Another reason my small town rocks! Last week we went and enjoyed the annual free day at the Buffalo Bill Museum... it was Buffalo Bill's Birthday Celebration. It was a fine celebration with free entrance, snacks, entertainment, and the ability to go view everything the museum has to offer. There is a lot to learn in this little museum! The kids always enjoy going on the boat and seeing the "old" or should I say "olden days" like my kids. While we were there this older lady was playing an older type of harp and she gave us a giggle. She asked my kids name but instead of hearing their names correctly she heard Sarah and Tyler. So my very polite children just went with the new names as she sang a song using their new names. It was humorous but made me happy that they didn't make it a big deal to a nice elderly lady. It did make for a good laugh later!
Praises of a Wife and Mommy was created for mom's like me. I like to share secrets, parenting advice, deals, the many arts and crafts that we do at our at home preschool, and most importantly share my faith. My many roles go beyond mom they also include, preschool teacher, Children's church teacher, youth pastor, wife, and one role I love Christ follower. Praises of a Wife and Mommy started small but is cotinuing to grow. I love to review products and hold giveaways. .