I am a huge supporter of drawing attention to local businesses
that are working hard to bring health and wellness to the community
the availability of local and international gluten free products
Don't let the "Purified Water Store" sign fool you
as it did me... the store is a combination of both
"Hundreds of products inside"
Eat Pizza with Judy G's gluten free pizzas and frozen meals
Purified water
One of the aisles
Hot cereals, cold cereals and granolas
Some of the flavors include Classic Raisin/Chocolate
Chip, Apple/Cranberry and Blueberry/Coconut
Nutrition Facts: 200 calories and 11 grams fat
Another section of more gluten free products
Chips and snack foods
Soups, mixes and seasonings
Baking mixes
They'll be getting a new shipment of Only Oats soon which I can't wait for!
Freezers in the back room
Frozen pre-made gluten free meals
Patsy Pie Mini Muffins: Morning Glory with Flax
And Vegetable Shepherd's Pie
I am grateful that Calgary is home to such great stores like this one. With
so many people experiencing issues with digesting wheat and/or gluten,
having access to wheat grain replacements becomes an invaluable resource!