My cute teenage daughter started talking about having a flamingo party, snd showing me pins. She wanted to have a couple girls over, and do flamingo themed crafts, and play a flamingo themed games. There are lots of Flamingo themed parties out there that are beautifully styled. If you have been with me for long, you know I love a pretty party as much as the next girl, but I am all about party activities. Pretty parties are fun, and a beautiful atmosphere makes the party all that much better. The games and activities are what makes the party memorable. That being said, I still like a pretty backdrop for my parties!
My Teen Flamingo Party atmosphere was beautiful! We had a display of the games and activities for the night inside the house, in our family room.
The tropical banner is a show stopper! I made the large leaves with butcher paper from the craft store. You can fold it to the size you like, and cut them out, the way you do a paper heart. I like doing this, because the fold makes them look more real. I cut out 6 at a time. It actually went pretty fast!
I made the small leaves using my Cricut. The layering of the smaller leaves in different colors, is what really makes it pop! I pulled pictures of actual leaves from google images into my Cricut, and cut them out very easily! It was so easy, I almost felt guilty! I stapled the whole thing together, to a thick piece of yarn. It's so pretty. I plan to use it for other parties as well.

I pulled plants from my front room, and small tables from around my house into the display. I stuck different sized flamingos into the plants.
The marquee board is cute right? I made it for around $15, including the interghangeable letters. The tutorial is coming!
I am going to share the teen flamingo party activities in the bottom of this post, but had to share the pretty decor first!
I had the rest of the teen flamingo party crafts and activities set up on the coffee table in my family room. I had planned to set it all up outside, but it was so very hot, and I thought it looked pretty cute in there, so I decided to leave it.
The girls checked everything out when they got here, and It was fun to have it all sitting out on display so they were able to know what was coming during the party!
The dinner setup was outside, and it was lovely!
I used additional leaves that I cut from butcher paper, over a vinyl lace tablecloth.
I felt like the color scheme really needed blue.
view was so pretty, no matter the angle! The cute girls were so excited when they saw it!
I stuck small flamingos in plants from my home, and in a thrifted leaf bowl topped with white sand.
I made a place-card for each guest out of disposable gold ashtrays, white sand and rocks, a piece of moss, and a small flamingo game piece. The girls died over this!
Personal touches are always a must wherever possible!
Notice the little pink flamingo ice cubes?
The beautiful gold dishes really make the party feel fancy!
I love that vinyl lace tablecloth. Its so pretty, and perfect for outside. I cut a hole in the center of it for when we use our umbrella.
The setup was perfect!
We had Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner. These are always a crowd pleaser, because they are totally customizable for most teenagers.
Aren't these just the cutest girls?
The great thing about teenage girls is they are so chatty. I didn't have to do any entertaining.
They each put a cute flamingo pick on the top of their plate of food.
After dinner, it was time for games!
We started with this cute game where the girls got to wear flamingo glasses. They each drew a name of a person at the party out of a bowl, and had to draw a picture of that person, and put the picture they drew in the frame.
All the girls had to guess who was in the hand drawn picture. They then got to keep the picture of themselves, drawn by a friend.
This was the game I was a little worried about, but they actually really liked it! It was a fun game. The pictures were cute! We played it first, so we could give them their glasses.
Then pictures back at the main party display, because those glasses are seriously SO CUTE!
Good lil' posers!
Next, they made flamingo bracelets.
These were easy to make. the girls bent one end of the wire into a circle to make it so the beads wouldn't fall off. They then strung the beads on, and then the flamingo charm was strung on the wire, and the wire bent to hold it on the end. They are made with memory wire, and totally in style right now. The girls loved them!
Next was Flamingo Bingo. We really like to say it! Flamingo Bingo! Flamingo Bingo!
This game was so fun, because it was customizable. The girls filled out the cards with the names of 5 friends, 5 crushes, 5 summer activities, 5 favorite summer foods, 5 favorite songs, and wrote them on the grid as well. We cut the grid apart, and the drew the squares out of a bowl to play the game. The girls had a great time hearing what each other wrote about crushes ,and favorite songs, etc.
I loved the little tiny flamingo bird playing pieces!
They each got to pick flamingo themed prizes that I picked up at Michael's.
Next we played Flamingo Croquet! This was a blast!
The goal was to hit the balls under the flamingo legs. I had cards next to each flamingo stating the way to hit the ball like, "Swing while standing on one leg."
This game was really fun! The girls had a blast, and it was also very interactive.
I purchased a cornhole set, that was pretty unattractive, and circus themed. I ended up painting it to match the party.
The game came with red and blue beanbags, and I made pocket folded covers for them out of tropical fabric. They were much more cute, and this glasses, cutest?!?
After the outside games, the girls came in for Orange Julius, and the last craft.
They, of course, had a flamingo straw, and flamingo stirrer!
The last craft was the one the girls were the most excited about! They each got to make a Flamingo Terrarium! I packaged them each in their own box, and it looked like a store bought kit!
The girls were so cute with each of these activities! They would get out their phones, and take pictures of everything! It was the cutest!
We all loaded our photos to the cloud. These are a few of their photos of the terrarium process. I have not edited any of them.
They LOVED these so much! One girl could barely stop looking at hers!
I think they they loved that these were grown up crafts. They were all talking about how they were going to put them in their bedrooms at home.
The night ended with a trip to the pool, and giving each girl a blow up flamingo float. As the girls were gathering their things, they were so cute! Some took everything with them, from the things they had made, to the name cards, mini flamingo, and sand! It made me happy to see how much they loved it all! This was a very rewarding party for me, because they were so appreciative, and seemed to genuinely LOVE everything!
I am already looking forward to the next party!
(Afflilate Links - If you click on my links, and happen to buy anything, I get a little monetary credit, and it makes it worth my time to blog!)
Pink Eyelash Glasses - I got mine at Zurchers
Pink Picture Frames - I got mine from the dollar bin at Michael's.
Good news is, I am going to offer all the printables I created for this party in my Etsy Shop! I am thrilled about this, and will be back with details soon!
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a Happy and Creative Day!