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Showing posts with the label Running

Eldridge Moonlight Chase 2018

I am totally going to brag on my family!  I am just so proud of each of them!  They rocked this race!   Titus is holding his medal after running a mile in 7:30!   That is faster than me already- he is only 7 years old!   This lady right here BEAT her daddy running a four mile race!   This was her third time doing this race.  Three years ago she ran it in 36 minutes, last year 34, and this year 33:09!!!   She is only 10 years old and ran four miles in 33 minutes!!   That is a 8:18 pace!!!  No way can I keep up with this girl and neither can her dad as he came about 45 seconds later.   Selah said she lost her dad about 2.5 miles in the race.   :)  I am so proud of her! 

Super Hero Run!

Today was the Fantastic 5K run/walk and kids races.  It was a themed event- can you guess?  Superheroes!  :)  I had an awesome vision in my head of what the hubby and I could go as but sadly my husband was out of town on work meetings and the cost was $25 per person.  A bit to high for our budget.  The kids run was free so that was a blessing.   My  kids have had these super hero costumes since they were clearanced off last year after Halloween. Happily they are getting great use out of them.  My daughter had to wear hers for an AWANA Night last spring.  I also had the kids pictures taken in them for a birthday present for the hubby.  :)  I had fun cheering on my lil loves!  I had Selah start when they did the count down and then put Titus down to try to chase her.  :)  He did.  He fell behind but he had fun.  They each got a blue ribbon and felt accomplished.  :)   They also w...

First 5K Run

So I did it!!!!!!!  I ran and finished my first 5K race!  I set a goal to run it under 30 minutes and I smashed my goal!  :)  I ran it in 28:29!  I had some doubt in the race about finished in under 30 minutes.  I did not train much and running outside is much different then inside.  I tried to find a person to trail behind with a good pace but at first it was tough everyone seemed to be running at a faster  pace then I was used too.  The course was not terribly difficult but it was humid out and there was a slow incline as we headed out on a country road with no shade.  Then once we got half way the wind started to hit us.  It felt good to have a cool breeze but I felt I was slowing down.  Overall my mind was doubting but my heart was cheering "go go go."   :)  I am sure I can beat that time next time too!  :) :)  Not only was I pleased with my performance but my dad too!  It was a shocker to see him o...

Encouraging our Children in new interests!

On Memorial Day our family walked up the smaller mountain we have here in Wisconsin.  :)  It was a great family walk and fun picnic at the top of a beautiful view: As we started the hike back down we turned our walk to a run.  After we got half way down my daughter requested to run with us.  She impressed both my husband and myself.  She ran and ran and her coordination was great!!  :)  I was so thrilled!  She was running in sandals and a dress so I knew a shopping trip was in store for us to find running shoes and outfit for her!  3 hours of searching for the right shoes this is what we found: After we got home she immediately put it on.  We waited and waited for daddy to arrive home.  I absolutely enjoyed my husbands enthusiasm when he saw his daughter.  He was so encouraging and full of compliments.  :)  It melted my heart.... I love him so much, and I adore watching him being a daddy.  :)  ...