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Showing posts with the label Oobleck

Fizzy Sidewalk Chalk! Chalk idea #8

So I got this idea from Quirkymomma .  There are a lot of great ideas on her site so go check it out!  :)  Here is what you need to do Fizzing Sidewalk Chalk: A container of baking soda 1/2 cup of cornstarch Warm (almost hot) Water Food coloring Vinegar I went to my dollar store to pick up the cornstarch, baking soda, and a spray bottle and I already had food coloring.  :)  So this made for a very affordable afternoon of fun.   So in my container I mixed the baking soda, cornstarch and water and food coloring and stirred.  I was unsure of how the consistency was suppose to turn out and that was the difficulty I had.  I added a bit more water.  I think the stuff kinda was similar to oobleck which makes me want to make some of that soon too, but that made it difficult to really make any neat design with it.  After you get the stuff mixed then you put it out on the sidewalk and then use a spray bottle of vinegar to...