Showing posts with label Gingham napkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gingham napkin. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Rhett's party was last night

Let's start with the tables where everyone sat shall we?

Do you remember my Wizard of Oz party? Well, I used the napkins and runners I made for that party here as well. I made a gnome family and mushrooms for each table (there were three). They are sitting on round wooden disks from Hobby Lobby. I used a yard of the brown polka dot fabric cut in half for each table, and put it under the runner for added interest. I bought moss covered rocks from the dollar store. One bag for each table. The plates and cups are paper, and from Wal-mart.

Admittedly, I am a little gnome obsessed!

This is the main food table. My fabulous friend Candy loaned me the lanterns. Thank you Candy!!! They all have battery operated t-lights in them. (Thanks mom for picking those up for me!)

Do you recognize the gnome family on display from my previous post?

I just used random fabric and other decor I already had.

This is the dessert table - cute right?


This may be my most favorite cake I have ever made! I thought I had all the ingredients for it at home, but I didn't. I had even thrown out my bundt pan, because I, "never use it." That's what I get for trying to declutter my house. Luckily, I have a fabulous friend and neighbor Kristen, who not only loaned me her pan, but most of the ingredients for the cake and frosting as well. Kristen - I owe you! Thanks! She also gave me the recipe, and it was delish!

Not to mention cute! Yup, I put a gnome family on top, along with a bunch of mushrooms and green sprinkles on the frosting!

I didn't want to cut it. I just wanted to keep looking at it!

The kids love their brother!

I think he liked it!

So fun to make!


Remember my last post about making the gnome families, and giving a gnome bowling set to each cousin? Here is the finished product!

Also, remember how I was making something for the baby cousins? How do you like these plushie gnomes? They were super easy. The hardest part was figuring out the pattern.

They were cute on display as well.

I guess you could call these favors. I put large and small gum drops on dowels to make mushrooms, and then stuck them all in a pot I got from DI for $1.50.

I used the same basic idea for the mushroom cupcakes. This time, I used gummy hearts and white jelly beans on toothpicks.

I decided the day before the party, that I wanted my family to be in gnome hats for the party. They were SUPER easy to make once I figured out the pattern. I didn't finish any edges, just sewed the seams. I love felt! I even made Rhett's outfit. I used knit, so I didn't have to sew any edges and he would be comfortable.

This was such a super fun and memorable night! Hum... what am I going to do next year???

Have a Happy and Creative Day!


linking to bloom, sew can do, sun scholars, heart 2 heart

Sunday, November 13, 2011

WIZARD OF OZ party, Part 6 - The Decor (Dinner Table)

The tables where we ate were SO fun! First things first... I have to give a BIG shout out to Kristen, Candy, and Christine, who helped set these tables up. They were so awesome! Christine even picked up some of the plates and utensils at the dollar store for me. They were so nice, and even patiently folded the napkins exactly perfect for me. Thank you my patient friends!!! I am so lucky to have you!

Paper place mats are always my choice for a large group. I got these scrapbook papers at Hobby Lobby, 5 for $1. I wanted them to look like Dorothy's basket, and I think they came close.

I also got the poppies at Hobby Lobby. I bought 2 bunches when they were 1/2 off, and ended up making 4 arrangements.

We had a meal the night before that required opening some cans of minestrone soup. The cans were the perfect size for the flowers and the tables. I didn't want the poppies to be too tall, so that people couldn't see each other. I did end up using some floral foam I had on hand, to help the poppies stand up.

I got loads of gingham at Wal-mart for $1.50 a yard. I was able to make 32 napkins and 4 runners, and still have leftover fabric.

Remember the gingham napkins I made? You can see the post HERE. Look how cute it was when they were folded so the lace showed, and the utensils poked out :)

The paper straws were from Gygi, in Salt Lake City, UT. I got a whole box of 100 about 6 months ago. I am really surprised at how often I use them.

I wanted the runners to be really simple, and I think they are. I just used lace I already had.

Monday, September 19, 2011

All about GINGHAM, and The Littles...

I admit it... I have had a slight obsession with gingham lately... gingham ribbon, gingham fabric, gingham paper... you name it, I am drawn to it. Maybe it reminds me of my childhood? I learned how to cross stitch on gingham.

I have another obsession with using real linens at meal time. Forget about the paper stuff. I love cloth napkins, and if I can't find what I am looking for, I don't mind making them.

Part of my gingham obsession may have to do with the fun things I have found for a Wizard of Oz themed party. If you follow me on pinterest, you may have noticed my, Wizard of Oz, pins. If not, you can check out my board here.

I found this blue gingham fabric at Wal-mart for $1.50 per yard. So, of course, I bought all they had! I was home yesterday with a sick daughter, who was glued to Net Flix. She watched The Littles all day! I decided to join her, and make some napkins with my gingham.

This is how they turned out.

I put lace on only one side, because two sides is too much time and money, and no one really sees it anyway.

I like them folded this way... I think it is unexpected.

My daughter likes them this way, which is also cute. I may use them for an upcoming party for my son, and not even have the lace showing! That would be more boyish - right?

A little about, The Littles... I used to LOVE that show! I watched it every Saturday morning. I was convinced that little people lived in the walls of my bedroom. I think my kids now think The Littles live here. That's fine with me ;)

Back to the napkins. I am loving the flat lace that I got 1/2 off at Michael's.

(These are the same napkin, just folded different.)

They turned out SO cute... I think I will add them to my Pinterest board. I have never pinned anything from my blog before. There's a first time for everything - right?
Have a Happy and Creative Day!

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