Showing posts with label About Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About Me. Show all posts
11 October 2022
Patrick Comerford, publications:
books, chapters, pamphlets
reports, reviews and features
Nine photographs (pp 7, 26, 36, 38, 38, 46, 47, 49, 49) in Co. Clare Visitor Guide, ed Sally Davies (Smarttraveller365), 64 pp.
One photograph (p 42) in County Kerry Visitor Guideed Sally Davies (Smarttraveller365), 76 pp.
Προλογος / Foreword, pp 5-8 in Panos Karagiorgos, Ελληνικα Δημοτικα Τραγουδια, Greek Folk Songs (Thessaloniki, Εκδοτικος Οικος Κ & Μ Σταμουλη, 2024, 203 pp ISBN: 978-960-656-200-6).
‘The Lamport Crucifix’, in: Catriona Finlayson (ed), 50 Years of the Lamport Hall Preservation Trust (Lamport, Northamptonshire, 2024, 100 pp), pp 54-57, with photographs
‘Bourke’s House’, in: Denis O’Shaughnessy (ed), The Story of Athlunkard Street, 1824-2024 (Limerick, 2024, 206 pp), pp 10-13.
‘Foreword’ (pp iv-v) and photograph (p 181) in: Rod Smith, Clancarty – the high times and humble of a noble Irish family (Tauranga, New Zealand: Eyeglass Press, 2024, xviii + 341 pp, ISBN 978-0-473-70863-4)
Patrick Comerford and Sarah Friedman, Milton Keynes & District Reform Synagogue: an introduction (6 pp pamphlet, with six photographs, Milton Keynes, 17 November 2024)
‘Did St Patrick Bring Christianity to Ireland’, Conversations (Dublin: Dominican Publications, ed Bernard Treacy), Vol 1 No 2, March/April 2024, pp 77-80, ISSN 2990-8388.
Book Review: Towards a Theology of Liturgy: A Collection of Essays on West Syrian Liturgical Theology, Fr Dr KM Koshy Vaidyan, Kottayam: Mashikkoottu, 2023, 232 pp, ISBN 978-81-966011-5-7, in The Journal of Malankara Orthodox Theological Studies (Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kerala, India), Vol viii No 2 (July-December 2023), pp 113-115 (published February 2024).
‘Richard Rawle, the Vicar of Tamworth who became a Bishop in Trinidad’, Tamworth Heritage Magazine, Vol 2 No 1, Winter 2024 (January 2024), ed Chris Hills (ISSN 2753-4162 9772 7534 16209), pp 11-14 (with photographs)
‘William Wailes, stained glass artist’, Tamworth Heritage Magazine, Vol 2 No 1, Winter 2024 (January 2024), ed Chris Hills (ISSN 2753-4162 9772 7534 16209), pp 17-18 (with four photographs)
Photograph, ‘Forgiveness and love in the face of death and mass murder … a fading rose on the fence at Birkenau’, p 202 in Frank Callery, Ceangailte Tied Appendixes of Pain (Kilkenny: O’Mega Publications), 250 pp, forthcoming poetry collection
Photograph (Bryce House, February 2025) in ‘Garnish Island Calendar 2025’ (produced by Deirdre Goyvaerts for Scoil Fhiachna National School, Glengarriff, Co Cork, 2024)
Photograph, ‘The Liberties College’, illustrating feature by Mary Phelan in The Liberty (local newspaper, Dublin), 2 November 2024.
‘The Sephardic family roots and heritage of John Desmond Bernal, Limerick scientist’, pp 60-66 in The Old Limerick Journal, ed Tom Donovan (Limerick: Limerick Museum, ISBN: 9781916294394, 72 pp), No 58, Winter 2023, with nine photographs, 1 December 2023.
‘Church-goers in Limerick During War and Revolution’, Chapter 6, pp 83-89, in Histories of Protestant Limerick, 1912-1923, ed Seán William Gannon and Brian Hughes (Limerick: Limerick City & County Council, 2023, ISBN 978-1-999-6911-6, 132 pp); with three photographs, pp 70-71.
‘The ‘Wexford Carol’ and the mystery surrounding some old and popular Christmas carols’, pp 72-77 in Christmas and the Irish: a miscellany, ed Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Wordwell Books, 2023, ISBN: 978-1-913934-93-4, 403 pp, €25), with photograph on p 71.
‘Molly Bloom’s Christmas Card: where Joycean fiction meets a real-life family’ is published in Christmas and the Irish: a miscellany, ed Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Wordwell Books, 2023, ISBN: 978-1-913934-93-4, 403 pp, €25), pp 151-155, including a photograph on p 155.
‘‘We Three Kings of Orient are’: an Epiphany carol with Irish links’, pp 103-107 in Christmas and the Irish: a miscellany, ed Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Wordwell Books, 2023, ISBN: 978-1-913934-93-4, 403 pp, €25).
<< Ο Sir Richard Church και οι Ιρλανδοι Φιλελληνες στον Πολεμο των Ελληνων για την Ανεξαρτησια >>, pp 53-75, in Πανος Καραγιώργος και Patrick Comerford, Ο Φιλελληνισμος και η Ελληνικη Επανασταση του 1821 (Θεσσαλονικη: Εκδοτικος Οικος Κ κ Σταμουλη, 2023, 78 pp), ISBN: 978-960-656-115-9.
Who is Our Neighbour? (London: USPG, 2023, ISBN: 2631-4995, 48 pp), editor and Introduction, pp 5-6; a six-session study course for Lent 2023.
Photograph (p 137) in: Jack Kavanagh, Always Ireland, An Insider’s Tour of the Emerald Isle (Washington DC: National Geographic, 2023), 336 pp, hb, ISBN 978-1-4262-2216-0, $35 in the US (March 2023).
Cover photograph: Tim Vivian, A Doorway into Thanks: Further Reflections on Scripture (Austin Macauley Publishers, London, Cambridge, New York, Sharjah), ISBN: 9781685620004, $14.95 in the US (April 2023)
Three photographs (pp 78, 165, 355) in: Hellgard Leckebusch, Singing our Song, the Memoirs of Hellgard Leckebusch (1944-2023), eds, Silke Püttmann and Kenneth Ferguson (Mettmann, NRW, Germany: Silke Püttmann, May 2023, e-book).
‘Barbara Heck and Philip Embury: Founders of American Methodism’, pp 109-111, in David Bracken, ed, Of Limerick Saints and Sinners (Dublin: Veritas, 2022, ISBN: 9781800970311), 266 pp.
