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Showing posts with the label Friday 5 questions

5 Questions Friday

1.  Do you have siblings and are you close with them?     I have a brother who is 10 years older then me and we were not close growing up but we are very close now.  I have a sister who is 5 years older then me and after way to long (about 6 years) God has restored our relationship.  I LOVE THEM!!   2. Would you rather be slightly UNDER weight or slightly OVER weight?    Under weight.  I just had a baby and am still trying to lose more weight.  I feel so self  conscious  about everything I wear.   I want to lose 15 pounds.  :)  3.  What's your favorite State Fair food to splurge on?    ALL OF IT!  Cheese curds, cotton candy, mini donuts 4.  What are your thoughts on your kid(s) going to school in a few weeks?    My daughter will be doing preschool with me!  :)  5. Pool or Ocean? is so beautiful!  Both are fun though and my lil girl lo...

5 Questions Friday

1.  Do you think cursive writing is overrated? (Schools in Indiana have now  voted to take teaching cursive writing out of their curriculum.) Here in Wisconsin they are taking it out of curriculum too...well not sure if it is a for sure thing yet.  With technology we dont have to write much but when I do write I do use a combination of both print and cursive.  I thought it was so cool to learn how to write in cursive.  I don't want kids to never learn it...  :*( 2.  Do you still use a pocket calendar or notepad or do you keep your info on your smart phone? I have started to transition to my smart phone but now most events I have going on now have the event on facebook so I know its coming.  lol 3.  What 3 things would you save if your house was burning down? (family & pets are already safe) I dont think I could think straight to grab anything, but I would try to grab my daughters blankie, my computer, and a blanket my mom gave me (it ...

Five Question Friday

1.  What is your favorite sign of spring?      I love seeing the snow disappearing but also hearing the birds! 2. W hat was your best birthday ever?     I think my best birthday was in 2007 when I was pregnant with my daughter and it was a beautiful day and we walked and went to many cute shops in a fun town. 3.  What is your favorite dessert?     ICE CREAM!   4.  What is the best excuse you've ever used to get out of a ticket?     I never had to give an excuse... one time it was my bday and I got pulled over but just got a warning.  5.  Do you wake up before your alarm, with your alarm, or after hitting snooze several times?     My daughter is my alarm!  

5 Questions Friday

1. Have you ever testified in court? For what?     I have been subpoenaed, but then they called and cancelled my appearance.  2. Do you still have your wedding dress?     It is at my dad's. 3. Is there a special place you like to go when you're happy, sad, stressed, etc.?     hmmm... the bathtub 4. If you have kids, do they sleep with you? If you don't have kids...will you let your kids sleep with you when/if you have them?     I will let my daughter come cuddle in bed with me when she wakes up in the morning but not sleep the whole night with us.  5.  Do you watch late night TV?     nope

Friday 5 Questions

1.  Can you drive a stick shift? No!  I have learned before but currently would stall all the time.  2.  What are two foods you just can't eat? Sour kraut, Black licorice  3.  Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? What is your favorite kind? I will if someone comes to my house... so far no one has stopped by.  I love thin mints and somoas.  4.  How do you pamper yourself? Today I had an hour long maternity massage... that was the first time.  At home I take a bubble bath and read a book.   5.  What is your nickname and how did you get it? Shorty cause I am short