Showing posts with label American Indian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Indian. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Doily Teepee & American Indian Family

Have you ever thought to yourself... "It would be so cute to make a teepee out of a doily."? These are the kinds of thoughts that go through my mind. So, this morning I decided to do it. I got 8" paper doilies from Hobby Lobby.

After I got the teepee's made, I decided they need a family to inhabit them! So, I got my blank peg dolls out, and started painting...

This is the result!!! I am crazy about it! I am taking my last born child's bedroom form baby to toddler, by changing from a jungle theme to American Indian. I plan to use these Indians in his room, but will need to come up with a more masculine teepee.

 I have two tutorials below. One for the tall teepee, and one for a shorter version. Picture them at a party, as a place setting. They are so feminine and darling.

Fold the bottom over.
Glue it into a cone, leaving a hole on top, and the fold in back.
Fold the top flaps out.
Put sticks in the top.

 Couldn't be any easier!

 Now for the short teepee. I was picturing this super feminine,  with Indians wearing only pastel pink feathers, but it evolved to this....

Fold doily over.
Cut an elongated triangle out of the middle, by slightly folding the white part in half.
Make into a cone and staple the back.
Cut a straight line up the front, and fold the doors out.
Place sticks in the opening.

Here's a closer look at the family. I love them!

I am busily working on my son's room. He isn't in a big boy bed yet, but I have already started changing things up, and am excited to include these Indians in the mix!

Be sure and check back for more creative inspiration. I am also working on my tween daughter's room, and loving it! I'm excited to share.

Have a Happy and Creative Day!

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