‘Mother Mary Whitty: Sign of the Cross in Korea’, pp 213-215, in David Bracken, ed, Of Limerick Saints and Sinners (Dublin: Veritas, 2022, ISBN: 9781800970311, 266 pp).
‘Lichfield’s Hidden Writers’ (with Jono Oates), CityLife in Lichfield, August 2022, p 34.
‘For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church’ Studies in Christian Ethics, 35 (2), May 2022 (SAGE: Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC, Melbourne, ISBN 0953-9468), pp 342-359.
‘Saint Patrick: the myths, the legends and his relevance to Ireland today,’ Reality (Redemptorist Communications), March 2022 (Vol 88 No 2 ISSN 0034-0960), pp 12-16.
‘Study 4: Celtic Spirituality: A View from the Church of Ireland’, Living Stones, Living Hope, USPG Lent Study Course 2022 (London: USPG, 2022, ISBN: 2631-4995), pp 29-34.
Book Review: Fifty Catholic Churches to See Before You Die. By Elena Curti. Leominster: Gracewing, 2000. Pp 280. Price £14.99 (pbk). ISBN 978-0-85244-962-2, in The Irish Theological Quarterly (Pontifical University Maynooth), Vol 87 No 1 (February 2022), pp 78-80.
‘The Meade dynasty in Victorian Dublin and their family roots in Kilbreedy, Co Limerick’, pp 30-32 in ABC News (2021), annual magazine of Askeaton/Ballysteen Community Council Muinitir na Tíre, ed Geraldine O’Brien and Teresa Wallace.
‘Returning to a place of spiritual sanctuary in the chapel of Saint John’s Hospital, Lichfield’ Koinonia (Kansas City MO, December 2021), pp 22-25.
‘Albert Grant, the Victorian Fraudster Born in Poverty in Dublin’ (Chapter 23, pp 104-107), Birth and the Irish: a miscellany, Salvador Ryan, ed (Dublin: Wordwell Books, 2021, 288 pp, ISBN: 978-1-913934-61-3).
‘Six Boys from Ballaghadereen with the Same Parents … but who was Born the Legitimate Heir?’ (Chapter 32, pp 144-148), Birth and the Irish: a miscellany, Salvador Ryan, ed (Dublin: Wordwell Books, 2021, 288 pp, ISBN: 978-1-913934-61-3).
‘A Reflection on the Crises in Afghanistan following the Fall of Kabul’, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review (Vol 110, No 440, Winter 2021, pp 458-469).
Book Review: The Churchwardens’ Accounts of the Parishes of St Bride, St Michael Le Pole and St Stephen, Dublin, 1663-1702. Edited by WJR Wallace. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2020. Pp. 208. Price €50.00 (hbk). ISBN 978-1-84682-835-5, in The Irish Theological Quarterly, (Pontifical University Maynooth) Vol 86 No 2 (May 2021), pp 213-215.
Photographs in: Michael Christopher Keane, The Crosbies of Cork, Kerry, Laois and Leinster (2021, viii + 321 pp), ISBN: 9781527297418.
Photograph, illustrating Dr Dani Scarratt and Alison Woof, ‘Coming to our senses’ (pp 21-27), Case Quarterly No 60 (2021), pp 21-27 (Centre for Christian Apologetics, Scholarship and Education, New College, University of New South Wales, Sydney).
Photograph: Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick, cover photograph, Old Limerick Journal (No 56, Winter 2021), ed Tom Donovan, published by the Limerick Museum.
‘The banking heir who claimed a title and whose father was Vicar of Askeaton’, ABC News 2020, annual magazine of the Askeaton/Ballysteen Community Council Muintir na Tíre (Askeaton, December 2020), pp 72-74.
‘Saint Mary’s, The Parish Church that Looks Like Part of the College’, We Remember Maynooth: A College across Four Centuries, eds Salvador Ryan and John-Paul Sheridan (Dublin: Messenger Publishing, 2020, 512 pp), ISBN 9781788122634, pp 36-38.
‘A Day in the Sun in mid-November 1987 with RTÉ and the Cardinal’, We Remember Maynooth: A College across Four Centuries, eds Salvador Ryan and John-Paul Sheridan (Dublin: Messenger Publishing, 2020, 512 pp), ISBN 9781788122634, pp 366-370.
Book Review, The Lost Art of Scripture: Rescuing the Sacred Texts, Karen Armstrong, London: The Bodley Head, 2019, pp 549 pp, £25, ISBN 978-1-847-92431-5, in Search, A Church of Ireland Journal, Vol 43, No 3 Autumn 2020 (October 2020), pp 231-232.
Book Review, Irish Theological Quarterly, Vol 85, No 3 (Pontifical University Maynooth, August 2020), pp 323-325: Irish Anglicanism, 1969-2009: Essays to mark the 150th anniversary of the Disestablishment of the Church of Ireland, Edited by Kenneth Milne and Paul Harron. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2019. Pp. 304. Price €35.00 (hbk). ISBN 978-1-84682-819-5.
‘Are ‘conservative evangelicals’ really conservative and evangelical?’ Search, a Church of Ireland journal, Vol 43 No 1 (Spring 2020), pp 5-13.
‘Chichester Phillips: the MP for Askeaton who gave Ireland its first Jewish Cemetery’, ABC News 2019 (pp 61-63), the annual magazine of Askeaton/Ballysteen Community Council Muintir na Tíre (December 2019)
‘Wellington: the Irish hero at Waterloo who introduced Catholic Emancipation’, Hugh Baker and John McCullen (eds), Drogheda Grammar School, 1669-2019 (Drogheda: Drogheda Grammar School, 2019, xii + 236 pp), pp 31-37.
‘John Leslie, the ‘oldest bishop in Christendom’, Chapter 15, pp 50-52, Salvador Ryan (ed), Marriage and the Irish (Dublin: Wordwell, 2019).
‘Four Victorian weddings and a funeral’ Chapter 47, pp 163-165, Salvador Ryan (ed), Marriage and the Irish (Dublin: Wordwell, 2019).
Book Review, The Future of Religious Minorities in the Middle East, John Eibner (ed), Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2018, pp 276. ISBN 978-14985-6196-9, in Search: A Church of Ireland Journal Vol 42.2, Summer 2019 (June 2019), pp 151-152.
‘Once in Royal David’s City’: celebrating two anniversaries of a favourite Christmas carol’ Reality Vol 83, No 10 (December 2018), (Dublin: Redemptorist Communications, ed Brendan McConvery CSsR) pp 24-27.
‘A curious link between Askeaton and a plot to kill two kings,’ in ABC News 2018 (December 2018), the annual magazine of Askeaton/Ballysteen Community Council Munitir na Tíre, pp 14-15.
