Showing posts with label book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book. Show all posts

18 June 2014

Reading, Eating, and Running

With Summer just around the corner, I have been getting back 
in the routine of eating more balanced meals, heavy on the greens

These breakfast sandwiches pack quite the protein punch; a great start to the day

1 fried egg with 1/3 cup egg whites, 2 slices cheddar cheese, 2 slices
crisp bacon, sliced tomato and red onion, kale, mustard, and black pepper

Tucked between 2 toasted slices of my new favourite gluten free bread!

Oh and Sauerkraut! How can I forget to mention the sauerkraut :) Mmmm

Mid-morning I decided to get active...

...and go for a 10 km run! I love my Adidas by Stella McCartney
shirt, paired with my long-lasting black Everlast running pants

I sort of bent the healthy eating rules to welcome
 a little trail mix into my life, and that's fine by me

It's the same trail mix I posted here, except I made
my own version... I like to think of it as "Trail ReMix"

Original m&m Chocolates, sultana raisins, BBQ peanuts, and Salted
Bar Mix
 consisting of: Almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, walnuts

All mixed together in salty, sweet, savory greatness

And as Summer approches and the weather heats up, lazy
 days spent reading a book become a highly treasured treat

Currently, I am reading Learned Optimism by Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D. It's
  an excellent book examining our thoughts and how negative thinking holds us back

Question: What books are you reading
or looking forward to reading this Summer?

23 August 2012

College Student

After 5 years of roaming around, working, teaching 
yoga and enjoying life, I am finally back to school

As of this coming Monday, I will officially be a full-time college student;
 I am taking the Education Assistant Program at Bow Valley College

I just got back from the bookstore to pick up my textbooks:
 Cites & Sources; An APA Documentation Guide and HDEV

Exceptional Learners; an introduction to special education

Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers and The Art of Assisting in the Classroom

Everyday Encounters; An Introduction to Interpersonal
 Communication and The Bare Essentials Plus

Question: If you had to go back to 
college, what would you like to study?

01 June 2012

Care Package #2

My mom is the most generous woman I know, not only did she send me
 a care package just over a week ago, she recently sent me another one!

She heard I was having trouble finding delicious gluten 
free bars like the ones I love back home, so she made  
it her mission to make sure I have plenty to stock up on!

Let's open this bad boy up...

The suspense is killing me!

I see bags, a book... (The new Carb Sensitivity Program by Dr. 
Natasha Turner), a box of tea and some more clothes underneath...

My mom even packed a special present for my boyfriend!

"Reece's Bag"

Reece's bag of candy is more like it!

Yummy Earth Organic Fruit Lollipops

3 bags of assorted bulk candies

Gummy crocodiles

Sour keys and sugar-coated super cola bottle candies

And now for "Kelsey's Bag"

My health food bag of energy bars, protein bars and snacks

Look at all the food bars!!!

Francine's Finest Cranberry & Raisin Crisp Super Bar, NuGo Slim 

Francine's Finest Chocolate Almond Protein Bar, Coconut

Francine's Finest Chocolate and Peanut Crisp Super Bar, Chocolate & 
 Pumpkin Seed Protein Bar and another Chocolate Almond Protein Bar

Ooooh what's in this mystery bag?

My NuNaturals Alcohol Free Plain and Vanilla Liquid Stevia

Box of Whole Leaf Organic Oolong Uncle Lee's Tea

Now I am fully stocked in the tea department ;)

Jeans and pants hehe

And my summer clothes and pajamas from Victoria

07 December 2011

The Concerns of Mindy Kaling

"Is Everyone Hanging Out Without
 Me? (And Other Concerns)" by Mindy Kaling

We know her as "Kelly Kapoor", the hilarious customer service representative and office
chatterbox on the hit TV show, The Office, in which Kaling also writes and produces for

Adding to her repertoire of talents as an Actress, Comedian,
 Writer, and Producer, Mindy Kaling is the author of her newly released

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? is a humorous memoir chronicling
 the journey through her early life, her breakthrough into Hollywood, and the
 observations and tips she's gathered on life, family, friendship, relationships,
love, and the random topics we're all thinking about but too inhibited to say

I bought this book as an early Christmas gift for myself and since then I have
not been able to put it down; each page and each line will have you hooked

Retails for $25.00 (US) or $26.95 (Canadian) or $15.00 (Amazon)

And if I wasn't already sold on the book cover
 and introduction, the photo on the back did me in...

"The author as a child star of the TLC series Androgynous Kis and 
Puppets, the less-successful predecessor of Toddlers and Tiaras" haha

My Review: 5 Stars