Showing posts with label NYE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NYE. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Twinkling Lights

Enjoy a photo shoot my friend and I did while she was here. We found a cool effect using the Christmas lights on my tree. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Year in Review

A Year in Review 
The year 2013 was full of ups and downs. I learned a lot about myself, friendships, and growing up. But, there were so many happy and great moments during this year. Here are some of my favorites and a look back of 2013 in my eyes. 


Coming back for winter break was great! I had missed my family and friends and it was great to catch up with everyone. Not to mention my best friend came to visit me and we stayed the night in a Chicago suite. 

My first Christmas in my sorority! We had a lovely Christmas celebration :) 

Going to the Trend magazine release party! 


Attending my first house party! Our theme was Family Game Night. 


My parents came to my University for family weekend. It was nice seeing them after weeks of being away. 

My first Chapter meeting as an official Pi Beta Phi! 

I was so lucky to get to attend Teen Vogue Fashion University for a second year. It was an amazing experience and I learned so much about the industry I love. 

In October I got initiated into my sorority Pi Beta Phi! I couldn't be more excited to be in a sorority with such amazing and smart women. 

Hosted a Rent the Runway event for my internship! 


We had Big Little reveal and my Big is not only a great sister but an amazing friend! 

Saw Aaron Carter in concert! Basically re-lived my childhood for a night. (And yes he did sing I Want Candy and it was perfection.) 


Attended an apple orchard sisterhood with my amazing pledge class. 

Attended my first Iowa State football game with the girls on my floor. 


Returned home to see my old teammates perform. 

My first weekend "out" as a college student! Had such a fun time with some great friends. 

I went through rush which was such a great experience! 

I started a new chapter in my life by moving to college! 

Attended Teen Vogues Back-to-School Saturday in downtown Chicago. (Teen Vogue also liked and commented on my Instagram picture!) And I won a Vera Wang Princess gift package from Teen Vogue. 


I casually stalked five seconds of summer........ (long story but a great day of summer!) 

I went to my 2nd One Direction concert with my two best friends. It was an amazing night and concert. My favorite night of summer for sure! 


I turned 18 on June 19th! 

Went to Disney World on a family vacation. 


I officially graduated Neuqua Valley High School. 

Attended my last day of high school! It's crazy that 4 years have gone so quickly. I am so blessed to have met such great friends and faculty along the way. I owe a lot of things to my High School but I am glad it is over! 

I attended senior prom! 

Senior spectacular at my high school. 


I hosted two parties for Teen Vogue! 


Attended DECA state! 

Finished off my 4th year of being on my varsity dance team. Not to mention closed the book on my dance career. My team placed fourth at our state dance competition and we won sectional champions. 



Performed at my own senior night basketball game. Also, I performed at my last Variety Show at my high school. It was hard having so many "lasts" in things I had enjoyed for the past 4 years of my life. 

That is all for my Year in Review! I hoped you enjoyed seeing a little bit about my life and what I did in 2013! Lets say hello to 2014 and a fresh start and to new experiences and memories.