‘Introduction,’ in Robert Wyse Jackson, Life in the Church of Ireland, 1600-1800, ed John Wyse Jackson (Whitegate, Co Clare: Ballinakella Press, 2018), 256 pp, ISBN 10: 0946538557 ISBN 13: 9780946538553.
‘Pilgrimage visit to Lichfield Cathedral’, Koinonia, Vol 11, No 36, Trinity I (Kansas City, Missouri, July 2018), pp 20-23.
‘F.J.A. Hort (1828–92), the Dublin-born member of the Cambridge triumvirate and translating the Revised Version of the Bible’, Salvador Ryan and Liam M Tracey (eds), The Cultural Reception of the Bible: explorations in theology, literature and the arts (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-84682-725-9), pp 189-198.
‘Preaching and Celebrating, Word and Sacrament: Inseparable Signs of the Church’, pp 77-90, in Perspectives on Preaching: A Witness of the Irish Church, ed Maurice Elliott, Patrick McGlinchey (Dublin: Church of Ireland Publishing, 2018), 242 pp.
Book reviews: Jesus: A Very Brief History, Helen K Bond, London, SPCK, 2017, pp 88, ISBN 9780281075997; Thomas Aquinas: A Very Brief History, Brian Davies, London, SPCK, 2017, pp 137, ISBN 9780281076116; Florence Nightingale: A Very Brief History, Lynn McDonald, London, SPCK, 2017, pp 127, ISBN 9780281076451; in Search, A Church of Ireland Journal, Vol 40.3, Autumn 2017 (October 2017), pp 234-236.
‘To praise eternity in time and place … searching for a spirituality of place’, Ruach No 4 (Michaelmas 2017, Weeford, ed Revd Dr Jason Philips, Ms Lynne Mills), pp 50-56.
‘Marking the Reformation: 500 years on – an Irish Anglican perspective’, in the Methodist Newsletter, Vol 45, No 487 (Senior Editor, Lynda Neilands; Editor, Peter Mercer), June 2017, pp 24-25.
‘Going to the movies with Harry Potter and Noah’, Ruach No 3 (Trinity 2017, Weeford, ed Revd Dr Jason Philips, Ms Lynne Mills) pp 28-31.
‘Thomas Cranmer: the Cambridge reformer who shaped the Anglican Reformation’, Reality, May 2017, pp 38-40 (Dublin: Redemptorist Communications), ed Brendan McConvery CSsR.
‘In the Harrowing of Hell, Christ reaches down and lifts us up with him in his Risen Glory’, Koinonia (Kansas City MO) vol 10 no 33, Easter 2017 (April 2017), pp 10-13.
‘Abide with me’: the funeral hymn of a former curate in Co Wexford, Chapter 28 in Death and the Irish: a miscellany, ed Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Wordwell, 2016, ISBN-13 978-0993351822), pp 108-111.
‘Bringing the bodies home: JJ Murphy and the ‘Pickled Earl’,’ Chapter 40 in Death and the Irish: a miscellany, ed Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Wordwell, 2016, ISBN-13 978-0993351822), pp 151-154.
‘500 years after Wittenberg, what was Luther’s impact on the Anglican Reformation?’ Koinonia (Kansas MO), Vol 10, No 32 (December 2016), pp 12-16.
‘The Orthodox Church as experienced by an Anglican visitor to Greece,’ Search: A Church of Ireland journal, Vol 39.3 (Autumn 2016), pp 210-218.
Book review: Ethics at the Beginning of Life, A phenomenological critique, James Mumford, Oxford: Oxford University Press (Oxford Studies in Theological Ethics series) 2015. 212 pages. ISBN 978-0-19874505-1; in Search, A Church of Ireland Journal, Vol 39.3, Autumn 2016 (October 2016), pp 233-235.
Photograph in: Mairéad Carew, Tara, The Guidebook (Dublin: Discovery Programme, Royal Irish Academy, 2016), p 88.
‘John Alcock’ in David Wallington (ed), Friends of Lichfield Cathedral, 79th Annual Report (Lichfield, 2016), pp 28-31.
‘O Come All Ye Faithful – the Christmas carol with forgotten links with Lichfield Cathedral’, in David Wallington (ed), Friends of Lichfield Cathedral, 79th Annual Report (Lichfield, 2016), pp 42-48.
‘Samuel Johnson: a literary giant and a pious Anglican layman’, Koinonia, vol 9 no 30, Lent/Easter 2016 (March 2016), pp 22-26.
Book Review: The God We Worship, an exploration of liturgical theology, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2015, pb, xi + 192 pp, ISBN: 978-0-8028-7249-4, in Search, A Church of Ireland Journal Vol 39.1, Spring 2016 (March 2016), pp 68-69.
‘The Eucharist or Holy Communion in the Church of Ireland and Anglicanism’, Reality Vol 81, No 1, January/February 2016, pp 14-17 (Dublin: Redemptorist Communications), ed Brendan McConvery CSsR.
Photograph in: Peaks Postings, vol 10, issue 1, the magazine of the Presbytery of the Peaks, Virginia (January 2016).
‘Why are faith groups so concerned about civil legislation?’, pp 48-50 in Yes We Do, ed Denis Staunton (ebook, Dublin: Irish Times Books, 2015)
‘O come, all ye faithful’: the story of the most popular Christmas carol, Koinonia, Vol 9 No 29, Advent/Christmas 2015 (Kansas City MO, December 2015), pp 24-27.
‘Henry Bate Dudley (1745-1824): the ‘fighting parson’ who retained an affection for his County Wexford parish’, Journal of the Wexford Historical Society, No 25, 2014-2015 (Wexford, 2015), pp 44-62.
Photograph in: Professor M Harunur Rashid, Cambridge: Look Back in Love (Dhaka, Bangladesh: MetaKave Publications, 2015).
Hooker’s understanding of justification – finding the Anglican ‘middle way’, Koinonia, vol 8, no 28, Trinity I and II 2015 (Kansas City MO, September 2015), pp 5-7.
‘Why are faith groups so concerned about civil legislation?’ pp 48-50 in Yes We Do, ed Denis Staunton (Dublin: Irish Times Books, 2015, eBook).
‘Richard Church (1784-1873): An Irish Anglican in the Greek Struggle for Independence’ Treasures of Ireland, Vol III, To the Ends of the Earth, Salvador Ryan (ed), (Dublin: Veritas, 2015), pp 117-120.
