Showing posts with label candy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label candy. Show all posts

09 June 2015

Sandwich and Candy

Lunch started out pretty healthy...

Gluten free brown rice sandwich

With kale, egg, smoked chicken breast, red onion and mustard

Love my runny yolks

But I was still hungry when I finished and reached for a not-so-conventional snack...

Peanut M&M's candy!

Had more than a couple handfuls

But you know what, I was full after so I guess 
candy-coated chocolate was just what I needed ;)

07 April 2015

Snickers Peanut Butter Candy Bar

When you're hungry, grab a Snickers. New Peanut Butter Snickers Bar

A little junk food for the brain done right, this was one of the
 best candy bars I've had. The combination of creamy and crunchy 
peanut butters with chewy chocolate coating was just perfect

Tomorrow is my birthday, so a girl's gotta celebrate :)

07 November 2014

Smarties Rice Krispy Squares

Whenever I'm feeling under the weather, I love to get in
 the kitchen and cook up childhood favourites. And do I
 have a treat for you: Smarties Rice Krispy Squares!!!

If you live in the United States, you don't call these candies Smarties, as they refer 
to the powdered versions we call, "Rockets". But humour me for now. I also used a 
mix of regular white Rice Krispies with the new Gluten-Free Brown Rice Krispies...

Start off melting 1/4 cup vegan margarine (or butter) over 
medium heat, stirring in 40 regular puffed marshmallows

Keep stirring until the marshmallows melt :)

Then fold in 6 cups Rice Krispies Cereal, turning the stove off

Now to add in the chocolate candy treats!

Gently blend in the Smarties with the Rice Krispy 
mixture, a couple folds with a spatula is all you need

Ta-da! Now to transfer to a baking dish lightly
coated with PAM or any other non-stick oil spray

The best way to flatten the Rice Krispy Squares is by using parchment paper
or wax paper over top, pressing and smoothing out the edges with your hands

Try to even out the surface as best you can

Then before they dry and set up, score the squares, gently cutting into them

Makes about 20-25 squares, depending on 
how big you cut them and how large your dish is

Serve warm or best, cooled, with a cup of tea or coffee

Question: What are your favourite childhood treat(s)?

18 June 2014

Reading, Eating, and Running

With Summer just around the corner, I have been getting back 
in the routine of eating more balanced meals, heavy on the greens

These breakfast sandwiches pack quite the protein punch; a great start to the day

1 fried egg with 1/3 cup egg whites, 2 slices cheddar cheese, 2 slices
crisp bacon, sliced tomato and red onion, kale, mustard, and black pepper

Tucked between 2 toasted slices of my new favourite gluten free bread!

Oh and Sauerkraut! How can I forget to mention the sauerkraut :) Mmmm

Mid-morning I decided to get active...

...and go for a 10 km run! I love my Adidas by Stella McCartney
shirt, paired with my long-lasting black Everlast running pants

I sort of bent the healthy eating rules to welcome
 a little trail mix into my life, and that's fine by me

It's the same trail mix I posted here, except I made
my own version... I like to think of it as "Trail ReMix"

Original m&m Chocolates, sultana raisins, BBQ peanuts, and Salted
Bar Mix
 consisting of: Almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, walnuts

All mixed together in salty, sweet, savory greatness

And as Summer approches and the weather heats up, lazy
 days spent reading a book become a highly treasured treat

Currently, I am reading Learned Optimism by Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D. It's
  an excellent book examining our thoughts and how negative thinking holds us back

Question: What books are you reading
or looking forward to reading this Summer?

07 May 2014

Beach Bums and Trail Mix

"Life's a beach...and I'm just playing in the sand"

I was in need of a little sun therapy, so I grabbed a friend his guitar in tow) to
 accompany me down to the ocean and serenade me with music in the process

Toes in the sand and heads on the rocks...

Myself being a little timid :) 

The most beautiful reason for living in Victoria B.C.

...and I saw a little woodpecker!!!

Come a little closer dear friend

...Then he flew away haha

After a day in the sun this squirrel needed a snack!

I have become obsessed with the Kirkland Signature Trail Mix

But because I wasn't able to get to Costco, I made my own: I bought a regular
trail mix
 and combined it with milk chocolate and dark chocolate M&M candies

Honestly, I never liked M&M's until I found this trail mix!

Questions: Do you like trail mix?
 What is your favorite combination?