Showing posts with label Apron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apron. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2012

GIVEAWAY!! 10 Minute Apron Tutorial {Reusable Shopping Bag - Part 1}

I think blogger is up and working now. If you left me a comment before, I have saved it, and will include it in the drawing for the apron I am giving away from today's Studio 5 show. If you haven't entered the drawing for the FREE APRON yet, please do so, by following the directions at the end of this post.

Here is the clip from today's show. It was SO FUN! Like I always say... I LOVE the producers, the hosts, the camera guys {even when I tell them I need good (non-fat) angles, and they probably think I am nuts!}, as well as the other contributors I get to meet. I am so lucky to get to do this!!! I feel like I learn so much every time I go on. I love you all - thanks!

By the way... I will be posting six more tutorials for the other items I shared on Studio 5 today, so please come back to see them!

Do you have an apron hanging in your kitchen that you never put on, because you are afraid to get it dirty, and don't know how it will look after you put it through the wash?

I have a solution for you (that you will never have to iron), and it only costs $1!

This is easy and inexpensive gift to give a friend or teacher. This apron can do double duty in the kitchen and the yard. You could even make these with your daughter and her friends.

All you need is a reusable shopping bag, and about 10 minutes!

Step 1:

Cut the sides out of a reusable shopping bag, leaving the raw edges on the main body of the bag.

Step 2:

Find a mirror, and hang one side of the shopping bag around your neck.
This will be the top of your apron.

Step 3:

Fold the bag up until you reach the desired length for your apron. Your bag will naturally fold along the bag's bottom (the dark blue pictured above.)

I like to leave the folds unfinished, because this will act as extra storage pockets. If it bugs you, all you need to do is sew it closed, and cut the excess from the back of the apron.

Step 4:

Cut the strap off the bottom of your apron.

Step 5:

Pin the strap where you want it on each side.

Then, cut the strap in half. This will be your side ties. I know it looks small. Depending on who you are making this for, you have a couple options:

1) If it is for a child, or smaller woman, you can leave it, to be tied in a small knot in back.
2) You can add Velcro to each side strap.
3) You can replace the straps with your favorite ribbon.

I just used the small straps.

Step 6:

Fold the apron in half long way, and cut off the sides.

It will look like this when it is open.

Step 7: Pockets!

Take the side pieces you cut off in the beginning, and lay them with the top up on top of the apron. Decide where you want them, and how long you want them to be.

Cut off the bottom, and pin to the apron.

Step 8:

Sew each side together. Sew around the sides and bottom of each pocket.

Step 9:

Sew the straps in the same manner they were sew to the bag originally.

Try on your apron, and decide if you want Velcro on the side straps, or what you want to do.

Have fun looking sassy in your new apron that you are not afraid to get dirty!

Was that the easiest 10 minutes you ever spent on a project? When I showed this to my friend, she said she wanted one for when she makes dinner, because it would be so nice to be able to just wipe it off when you are finished!

I agree. This apron looks like it was purchased at a boutique! It can be our little secret.


Now for the fun part! I will be sending the apron we make on the show today to one lucky person. All you need to do to enter, is:

Become a follower of my blog.
Like me on faecbook.
Leave me a comment (with contact info).

The giveaway will close Friday night at 6pm - in two days. The winner will be posted Sat morning, and the apron mailed out Monday morning. If you do not provide contact info (IE, e-mail address) in your comment, and are chosen winner, I will not be able to contact you. So please leave a comment with your info! Good luck, and thanks in advance for your support!

You might also want to look at:

10 minute Apron - Reusable Bag
First Aid Kit - Reusable Bag
Reusable Lunch Set - Reusable Bag
Party Set - Reusable Bag
$.25 Wallet - Reusable Bag
DIY Jewelry Organizer - Reusable Bag
Pillow Sham - Reusable Bag

Have a Happy and Creative Day!

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Apron {tutorial}

Whew... it has been a busy week! But, I am here with the promised apron tutorial. As I mentioned in my last post, I made this apron really fast, and really last minute. Luckily, I snapped a few photos, and made a few notes. Hopefully this tut will make sense :)

Go, look in your fabric closet, and get out whatever you have! That's what I did.

This apron is really open to make whatever size you want. I was making this for a child, so I held the fabric up to my daughter, and eyeballed it :)

I had one yard. A yard is 36 inches. Standard size for most fabric is 45 inches.
This fabric was folded in half.

I just figured I would use 22 1/2 inches for the width. I like to make things easy :) I ended up using about 1/4th of the piece of fabric total.

Here is what I did:

Cut one 15x22 1/2 inch section of fabric.
Cut 10x22 1/2 inch section off that for the body of the apron.
Turn in and press the sides and bottom of the fabric, leaving the top unfinished.

Cut the waist band down to 5x15 inches.
Press in half, long way, then turn and press all four sides.
Top stitch both of the short sides. Leave the long sides alone.

Cut the pocket out in whatever size you want with the left over fabric.
Add ribbon if you want.
Turn and press all sides.
Pin in place, and top stitch onto apron front.

Pin the sides of the apron fabric to the sides of the waist band,
and pin in the center.
You will have excess bunchy fabric that you can make pleats out of.
You can play with it, and eyeball it until you have them lined up perfectly.
You can pin and unpin as needed.

Once everything is pinned in place,
stitch over the pleats, and remove the pins.

Put the ribbon in place, towards the top of the waist band.
Fold the waist band over, and top stitch over the pleats.
The ribbon will be able to move.
If you don't prefer it to be that way...
go ahead and sew it in place on each side,
or wherever you want.

I forgot to take a picture of the hem ,
but you can add lace and/or ribbon at any point in the process.
Just make sure to turn the edges over twice in the back,
so it looks finished.
Enjoy your new apron!

Have a Happy and Creative Day!


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