‘The Dublin Family Who Became Missionary Martyrs in China,’ Treasures of Ireland, Vol III, To the Ends of the Earth, Salvador Ryan (ed), (Dublin: Veritas, 2015), pp 142-145.
‘Introducing Spirituality and Cinema … Who are these like stars appearing?’ Koinonia, Lent/Easter 2015, Vol 8, No 27 (Kansas City MO, April 2015), pp 14-18.
‘I do not like thee, Doctor Fell … but you are a child of Lichfield Cathedral,’ Friends of Lichfield Cathedral, 78th Annual Report, 2015 (ed, David Wallington), pp 42-47.
‘Half a century after his death, TS Eliot remains the greatest Anglo-Catholic poet’, Koinonia, Christmas/Epiphany 2014-2015, Vol 8, No 27 (Kansas City MO, December 2014), pp 13-17.
‘Seeing ‘the glory of the Lord’ in Kempe’s carvings on the triptych in the Lady Chapel’, Spring Edition of Three Spires (Lichfield) and Friends of Lichfield Cathedral, 77th Annual Report, 2014 (ed, David Wallington), pp 31-36.
‘Mid-Lent is passed and Easter’s near, The greatest day of all the year’ … John Betjeman, an Anglo-Catholic Poet, Koinonia, Vol 7, No 25, Lent/Easter 2014 (Kansas City MO, April 2014), pp 12-16.
‘A one-name study that disentangles myths about the origins of the Comerford family’, Ireland Region Newsletter, Guild of One-Name Studies, pp 1-5, April 2014.
Book review: The Lion’s World: a journey into the heart of Narnia, Rowan Williams, London, SPCK, 2012, xiii + 152 pp, paperback, £8.99, ISBN 978-0-281-06895-1; in Search, A Church of Ireland Journal Vol 37, No 1, Spring 2014 (March 2014), pp 71-72.
‘The corner kiosk: An essential part of the Greek way of life,’ Neos Kosmos / Νέος Κόσμος (Melbourne, 3 January 2014).
‘Josiah Hort (1674?-1751), Bishop of Ferns: ‘A Rake, a Bully, a Pimp, or Spy’ and ‘Bp Judas’,’ Journal of the Wexford Historical Society, No 24, 2012-2013 (Wexford, 2013), pp 94-114, ISSN 0790-1828.
‘An Anglican apologist and a literary giant: recalling CS Lewis 50 years after his death’, Koinonia, vol 7 No 24, Christmas, 2013 (Kansas, Missouri, December 2013), pp 5-9.
‘The Centenary of the Anglican Church, Bucharest: 1913-2013’, Romanian Studies (Bucharest: Centre for Romanian Studies, 10 December 2013),
‘Crete’s icon writers: a living tradition offering new opportunities for mission’ Koinonia, vol 7 No 24, (Christmas 2013 (Kansas, Missouri, December 2013), pp 20-21.
‘Agia Irini: a newly-restored Byzantine monastery in Crete’, Koinonia vol 6 no 23, Trinity II, 2013 (Kansas, Missouri, October 2013), pp 12-13.
‘Comerford Monuments in Callan and the Search for a Family’s Origins’, Chapter 2 (pp 23-39) in Callan 800 (1207-2007) History & Heritage, Companion Volume, ed Joseph Kennedy (Callan: Callan Heritage Society), 2013.
‘Bale’s Books and Bedell’s Bible: Early Anglican Translations of Word and Liturgy into Irish’, Salvador Ryan and Brendan Leahy (eds), Treasures of Irish Christianity, Volume II, A People of the Word (Dublin: Veritas, 2013, ISBN 978–1–84730–431–5), pp 124-128.
‘Thou my high tower’: The Celtic Revival and Hymn Writers in the Church of Ireland,’ in Salvador Ryan and Brendan Leahy (eds), Treasures of Irish Christianity, Volume II, A People of the Word (Dublin: Veritas, 2013, ISBN 978–1–84730–431–5), pp 203-206.
'Deacons, the Diaconate and Diakonia: The Church of Ireland experience,’ pp 6-11 in ‘Companion Papers to Truly Called … Two’ (Edinburgh: Scottish Episcopal Church), April 2013.
‘Being an Anglican in a pluralist and suffering world’, Oscailt (Dublin, vol 9, no 3, March 2013), pp 2-7.
‘The Finest Expressions of Anglican Piety at its Best: Lent and Easter with George Herbert’, Koinonia, vol 6, no 21, Lent 2013 (Kansas, Missouri, March 2013), pp 14-18.
‘An Irish Anglican Response to Vatican II,’ Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, vol 101, no 404, Winter 2012/2013 (Dublin, February 2013), pp 441-448.
Photograph in: ‘Serbian Theological Seminarians in Great Britain: Cuddesdon Theological College 1917–1919: Appendices and Supplements I’, in Serbian Theology in the Twentieth Century: Research Problems and Results, vol 14, Proceedings of the Scientific Conference (PBF/FOT Belgrade, 24 May 2013), ed B Šijaković, Belgrade: Faculty of Orthodox Theology 2013, 52-127: 111.
Two photographs in: Maurice Curtis, Portobello (Dublin: The History Press, 2012), 128 pp, ISBN: 9781845887377, p. 25.
‘Anglo-Catholicism’, Koinonia, Vol 5, No 19, Trinity 2, 2012 (Kansas, Missouri, January 2012), p 3.
‘Finding hope in Greece in the midst of economic and financial crises’, Koinonia, Vol 5, No 19, Trinity 2, 2012 (Kansas, Missouri, January 2012), pp 3-6.
‘In Retrospect: Gonville Aubie ffrench-Beytagh’, Search, a Church of Ireland Journal, 35/1, Spring 2012 (February 2012), pp 47-54.
Book Review: The Works of Love: incarnation, ecology and poetry, John F Deane, Dublin, Columba Press, Paperback, 416 pp, €19.99 / £16.99, ISBN 9781856077095), in Search – a Church Ireland Journal Vol 35, No 1, Spring 2012 (February 2012), pp 63-65.
Book review: Letters from Abroad: The Grand Tour Correspondence of Richard Pococke & Jeremiah Milles, Vol. 1: Letters from the Continent (1733-1734), edited by Rachel Finnegan. Piltown, Co Kilkenny, Pococke Press, 2011. Pb, 336 pp, ISBN: 978-0-9569058-0-2), €18; in Astene Bulletin, Notes and Queries, No 50, Winter 2011-12 (London: Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East, February 2012).
‘Advent, a time of preparation for the coming of Christ’, Koinonia, Vol 5, No 13, Advent 2011 (Kansas, Missouri, December 2011), pp 3-6.
