Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

February 19, 2025

It's not all bad news from the left

An Obama-appointed judge rejected Democrats’ efforts to block DOGE data access:

December 5, 2024

I can't believe I once supported this guy

Now in my defense, the alternative was communist, elitist Obama, but Mitt Romney was a bad candidate, he was a RINO, and his replacement cannot be any worse, and will likely be miles better.

December 3, 2024

The George Clooney vs. Obama saga

Look, this is not a loss attributable to George Clooney.  This massive defeat belongs entirely to the Democrat elite. They just don't want to shoulder any of the blame because they're so special. But seeing this internal rancor spill out into the public forum is good for the country one way or another; either the Democrats fix themselves and try to be normal again or they stick their heads in the sand, double down and become completely unelectable. Either way the country wins.

July 1, 2024

Let's Go Brandon is going to be the nominee

You know how I know?  This CNBC article indicating that the Democratic establishment has not convinced him to leave; now they're backing the man.  Despite all the craziness that ensued in the media from the debate about wanting Let's Go Brandon to step aside, as Bill Burr once ranted "It ain't happening!"

Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton on Friday tried to do some damage control following President Joe Biden’s debate fumble against his November election opponent, former President Donald Trump.

“Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself,” Obama said in a post on X, linking to Biden’s campaign website. “Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.”

Several hours later, Clinton mimicked the defensive play.

Sounds like they're now in a prevent defense.  Damage control for Democrats is defense against their own media and base, not against Republicans.

By the way, a great takeaway here is that it's easy to tell we're winning because our focus (at least in my case), is on what the Democrats are doing, not what the GOP is doing.  The lesson there for the GOP, as aptly demonstrated by Donald Trump during the debate, stay out of the way when your opponent is shooting themselves in the foot.  Let's hope the GOP do that this election cycle.

Media tries to save itself

This is a great clip throughout, but I bring it up specifically to discuss the media's guilty complicity to serve their leftist agenda. But in particular, shortly after 3:40 in the clip below, check out the CNN fact check on Let's Go Brandon. CNN as well as much of the mainstream media are not scrambling to dump Biden, they are scrambling to save their reputations. Granted some like the New York Times are still focused on leftist partisan hackery. But the point remains, they are bleeding consumers, they need to fix it and they are doing what they have done with Let's Go Brandon, Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton; burying their heads in the sand until it's too late and then a mad panic ensues. Deservedly so.

June 6, 2024

Joe Rogan believes it's banana Republic time in America

It's really hard to say he's wrong because he's not. Speaking about the bogus conviction of Trump and the Democrats' lawfare as a political tool, Joe Rogan was not impressed with their antics. 

Via RCP:

"What's scary is how many Democrats are willing to allow this kind of stuff to happen. A lot of them are aware of it," Rogan said. "Especially if you wanted to look at past presidents with the same scrutiny... Imagine if, when Obama got into office, he decided to prosecute Dick Cheney and George Bush for crimes against humanity... Even what Obama did -- during the administration, they dropped a drone on a US citizen. No trial, no nothing. Boom."

"Trump didn't even go for Obama. He didn't go for Hillary. He could have tried them for things. Especially Hillary with the whole email thing, the deleting the emails."

"They're all crazy. That's what they don't want you to know. It's like sluts that are always talking bad about other girls for being sluts," he quipped.

..."If you change the way people are allowed to go after political candidates, and you change the way you're allowed to silence and imprison your candidates, then we're like Mexico. We're just not assassinating people yet. We're like a third-world country. We're like a banana republic," Rogan said.


April 25, 2024

Democrat flip flop from 2012 still matters today

In 2012 I shared a post about Democrats flip-flopping on their stance on Israel and Hamas. Back then the Democrats were tacitly trying to hold together a fragile coalition that included groups who apparently despise each other - to this day.

Here's an excerpt:

The Democratic National Convention, reeling from today’s chaotic fiasco surrounding the reinsertion of pro-Israel, pro-God language into the party platform, has announced that President Obama personally intervened to ensure that that language was revived. But Politico is now reporting that President Obama approved the original, Jerusalem-less, Hamas-less language less than a fortnight ago. He didn’t try to change the platform “until after Republicans jumped on the omissions of God and Jerusalem late Wednesday.” And his own party was clearly against it – the people on the floor of the convention probably didn’t even vote in majority numbers for the reinsertion of pro-Israel, pro-God language. They booed Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the DNC chairman, off the stage after he rammed through the measure on the third vote.

