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Showing posts with the label Chicago Boyz

Farmer's Market turns super fun today! :)

We picked a great day to head down to the farmers market.  There was a free show and they had the Chicago Boys Acrobatic team and they were really fun and awesome!!!  :)  They did crazy flips, jumps, and some neat things with jump ropes.  They were really awesome at getting the crowd going and overall put on a great show.  I love when our city offers free things like this that are family friendly.  I spoiled my daughter while we were down there too.  We shared some frozen ice, egg rolls, and then even went and had ice cream at one of the little shops.  :)  It was a beautiful sunshiney day and I truly enjoyed spending it with my kids.  My hubby was even able to surprise us for a few minutes while he was eating his lunch.  :) Here are a few photos that I got off my phone (not the best).  I also included a youtube video of the Chicago boyz.  :) Crazy jump roping...he had some skills! Yes, this guy just flipp...