‘James Comerford (1817–1902): rediscovering a Wexford–born Victorian stuccodore’s art’, Journal of the Wexford Historical Society, No 23 (2011-2012), pp 4-32 (Wexford, November 2011).
‘The springtime of the Fast has dawned, the flower of repentance has begun to Open’, Koinonia, Vol 4, No 13, Lent 2011 (Kansas, Missouri, March 2011) pp 10-13.
Photographs of Saint Edan’s Cathedral, Ferns, Co Wexford, in: Madoc 24/1, illustrating René Broens, ‘Madoc in Madoc’ (pp 13-21); specialist journal on the Middle Ages, edited in Utrecht and published in Hilversum by Uitgeverij Verlorem.
‘Anglo–Catholicism: Relevant after 175 years?’, Koinonia, vol 4, No 12, Christmas 2010 (Kansas City, Missouri, December 2010), pp 13-23.
Photograph and text: ‘Memorial plaque to … Henry Wallop …’, Enniscorthy, A History, ed Colm Tóibín (Wexford: Wexford County Council Public Library Services, 2010, ISBN 978-0-9560574-7-1), pp 122-123.
‘Bishop Joseph Stock (ca 1740-1813) and the Clergy of the Diocese of Killala and Achonry during the 1798 Rising’, Victory or Glorious Defeat?: Biographies of Participants in the Great Rebellion of 1798 (Westport: Carrowbaun Press, Dublin: Original Writing, 2010, ISBN: 978–1–907179–75–4), pp 113-145.
‘Heroism and Zeal’: Pioneers of the Irish Christian Missions to China, China and the Irish (Mandarin translation, Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2010, ISBN 978–7–01–009194–5), pp 77-92.
Photographs in: René Broens, ‘Madoc in Madoc, Madoc 24/1 (Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verlorem, August 2010), pp 13-21, specialist journal on the Middle Ages.
A Romantic Myth? Kilcronaghan’s link to ‘Zorba the Greek’ (Tobermore: Kilcronaghan Community Association, in association with Magherafelt Arts Trust, January 2009), pamphlet.
‘Celebrating the Oxford Movement’, Chapter 1 (pp 7-34) in Celebrating the Oxford Movement (Belfast: Affirming Catholicism Ireland, 2009), ACI Occasional Papers 1.
Contributor to: Health Services Intercultural Guide: Responding to the needs of diverse religious communities and cultures in healthcare settings (Dublin: Health Service Executive, 2009, 226 pp, ISBN: 978-1-906218-21-8), April 2009.
Book Review (‘House of Gold’): St Paul’s Ephesus: Texts and Archaeology, by Jerome Murphy-O’Connor, Liturgical Press/Michael Glazier, 289 pp, $29.95, ISBN 978-0814652596, Dublin Review of Books, December 2008.
The Anglo–Catholic Movement: more relevant today than ever? (Dublin: Saint Bartholomew’s Parish, 2008), 24 pp pamphlet.
Reflections of the Bible in the Quran: a comparison of Scriptural Traditions in Christianity and Islam (Dublin: National Bible Society of Ireland, 2008), ISBN: 978 0 9548 6723. (Bedell–Boyle lecture series, Bedell-Boyle lecture in the Milltown Institute for Philosophy and Theology, Dublin, 2006).
‘Foreword’, Mainland Chinese Students and Immigrants and their Engagement with Christianity, Churches and Irish Society (Dublin: Agraphon Press for Dublin University Far Eastern Mission and China Education and Cultural Liaison Committee, 2008).
‘Matching prayer life and spirituality with temperament and personality’, Search 31/1 (January 2008), pp 37-45.
‘The Fifth Sunday of Epiphany’, A Year of Sermons at Saint Patrick’s Dublin, ed, Robert MacCarthy (Dublin: Typemasters, 2008), pp 19-22.
‘The Spirituality of Icons’, in Panhellenic Society of Iconographers and Dimitris Kolioussis, ed Richard Gordon (Derry: Gordonart Publications, 2008), exhibition catalogue, January 2008 (Exhibition catalogue, in collaboration with the Hellenic Foundation for Culture and Christ Church Cathedral Dublin).
Embracing Difference: The Church of Ireland in a Plural Society (Dublin: Church of Ireland Publishing, 2007), 88 pp, ISBN-10: 190488413X, ISBN-13: 978-1904884132.
(Anonymously): Guidelines for Interfaith Events and Dialogue, the Committee for Christian Unity and the Bishops of the Church of Ireland, 32 pp pamphlet (Dublin: Church of Ireland Publishing, 2007).
‘Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue: open door or distant object?’, Search 30/2 (Dublin, 2007) pp 141-152.
‘Prayer, spirituality and liturgy in the Orthodox tradition’, Affirming Catholicism Ireland Newsletter, Epiphany 2007 (January 2007).
‘Sir Richard Church and the Irish Philhellenes in the Greek War of Independence’, opening chapter in The Lure of Greece, eds JV Luce, C Morris, C Souyoudzoglou-Haywood (Dublin and Athens: Hinds/Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies, Athens, in association with the Department of Classics, TCD, 2007), pp 1-18.
‘The Hon Percy Jocelyn (1764–1843): Bishop of Ferns and the “most idle of all reverend idlers”,’ chapter in The Wexford Man: Essays in Honour of Nicky Furlong (ed Bernard Browne), festschrift to Nicky Furlong (Dublin: Geography Publications, 2007), pp 39-47.
From Mission to Independence: Four Irish bishops in China (Dublin and Shanghai: Dublin University Far Eastern Mission, 2006), 24 pp pamphlet.
‘Pastoral issues in Muslim-Christian relations’, Search 29/2 (Dublin, 2006), pp 152-157.
‘The Reconstruction of Theological Thinking – what are the implications for the Church in China?’, Search 29/1 (Dublin, 2006), pp 13-22.
(Anonymously) The Hand of History (Dublin and Belfast: CMS Ireland, 2006), study pack on Christian-Muslim dialogue.
‘Edmund Comerford (d. 1509) and William Comerford (ca 1486–1539): the last pre-Reformation Bishop of Ferns and his ‘nephew’, the Dean of Ossory’,Journal of the Wexford Historical Society, Vol 20 (Wexford, 2005), pp 156-172.
‘The Bishop of Meath and the Ratoath impostor: Thomas Lewis O’Beirne (1748–1823) and Laurence Hynes Halloran (1765–1831)’, Ríocht na Midhe, Journal of the Meath Archaeological and Historical Society, vol 16 (Navan, 2005), pp 69-82.