Their fragile coalition is fracturing finally. They can only hold the lies to both sides together for so long, and apparently that's about 12 years.

February 6, 2024

No surprise from the D. C. Circuit Court of Appeals

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected Trump’s claim that he cannot be prosecuted because the allegations relate to his official responsibilities as president. So...not surprising because it's the D.C. Circuit. The circuit court has 6 judges appointed by Obama, 4 appointed by Trump and 3 appointed by Let's Go Brandon. No surprise the panel broke the way it did.

This will be appealed to the Supreme Court.  Regardless, the prosecutions are all going to come up empty anyway.  The mainstream media will no doubt be titillated by this ruling though.  Then again, Obama can be charged now 😉

December 12, 2023

Obummer's anti-white conspiracy theory film

Is former president Obama a racist? Tim Pool discusses the Obama film in a broader context.

August 7, 2023


Secrecy and overlordship and no questions asked (or else):

June 14, 2023

Reaction to why they aren't going after Biden

There's a theory that they aren't going after Let's Go Brandon, whom even the left doesn't like, because they are protecting someone else: Obama. What follows is a reaction to that.

August 18, 2021

But wait, it gets worse

Today has been a sad, SAD day for Taliban news. But wait , it gets worse.  Afghan's future leader has significant ties to Obama failures.

June 9, 2021

Obama-bashing is justified because he's anti-Israel.

I haven't felt any need to bash Obama for several years now because he is mostly irrelevant.  But it IS fun to watch these guys do it.  Also, I included this video because I've just recently discovered Krystal and Saagar and thought they deserved a shout out for their YouTube channel.

October 14, 2020

Obama hack Bruce Ohr out at DOJ

This comes a few years too late, but still good news: 

April 28, 2020

Netflix + Michelle Obama = stinks

I saw recently that Netflix is doing a 'documentary' on Michelle Obama.  The timing is to say the least, odd.  Yes, Netflix has a deal with the Obama's (which Newsweek fawned over last year). Michelle Obama has been mentioned in not-so-hushed tones as a possible replacement for the faltering Joe Biden.  So the timing of her documentary release in Biden's season of faltering does not hurt the Michelle-for-Democratic-nominee narrative at all.  Neither doe the Netflix documentary on former president Obama to be released later this year apparently.

If Michelle decides to step into the ring, does Netflix pull the video during teh run-up to the election. I HIGHLY doubt it.

Ben Shapiro has some thoughts on the documentary too.

June 18, 2019

Joe Biden has promised to cure cancer if elected.

The important part is in the first few seconds but if you want to see how in the tank CNN, watch the host not really press on it.  Can you imagine the blowback if president Trump had promised that?

Also, we'll turn lead into gold. Talk about waving a magic wand (I'm looking at you Obama).

April 10, 2019

The Left will eat itself, so says Obama (via Timcast)

Tim Pool (aka Timcast) recently posted a video about the Left's circular firing squad of ideological purity.  It's a 14 minute video worth watching despite a couple of issues.  What issues?  Two immediately come to attention.

1. He let's Obama off easy - Obama famed on the right for telling us "You gotta sit in the back seat", was actually part of the group he's now warning about.  I'm willing to give Obama a pass because he's yesteryear's news now. I frankly don't care much about what he has to say.  He may be correct here, and he may have been given a pass, but he was complicit in the progressive puritanical purging when he mattered.

2. Tim Pool shortchanges conservatives by relegating their offering to 'beer' (aka being nicer).  He downplays the legitimate and very sound arguments that conservatives have on issues, by simply ignoring them. He does not talk about what the right offers other than that it's a salve to many many Americans. Well, if that's what it is, why is it so?  Maybe because it's grounded in common sense  things and it actually does work. I get it, he's a liberal and he is coming at it from a liberal viewpoint.  What he is perhaps failing to recognize that conservatism, is actually classical liberalism.  I'll give Tim a pass too - he's young and has not been exposed to a lot of conservative thinking.  Additionally he's done a lot of good for conservatives by standing on classical liberal principles that are at the core of modern conservatism.  To be honest, I don't care what a person calls themselves if they are are approaching things soundly and with common sense.

