With Summer just around the corner, I have been getting back
in the routine of eating more balanced meals, heavy on the greens
These breakfast sandwiches pack quite the protein punch; a great start to the day
1 fried egg with 1/3 cup egg whites, 2 slices cheddar cheese, 2 slices
crisp bacon, sliced tomato and red onion, kale, mustard, and black pepper
crisp bacon, sliced tomato and red onion, kale, mustard, and black pepper
Tucked between 2 toasted slices of my new favourite gluten free bread!
Oh and Sauerkraut! How can I forget to mention the sauerkraut :) Mmmm
Mid-morning I decided to get active...
...and go for a 10 km run! I love my Adidas by Stella McCartney
shirt, paired with my long-lasting black Everlast running pants
shirt, paired with my long-lasting black Everlast running pants
I sort of bent the healthy eating rules to welcome
a little trail mix into my life, and that's fine by me
a little trail mix into my life, and that's fine by me
It's the same trail mix I posted here, except I made
my own version... I like to think of it as "Trail ReMix"
my own version... I like to think of it as "Trail ReMix"
Original m&m Chocolates, sultana raisins, BBQ peanuts, and Salted
Bar Mix consisting of: Almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, walnuts
Bar Mix consisting of: Almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, walnuts
All mixed together in salty, sweet, savory greatness
And as Summer approches and the weather heats up, lazy
days spent reading a book become a highly treasured treat
Currently, I am reading Learned Optimism by Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D. It's
an excellent book examining our thoughts and how negative thinking holds us back
an excellent book examining our thoughts and how negative thinking holds us back
Question: What books are you reading
or looking forward to reading this Summer?
or looking forward to reading this Summer?