‘Cead Mile Failte to Repentance and Reconciliation’, chapter in Untold Stories: Protestants in the Republic of Ireland 1922–2002, eds C Murphy, L Adair (Dublin: Liffey Press, 2003).
‘Just war and jihad: whose holy war in Iraq?’, Search 26/2 (Dublin, 2003), pp 65-73.
‘The Fethard Boycott’, The Encyclopaedia of Ireland, ed Brian Lalor (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan / New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2003). Encyclopaedia entry on the Fethard-on-Sea boycott in Co Wexford.
‘A Schism or a Tradition? The Church of Ireland and the Nonjurors’, Search 25/2 (Dublin, 2002), pp 100-111.
‘An innovative people: the laity, 1780–1830’, chapter in The laity and the Church of Ireland, 1000–2000: All Sorts and Conditions, eds. R Gillespie, WG Neely (Dublin: Four Courts, 2002).
‘Understanding Islam – A Year after 11 September’, Doctrine and Life 52/2 (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2002), pp 396-404.
‘Vienna plays pivotal role in promoting dialogue with Islamic world’, Euro–Med dialogue between Cultures and Civilizations: the Role of the Media, eds E Brix, M Weiss (Vienna: Diplomatic Academy, Favorita Papers, special ed, 2002), pp 32-34.
‘A Brief History of Christianity’, Part 2 of Christianity, ed Patsy McGarry (Dublin: Veritas, 2001); co–authors Hans Küng, Desmond Tutu, Mary Robinson, &c.
‘Bishop Ricards and Dean Croghan: The contrasting tale of two Wexford missionaries in South Africa’, Journal of the Wexford Historical Society (Wexford, 2001), pp 21-44.
‘Pilgrimage to Patmos: Jerusalem of the Aegean and Mount Athos of the islands’, Spirituality 7/37 (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2001), pp 210-213.
‘Apartheid, Myth and Reality’, Tribute to Nelson Mandela, ed Louise Asmal (Dublin: IAAM, 2000), pp 11-13.
‘Defining Greek and Turk: Uncertainties in the Search for European and Muslim identities’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 13/2 (Cambridge: Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge, 2000), pp 240-253.
‘Genealogies, Myth-making, and Christmas, Doctrine and Life 50/11 (Dublin: Domincan Publications, 2000), pp 552–556.
‘Simon Butler and the forgotten role of the Church of Ireland during the 1798 Rising’, Journal of the Butler Society (Kilkenny, 2000), pp 271-279.
‘Edward Nangle (1799–1883): the Achill Missionary in a New Light’, Search 22/2 (Dublin, 1999), pp 123-136.
‘Edward Nangle (1799–1883): the Achill Missionary in a new light, Part II’, Cathar na Mairt, Journal of the Westport Historical Society, 19 (Westport, 1999), pp 8-22.
‘From India to Brazil: Nicholas Comerford, a seventeenth-century Kilkenny cartographer’, Old Kilkenny Review, Journal of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society (Kilkenny, 1999), pp 92-102.
‘Star Wars: new age theology or exploiting the children?’, Doctrine and Life 49/8 (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 1999), pp 494-498.
‘The other Christian traditions’, chapter in Memory & Mission: Christianity in Wexford 600 to 2000 AD, ed Walter Forde (Wexford: Diocese of Ferns, 1999).
‘1798: Learning from the Commemorations’, Doctrine and Life 48/7 (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 1998), pp 405-412.
‘Edward Nangle (1799-1883): the Achill Missionary in a New Light, Part I’, Cathar na Mairt, Journal of the Westport Historical Society, 18 (Westport, 1998), pp 21-29.
‘Not Forgive and Forget, but Remember and be Reconciled’, Chapter in From Heritage to Hope: Christian Perspectives on the 1798 Bicentenary, ed Walter Forde (Gorey: Byrne-Perry, 1998).
‘Remembering can unite’, chapter in From Heritage to Hope: Christian Perspectives on the 1798 Bicentenary, ed Walter Forde (Gorey: Byrne-Perry, 1998).
‘The Church of Ireland in County Kilkenny and the Diocese of Ossory during the 1798 rising’, Old Kilkenny Review, Journal of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society (Kilkenny, 1998), pp 144-182.
‘Church of Ireland Clergy and the 1798 Rising’, chapter in Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter: The Clergy and 1798, ed Liam Swords (Dublin: Columba, 1997).
‘Co Wexford in 1798: Understanding the role of Church of Ireland clergy and laity’, Search 20/1 (Dublin, 1997), pp 32-41.
‘Euseby Cleaver, Bishop of Ferns, and the clergy of the Church of Ireland in the 1798 Rising in Co Wexford’, Journal of the Wexford Historical Society (Wexford, 1997), pp 66-94.
‘Islam and Muslims in Ireland: Moving from Encounter to Understanding’, Search 19/2 (Dublin, 1996), pp 89-93.
‘A Bitter Legacy?’, chapter in The Great Famine: A Church of Ireland Perspective, ed Kenneth Milne (Dublin: APCK, 1996).
‘Arafat visit heralds a new era for Palestinians’, paper in Prerequisites for Peace in the Middle East (Elsinore, Denmark: UN Department of Public Information, 1994).
‘John Comerford of Ballybur, 1598-1667: Tracing his later life’, Old Kilkenny Review, Journal of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society (Kilkenny, 1994), pp 23-36.
Saint Maelruain: Tallaght’s Own Saint (Dublin: Tallaght Parish, 1992). Pamphlet marking parish commemoration of Saint Maelruain.
‘Compassionate and Passionate – Colin O’Brien Winter (1928–1981)’, Search 14/2 (Dublin, 1991), pp 34–41.
‘In Prosperity and Adversity’, short story in True to Type, ed Fergus Brogan (Dublin: Sugarloaf/Irish Times Books, 1991); short story in collection of short stories by Irish Times writers in tribute to the Revd Stephen Hilliard.
‘Zephania Kameeta: Namibia’s Black Liberation Theologian’, Doctrine and Life 41/3 (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 1991), pp 133-141.
Desmond Tutu: Black Africa’s Man of Destiny (Hyperion Books, 1989, ISBN: 1853900052), 32 pp.
Desmond Tutu: Black Africa’s Man of Destiny (Citadel Series 6, 1988).
Desmond Tutu: Black Africa’s Man of Destiny (Dublin: Veritas; and Athlone: St Paul Publications, 1987, ISBN: 9781853900051), 32 pp Launched by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Brian Lenihan.
Do You Want To Die for NATO? (Dublin and Cork: Mercier Press, 1984). Launched by Senator Brendan Ryan.
