Once the calendar turns to a new year, I think all nature enthusiasts begin the count down to spring. There's no better way to feel that "spring fever" than by attending the Ohio Botanical Symposium in Columbus. Please consider joining over 400 botanically minded people for this year's 2010 Ohio Botanical Symposium. I'll be there, most likely running the AV equipment, so be sure to say hello.
Native plants, pollinators, prairie restoration, rare plant discoveries and sedges are some of the topics to be discussed on Friday, March 26, during the 10th Annual Ohio Botanical Symposium.Presented by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Cleveland Museum of Natural History, The Nature Conservancy and The Ohio State University, the event will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Villa Milano, 1630 Schrock Road in north Columbus.
This year, we are very excited about having
Dr. Doug Tallamy as our keynote speaker. His book “Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens” won the 2008 silver medal by the Garden Writer’s Association.
Jim McCormac, who was instrumental in starting the symposium ten years ago, is returning to present the best plant discoveries talk. The first 3 years of the symposium Jim gave this talk and started the annual tradition of highlighting Ohio plant discoveries.
Dr. Tony Reznicek, the sedge guru, is going to speak about sedges and the diversity and richness of the genus in Ohio and worldwide.
Martin McAllister is returning to speak on the restoration efforts at Agave Ridge Prairie where famous ecologist E. Lucy Braun sampled in the 1920s. Natural Areas has been monitoring the restoration effort with her original transect for over 15 years. Martin always gives a humorous, informative talk.
With the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid right on Ohio’s doorstep in Pennsylvania, it is important that we become familiar with the serious pest.
Brad Onken of the U.S. Forest Service is one of the authorities on this insect and he will talk about the efforts to control this highly destructive species.
Dr. Lynn Loveless, who has been studying evolutionary biology of plants and pollinators, will discuss the relationships between pollinators and plants and how they have co-evolved over thousands of years.
The event will also feature displays from a number private and public conservation organizations and vendors offering conservation-related items for purchase.
The $25 attendance fee includes conference materials, continental breakfast, buffet lunch and break refreshments. Registrations will be accepted until March 22. For registration forms and more details, visit
http://www.ohiodnr.com/tabid/20259/Default.aspx or contact Rick Gardner at 614-265-6419.
Please spread the word about the symposium to your friends and colleagues.