All that aside, here's what Tim has to say about Obama's recent foray into the left eating itself.

April 25, 2018

Window Wednesday - Double standards

Your visual look into today's political landscape. The media is in meltdown over president Trump's nomination of Ronny Jackson to head the VA because of his terrible past of harassing women, being drunk and trying to hand out drug prescriptions - while working in the Obama White House.  Oh, and apparently everybody knew about it but nobody said anything.

This guy (on the right) is the new Public Enemy #1, because Trump.

March 22, 2018

Cambridge Analytica scandal for thee but not for me

The media is all agog over the fact that the Trump campaign worked with data collection and usage firm Cambridge Analytica which leveraged Facebook data for message targeting for the Trump campaign.  They fail to note that when president Obama was a candidate, his team was doing the exact same thing.  So while it's a terrible scandal for president Trump, it was apparently a genius move when team Obama did the same thing.  In reality the worst thing president Trump's election team could be accused of doing is copying a formula that worked for his predecessor (whom the media still adore).

The Hill, not exactly a bastion of Trump support, reports:
On Sunday, The Guardian reported on the supposedly nefarious workings of President Trump’s data-gathering team at Cambridge Analytica. The report suggested that Cambridge Analytica had essentially issued questionnaires through a third party; those questionnaires, which were personality quizzes, requested that you use your Facebook login. Cambridge Analytica then compiled data regarding those who completed the quiz and cross-referenced that data with political preferences in order to target potential voters.
This isn’t particularly shocking. In 2012, The Guardian reported that President Obama’s reelection team was “building a vast digital data operation that for the first time combines a unified database on millions of Americans with the power of Facebook to target individual voters to a degree never achieved before.” 
What, exactly, would Obama be doing? According to The Guardian, Obama’s new database would be gathered by asking individual volunteers to log into Obama’s reelection site using their Facebook credentials. “Consciously or otherwise,” The Guardian states, “the individual volunteer will be injecting all the information they store publicly on their Facebook page — home location, date of birth, interests and, crucially, network of friends — directly into the central Obama database.” 
Facebook had no problem with such activity then. They do now.  
There’s a reason for that. The former Obama director of integration and media analytics stated that, during the 2012 campaign, Facebook allowed the Obama team to “suck out the whole social graph”; Facebook “was surprised we were able to suck out the whole social graph, but they didn’t stop us once they realized that was what we were doing.” She added, “They came to [the] office in the days following election recruiting & were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.”
Not so with Trump. As soon as Facebook realized that Cambridge Analytica had pursued a similar strategy, they suspended the firm.
Part of the problem here is timing.  Facebook (specifically Mark Zuckerberg) has provided a mea culpa for political purposes (they are heavy Democrat supporters) as a way to try yet again to tarnish president Trump with something, anything, that they think will stick.  It's interesting as the Mueller fever begins to break that yet one more attempt has been made to take out president Trump's 2016 electoral victory credibility.  

News flash liberals - it didn't work before, it's not working now, and it won't work with this either.  You are looking increasingly desperate and hypocritical in your reporting, simultaneously.  That's an impressively odious feat but it's not going to help your cause of deposing a duly elected president.  But keep it up - actions always have consequences.  Maybe even Zuckerberg will discover this too.

[ADDITIONAL NOTE & FULL DISCLOSURE: I work in data analytics and we have clear guidelines to follow for what data is acceptable to use and what would infringe upon privacy rights. If anyone is guilty in this it's not Camebridge Analytica or their clients, it's Facebook for not protecting user rights. That's the real scandal - they either are protecting user rights or they allow any non-criminal organization access to user data and advise Facebook users accordingly.  They wanted to have it both ways, under the radar.  At a minimum they were deliberately negligent until a time of their choosing, at worst, they are complicit in deceptive and predatory practices for political purposes.]

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