Showing posts with label ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ideas. Show all posts

January 4, 2023

GOP congress in limbo (pt. 2)

The drama continues as no speaker has been selected yet.  Democrats and the leftist media have mocked the GOP for not getting this right, but it's really just one more sign that the party is more diverse in ideas than the Democrats.  That's. A. Positive.

January 17, 2021

Ideas have consequences, especially philosophical ones

 I'm going to provide a few posts today on religion (along with usual the Sunday verse) and how it relates to our day to day life. A philosophical take on where we are at today and how we got here:

June 24, 2017

Leftist propaganda vs. The Red Pill

Fellow Canadian Gavin McInnes speaks on the documentary The Red Pill, takes a look at the double standard when it comes to men's rights in today's society as compared to the free reign given to the likes of Michael Moore and Al Gore. McInnes is spot on - any movie that does not advocate for undeniable evil (e.g. murder,"the killing of children") should be allowed to be seen, particularly when it comes to documentaries.  Ideas can be debated, it's when you don't give ideas a chance that you homogenize the population and destroy real diversity (the diversity of ideas), which is something the left argues it stands for, universally.  Clearly that's not true.

Look, not every idea is a good idea.  Some are terrible.  But if you let those terrible ideas be heard, and then counter them with counter arguments ultimately people will see them for what they are: bad ideas.

I think ultimately this is the only place the progressive left has left for itself to go.  They have become so strident in their screaming down and censorship (both overt and covert) of opposing ideas, that people are finally starting to catch on. This is why Trump won the election.  It's why no one believes his approval ratings are or were ever at 39%  (outside of the leftist echo chamber, the shrill media and perhaps some despondent establishment, do-nothing Republicans).

The only way out for the left is to return to previous form and allow a platform for the right and then hope that they can drown out those ideas by sheer volume of counter opinion.  I don't believe they've grasped that it's their only way out of irrelevance now.  Even if they do already realize it, it's going to take them decades to undo the damage they have done to themselves.

I watched an interesting video this morning, Milo Yiannopoulos appeared on the Anthony Cumia show and they covered a wide range of topics over 48 minutes. But relevant to the topic at hand, Milo and Anthony both touched brilliantly on the same issue of how the left has done tremendous damage to itself. You can catch the entire video here or here [warning - strong language].

June 19, 2011

Liberal yawner: Republicans don't have ideas

From Fox News, team Obama has started in on the pat response to any GOP candidate or position; "they don't have any ideas", "there's no new ideas", "they're just anti-Obama, they have no ideas of their own".

July 15, 2010

Liberals Still Believe Their Own Propoganda

The narrative on President Obama is finally turning.  Liberals are becoming disillusioned with him.  But their reasons for the disillusion, are still based in their own misconception of the state of the nation.

March 19, 2010

Stopping Democrats from robbing you blind

This has been shown everywhere already, but I can't not post it because it is just so telling;

January 18, 2010

President Obama’s throws in for Coakley

The Boston Herald hits the nail on the head on President Obama's involvement in the Massachusetts special election. It's more class-baiting and it's devoid of solutions. The good news is that Massachusetts voters seem to be listening to what's really being said or not said.

President Obama’s ‘rescue’

Blame Bush, blame the Republicans, combined with a missing recipe to solve the problems is not something worth voting for. Actions speak louder than words Democrats. It looks like Massachusetts of is borrowing the show-me-state motto. And Democrats are either demogogues or the same sort who stand by and watch a crime take place and do nothing about it.

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