‘The Storm that Threatens: A comment’, The Furrow (Maynooth) 34/10 (1983), pp 620-625.
‘ML King’, Dawn Train (Dublin, an Irish journal of nonviolence), No 2, Spring 1983 (special edition, ‘Parents of Nonviolence’), pp 3-5.
‘Dietrich Bonhoeffer’, Dawn Train (Dublin, an Irish journal of nonviolence), No 2, Spring 1983 (special edition, ‘Parents of Nonviolence’), pp 6-7.
‘Political theology, theological politics: Nuclear Insanity’, Springs (Birmingham and Dublin: Student Christian Movement) 1981.
Paper and illustration in Eamon de Valera, ed PT O’Mahony (Dublin: Irish Times Books 1976).
‘The Early Society of Friends … in Kilkenny’ Old Kilkenny Review (Kilkenny, 1973).
The Irish Times: Staff journalist, 1974-2002; Foreign Desk Editor, 1994-2002; continuing to contribute as occasional feature writer and leader writer.
The Wexford People: Staff journalist, 1972-1974; Contributor to Wexford People, Enniscorthy Guardian, Gorey Guardian, New Ross Standard, Wicklow People, Ireland’s Own. Latest contributions, 2022 (news and features).
Lichfield Mercury: freelance journalist, 1970-1973.
Rugeley Mercury: freelance journalist, 1970-1973.
Tamworth Herald: freelance journalist, 1970-1973.
Editor, What’s On In Wexford (Wexford Junior Chamber), 1973-1974.
Editor, Unity, quarterly magazine, Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin, in the 1990s.
Features and reports in:
Athens News; CityLife Lichfield; Church of Ireland Gazette, features and editorial writer; Church Review (Dublin and Glendalough), monthly feature; Church Times; Diocesan Magazine (Cashel, Ferns and Ossory), monthly feature; EnetEnglish, an online news service from Eleftherotypia; Horse and Hound; Ireland’s Own; Lichfield Gazette; Newslink (Limerick and Killaloe);; Neos Kosmos (Real Corfu); photographs in Limerick Leader (2018, 2020, 2022) and Clare Echo (2022).
Last updated: 25 January 2025.
01 May 2007
About me
Welcome to this blog:
I am a priest in the Church of Ireland (Anglican) and the father of two adult sons. I am now living in retirement in Stony Stratford, near Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, and in the Diocese of Oxford. I retired on 31 March 2022 as the Priest-in-Charge of the Rathkeale Group of parishes, Director for Education and Training in the Diocese of Limerick and Killaloe, and the Canon Precentor of Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick, Saint Flannan’s Cathedral, Killaloe, Co Clare, and Saint Brendan’s Cathedral, Clonfert, Co Galway, having held those positions from 2017. I also retired then as a member of the Diocesan Council, the Diocesan Synod, the Diocesan Board of Education, various diocesan committees and the General Synod of the Church of Ireland.
I have been the Lecturer in Anglicanism, Liturgy and Church History in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the University of Dublin (Trinity College Dublin), and continued to lecture in CITI until the end of the academic year in 2017.
I have also been the Director of Spiritual Formation, the Church of Ireland Theological College, a Visiting Lecturer in Anglicanism in the Mater Dei Institute (a college of Dublin City University), and have taught at or supervised dissertations for All Hallows’ College, Dublin, Saint John’s College, Nottingham, the Open University, Chester University, Saint Patrick’s College (Pontifical University), Maynooth, the National University of Ireland Maynooth (now Maynooth University), Saint Patrick’s College, Drumcondra (a linked college of Dublin City University), Edgehill Theological College (Belfast), the Irish School of Ecumenics (TCD), the University of Limerick, the School of Journalism Rathmines DIT (now DTU), and Coláiste Dhúlaigh, Dublin, and Coláiste Isolde, Dublin. I once taught Islamic and Byzantine studies at the Maynooth extension campus in Saint Kieran’s College, Kilkenny, lectured at the Durrell School of Corfu, and I have taken part in programmes organised by the Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, the Swedish Institute, the Institute of Global Economics, Seoul (Korea) and University College Dublin. For many years, I was a member of the Academic Council of the Irish School of Ecumenics.
For many years, I worked as a journalist with the Lichfield Mercury, the Tamworth Herald, the Wexford People and The Irish Times, where I was Foreign Desk Editor for eight years until 2002.
I received a fellowship in 1979 from Nihon Shimbun Kyokai and Journalistes en Europe to study journalism in Japan. I have studied theology at the Irish School of Ecumenics, TCD, the Kimmage Mission Institute, and Maynooth, with further studies in patristics at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and in Liturgy and Latin at the Institutum Liturgicum (London). I hold a BD from Maynooth, a Postgraduate Diploma in Ecumenics from Trinity College Dublin, and certificates from the IOCS, Cambridge, the Institutum Liturgicum, London, and NSK, Tokyo. I studied Muslim-Christian dialogue at the former College of the Ascension in Birmingham (1996), received a grant to study politics and economics in South Korea (1997), trained for ordination in the Church of Ireland Theological College (1999-2000), was awarded the Oulton Prize for Patristic Studies (2008), and took part in an inter-faith training programme at Saint Philip’s Centre, Leicester (2011).
I have been a member of the General Synod of the Church of Ireland (until 2022), and a canon of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin (2007-2017), where I was a member of the board and chapter until 2017. I am a former member of the Standing Committee of the General Synod, the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue, the Inter-Faith Working Group, the European Affairs Working Group and the Anglican Affairs Working Group. I was the chaplain at the Anglican Primates’ Meeting in Dublin (2011), at the Porvoo Consultation on Diaconal Ministry in Dublin (2013), at which I also delivered a paper, ‘Deacons, the Diaconate and Diakonia: The Church of Ireland Experience,’ and chaplain at the annual conference of the Friends of the Church in China and the China Forum of CTBI in High Leigh, Hertfordshire (2006).
I have been the Select Preacher at the University of Dublin (Trinity College Dublin) and I have preached in the chapels of Christ’s College, Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and Saint John’s Hospital, Lichfield.
I have also worked with some of the main Anglican mission agencies. For six years, I was a trustee of the Anglican mission agency USPG (the United Society Partners in the Gospel) and have been a member of the council. At different times, I have been chair and secretary of the Dublin University Far Eastern Mission (DUFEM), chair of the Association of Mission Societies, chair of the Church of Ireland Press, publishers of the Church of Ireland Gazette, and served on the board of the National Bible Society of Ireland.
