chunks out of her hair.

My pretty girl.

Drugged and happy. 

Love my fam. 

Next up? 
Pictures of me struggling to keep my eyes open because I was soooo high.


Party of Five

Blake Ivy
April 6, 2012
10:04 a.m.
8 pounds 9 ounces
21 3/4 inches
We are in LOVE!


31.5 Weeks

Homestretch? Almost.

Excited to not have horrible acid reflux, Braxton Hicks, and need a 2 hour nap every single day to function.

Also, ready to get rid of my brown/red hair and be blonde again. Maybe this pregnancy would be more fun if I was? Ha! Wishful thinking.


Home Alone

So the other night, I asked the kids to get in the car like, 5 times. Finally I said, "All right, boys. I'm leaving!"

Brett went and put his arm around Burke and said, "Well, it looks like it's just you and me, buddy! Mom, bring me back a Sprite."

Because I was totally going to leave a 5 and 2-year-old home alone.

Maybe when they're 6 and 3.


Christmas Carnage

I guess it could have been way worse. It helps when we don't buy our kids that much.

And we made the kids pick up their wrapping paper before opening another present because we're so mean. 


Merry Christmas!

From ours, to yours!


Obligatory Santa Photos

Actually, this is the first time I've had their picture taken with Santa.  Mom of the year, right?

Well, I did have their picture taken with the creepy Easter Bunny. Does that count?

Santa pictures went just about as I thought they would...

Mr. Photogenic posing and Number 2 screaming. 

Santa, see you next year!
With one more screaming kid!