Showing posts with label protein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protein. Show all posts

30 March 2015

Protein Shakes and Chocolate Muffins

Nothing like a Coffee Infused Protein Shake to wake you up on a Monday

Made with Vanilla Shakeology protein powder, a banana and instant coffee granules

I was hoping this would fill me up because I woke up starving and ravenous

But it didn't quite hit the spot the way I needed it to, so I opted for more food...

A chocolate chip muffin should do it!

Vegan Spelt Chocolate Chip Muffin from Green Cuisine

There, finally full. My tummy is happy!

29 March 2015

Chocolate Peanut Protein Pick-Me-Up

I was in terrible need of a pick-me-up this 
morning, so I opted for my trusted protein bar

Chocolate Peanut Butter Clif Builder's Bar

20 grams of protein and fuel to blast through the morning

Each bite becoming more delicious and satisfying

So naturally, I took a lot of photos as I ate my way through

Good 'til the last drop bite

Question: Besides coffee of course, 
what picks you up on tired mornings? 

28 March 2015

Friday Foods and Smoking Cessation

I don't know about you, but pink smoothies just make me feel happy :)

Strawberry Protein Smoothie

Shakeology Vanilla Protein Powder

Nutritional Information

Now that I have pink liquid radiating through my body, I can take on my day!

A delicious and nutritious breakfast

Lunch was also fairly pink with a take-out meal box from Planet Organic Market

Quinoa Salad with Nuts and Cranberries

"Hail To The Kale" Vegan Salad

I ate about half of it because the portions were HUGE

Now to sidetrack myself to a different subject...Quitting smoking.
 I have been smoke free for over a few months now and have been 
mostly using an e-cigarette/vaporizor to do so. But I ordered these 
Habitrol patches a couple days ago because they helped in the past

Last summer when I used to smoke. Yes my gasp explains it
 all!!! I am so glad to be smoking-free and my lungs are much
 happier too. It's such a terrible habit and one thats hard to break

So far, Habitrol patches have been helping me
 continue stay tobacco-free, so thats good news :)

My dinner

Oven Roasted Sweet Potato with Chicken Breast and Cooked Frozen Spinach

Balanced and filling

And that was my day of eats! Quite yummy overall :)

Questions: Have you ever smoked or know someone who 
did? If you quit, what worked for you or for those you love?

25 March 2015

Chocolate Shakeology

"The Healthiest Meal Of The Day" Chocolate Shakeology

A friend of mine sent me 2 packets of Chocolate and 2 of Vanilla Shakeology Mixes
 to try. She swears by them and I was excited to test them out. I made mine with water,
 ice, and banana. They're super nutrient dense and contain 160 calories per packet

Let me tell you, they are addictive! It reminded me 
of a chocolate milkshake, it was so creamy and sweet

I'm definitely going to be drinking more of these for breakfast and 
even lunch! They're just THAT good! And I've tried a lot of protein
 powder drink mixes in the past, but this is by far my favorite!

Questions: Do you drink protein powder mixes? 
What brand of protein powder do you use/is your favorite?

15 March 2015

Disgustingly Delicious Dessert

Sometimes you've got to get a little messy!

It's basically everything sinful I could find in the house, packed into
a parfait cup. What's inside you ask? Well pretty much everything...

1/2 a banana, some chocolate protein pudding
1 broken peanut butter granola bar2 Tbsp of a
 melted chocolate bar, 1 tsp peanut butter and
 topped with a scoop of vanilla soy ice cream!!!

The reason it's so messy is I nuked it in the microwave,
 before adding the ice cream, and it sort of bubbled over ;)

F*** was this delicious though. Well worth the non-creative effort that went into it

Question: Do you ever make food  
that is too un-blogging-pretty to show?

05 March 2015

Deformed Protein Bar

Starving, I ripped into my Builder's Bar only to find this...

It seems there was a manufacturing malfunction as my bar
 was thin, half it's width and only 1/4 was semi-properly formed

How a Builder's Bar should look

I mean it still had it's peanuty-deliciousness but was too airy and left me hungry for more

Disappointing but it made for a good chuckle!