I was chair of the board of management of Rathkeale No 2 National School, Co Limerick, a member of the boards of Colaiste Mhuire, Askeaton, Colaiste na Trocaire, Rathkeale, and Hazelwood College, Drumcolligher, a member of the Diocesan Board of Education, and a board member of two educational charities in Limerick, the Leamy Protestant Board of Education and the Limerick Protestant Orphan and Childcare Society.
I was a hospital chaplain in Saint Ita’s Hospital, Newcastle West, Co Limerick, and Listowel District Hospital, Co Kerry.
My publications include: A Romantic Myth? Kilcronaghan’s link to ‘Zorba the Greek’ (Tobermore, 2009); Reflections of the Bible in the Quran: a comparison of Scriptural Traditions in Christianity and Islam (Dublin: National Bible Society of Ireland, Bedell–Boyle lecture series, 2008); Embracing Difference (2007); A Brief History of Christianity, ed P. McGarry; co–authors Hans Küng, Desmond Tutu, Mary Robinson, &c (Dublin: Veritas, 2001); St Maelruain: Tallaght’s Own Saint (Dublin: Tallaght Parish, pamphlet, 1992); Desmond Tutu: Black Africa’s Man of Destiny (Dublin: Veritas, 1987); Do You Want To Die for NATO? (Dublin and Cork: Mercier Press, 1984).
The books I have contributed to in recent years include: Christianity (2001), The Laity and the Church of Ireland, 1000–2000 (2002), Untold Stories (2002), The Encyclopaedia of Ireland (2003), The Wexford Man (2007), The Lure of Greece (2007), China and the Irish (Dublin 2009, Beijing 2010), Celebrating the Oxford Movement (2009), Victory or Glorious Defeat (2010), A History of Enniscorthy (ed Colm Tóibín, 2010), Treasures of Irish Christianity, Volume II, A People of the Word, eds Salvador Ryan and Brendan Leahy (Dublin: Veritas, 2013), Callan 800 (1207–2007) History & Heritage, Companion Volume, ed Joseph Kennedy (Callan: Callan Heritage Society), 2013, Treasures of Irish Christianity, Volume III, To the Ends of the Earth, ed Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Veritas, 2015), Death and the Irish, A miscellany, ed Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Wordwell, 2016), Perspectives on Preaching: A Witness of the Irish Church, ed Maurice Elliott and Patrick McGlinchey (Dublin: Church of Ireland Publishing, 2018), Drogheda Grammar School, 1669-2019, ed John McCullen and Hugh Baker (Drogheda: Drogheda Grammar School, 2019), We Remember Maynooth: A College Across Four Centuries, ed Salvador Ryan and John-Paul Sheridan (Dublin: Messenger Publications and Maynooth University, 2020), Birth and the Irish, A miscellany, ed Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Wordwell, 2021), Of Limerick: Saints and Seekers, ed David Bracken (Dublin: Veritas, 2022), Christmas and the Irish, A miscellany, ed Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Wordwell, 2023), and Histories of Protestant Limerick, 1912-1923, ed Seán William Gannon and Brian Hughes (Limerick: Limerick City & County Council, 2023)
I wrote a monthly column for the Church Review (Dublin and Glendalough) for more than 20 years, for about 20 years I contributed a monthly column to the Diocesan Magazine (Cashel, Ferns and Ossory), I am a former editor of Unity (Irish School of Ecumenics) and I have contributed regularly to the Lichfield Gazette and CityLife in Lichfield. I have been published in journals, magazines, newspapers and books in Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Britain, China, Denmark, Greece, Japan and the US. I delivered the George Hadden Memorial Lecture at the Wexford Festival Opera, ‘Religion in Co Wexford from St Ibar to the Present Day’ (2000); the Bedell Boyle Lecture, an annual lecture sponsored by the National Bible Society of Ireland, ‘Reflections of the Bible in the Qur’an,’ at the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy (2006); and one of the Dr Kieran Memorial Lecturers at the Lantern Intercultural Centre, Dublin, in the 2015 series ‘Islam and the West: Contemporary Issues’ (‘Freedom of Expression and Respect for Religious Beliefs’).
I have spoken at retreats organised by the dioceses or clergy of Clogher, Meath and Kildare, Cashel Ferns and Ossory, Limerick and Killaloe, Tuam, and Glendalough, Bray Churches Together, and CMS Wales, at Daventry Deanery Synod (Diocese of Peterborough), at the adult education programme of Milton Keynes Synagogue, and delivered lectures to numerous history and civic societies, including those in Achill, Adare, Askeaton, Charleville, Dún Laoghaire, Knocklyon, Lichfield, Limerick, Rathfarnham, Rathkeale, Stony Stratford, Tamworth, Tarbert and Wexford, and at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, the National Library of Ireland, in the Hunt Museum, Limerick, the Irish Hellenic Society and the Rotary Club of Dublin Fingal.
My research interests include mission theology, Orthodox spirituality, Christian–Muslim dialogue, patristics, the role of architecture in creating liturgical space and Jewish spirituality. I have been a speaker, chair, workshop leader and panellist at conferences and seminars in Austria, Denmark, Egypt, England, Greece, Ireland, Israel/Palestine, Italy, Japan, Korea, Scotland, Sweden and Wales.
I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (FRSAI, elected 1987), a Fellow of the Academy of Saint Cecilia (FASC) and a Fellow of the Fraternity of Saint Cecilia (FFSC).
I was born on Rathfarnham Road in south Dublin, between a synagogue and a laundry and across the road from a cinema, and went to school in Gormanston, Co Meath. Having lived in my childhood and early adult life in a variety of places, including West Waterford, Co Meath, Lichfield and Wexford, I feel at home in Dublin, Wexford, Lichfield, Cambridge, Askeaton and Stony Stratford … and in Rethymnon and other places in Greece.
I was President of the Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Irish CND) from 2008 to 2022; I was the chair of Irish CND at its refounding in 1979, and at different times I have been vice-chair and secretary, as well as chair of Christian CND and a member of the Council of CND in Britain. I was involvedd in the sit-ins at Carnsore Point, Co Wexford, the site for a proposed nuclear reactor, in the 1970s.
My personal hobbies and past-times include travel, especially in Ireland, England and Greece, walking on the beach, by rivers and in the countryside, architecture, and local and family history. Many of these interests are reflected in my postings and photographs on this blog.
My opinions are my own and do not represent any of the organisations referred to here or in my postings.
Visit me on Facebook.
For a full list of my pulications and a summary of my journalism, visit HERE
In search of family roots in Comberford in Lichfield District in rural Staffordshire
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