Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts

November 27, 2024

I told you they're still cheating (2nd opinion)

They cheat, they cheat, they cheat:

The 2020 Presidential election shared a problem with the 1998 MLB home run race: the winning candidate did too well. In 1998, steroid juicer Mark McGwire broke Roger Maris’s home run record by nine home runs or roughly 15 percent.

In 2020, Joe Biden’s 81 million votes broke Barack Obama’s 2008 record 69 million votes by 12 million votes or roughly 17 percent. Obama’s 2008 numbers were anomalous. Hillary Clinton’s 2016 numbers were closer to the norm, and Biden got nearly 25 percent more votes than she did, a cool 16 million additional votes when finally counted.

Campaigning from his basement, this cognitively-challenged, charisma-free codger did much too well in 2020, and now even the Left is noticing. With virtually all the 2024 presidential election votes counted, Kamala Harris’s vote total remains roughly seven million votes shy of Biden’s ballot box-busting performance in 2020.

In trying to explain the differential, Michael Bender of the New York Times hinted at the truth. Wrote Bender, “[S]ome backsliding could be expected after the record turnout in 2020, which was aided by pandemic rule changes that increased mail voting.” You think?

As should be expected, Bender chose not to pursue this line of thinking to its natural end. If he had, he might have asked why only the Democrats seemed to have been aided in 2020 “by pandemic rule changes.” President-elect Donald Trump did not “backslide” in 2024. He upped his 2020 vote total by about two million.

Thank you American Thinker, for taking up the cause. 

November 24, 2024

The popular vote total situation

In 2020, Let's Go Brandon purportedly got 81,282,916 votes to Trump's 74,223,369 votes. That's a vote total of 155,506,285 votes.

In 2024, we currently see the following:

There's only a difference of a little over a million votes from 2020.  Either Let's Go Brandon truly did earn a record vote volume and it was erased by Trump in 2024, or, there were 26 million more votes in 2020 than there were in 2016 (~128 million for Trump and Clinton combined):

And if the latter is true, Let's Go Brandon got 11.7 million more votes than did Obama (69.4 million) at his most popular in 2008 when there were 129.4 million votes for the two major candidates. 

Notice in 2016 and 2008 the totals were awfully close? Yet the vote total sudden leapt up 26 million votes. That's absurd unless there was cheating or duplicate votes being counted. 

And if that absurdity holds true for 2024, Trump, whose vote totals went from 62.9 million in 2016, to 74.2 million in 2020 to 77 million in 2024, actually blew out Kamala Harris by a lot more than 3 million votes and cheating still occurred in crazy numbers. If we extrapolate out the vote total growth from 2008 to 2016, an extra 1.4 million, then 2024 should expect a total of 130.8 million. If Trumps' total was 77 million that would leave just 53 million votes for Harris. 

The thing is that so many people went and voted for Trump that they swamped the cheat. It would explain the push polls saying Harris was going to win Iowa for example.  It would explain why the Harris campaign thought they were going to 'win'.  It would explain a lot actually.

But that's just conspiracy theory stuff. Right?

Maybe it's just that the extra 26 million votes appeared due to illegal immigrants.  That would explain why the 2024 vote totals were similar to the 2020 vote totals. 26 million illegal immigrants is nothing to sneeze at. Of course that's also conspiracy theory stuff, right?

Fine.  It's all just conspiracy theory and Trump did just retake the White House. Fine.  I'm skeptical about the 2020 and 2024 vote totals, but I'll still take it.  Nevertheless, to me it just speaks to creating better controls for open and fair voting.  Federal rules. At a Constitutional level. Because something about the 2020 election, and even the Harris total in 2024, still seems off.

November 18, 2024

Lawyers and volunteers were everything

In my last post I talked about hitting the ground running. Here's why I think that is possible.  The last election Trump was defeated by a very poorly organized GOP. Republicans were locked out of counts in critical battleground states. There was no army of lawyers, no army of volunteers in 2020. Republicans got played so badly that it was inevitable that if Let's Go Brandon didn't win, they could have easily manufactured a win under those tilted-playing-field conditions. This is why so many Republicans reasonably think the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats.

Remember Hillary Clinton telling Let's Go Brandon not to concede on election night? That's very telling. Why didn't that happen this time? The GOP, while not fully there yet, was so much better prepared with lawyers and volunteers. The Democrats could not organize any sort of shadowy light night rally for Kamala Harris, they knew they had to concede. The popular vote better reflected the reality of regular people, because there was far less possibility of cheating.

Yet despite all the claims by the media that cheating has never happened, it's still going on - out in the open even:

Trump's team was so organized they couldn't steal the presidency. There were many in the media predicting (or perhaps propagandizing) a Harris victory blowout. Then they were expecting a long week of counting in the swing states. Now Trump is clearly a lot more popular after four years of Brandon/Harris failures as a contrast, but it's not all his popularity that helped him win. The GOP's laser focus on the cheating was a huge boost that led to an election night win for Trump. It's clear Democrats moved the focus to congress because they had to do so. That team of lawyers the GOP assembled should be actively pursuing these other cheats on behalf of the GOP right now.

The main point though, is to point out that president Trump is coming into this term far better prepared than he was in 2016.  That being the case, hitting the ground running is far more likely this time around. He was prepared for election night, and it won him the election.  He has a team assembling much faster than in 2016. Day One should be great.

July 13, 2024

Humorous, but sad and scary

I think at this point, a rusty nail could beat Let's Go Brandon. Look, this is not piling on; conservatives have been pointing this out about Let's Go Brandon since 2020, some probably even before that:

I actually feel a bit bad for the guy, I used to point out his issues as a political point. It's scary to have a man with cognitive issues in charge of the world's lone superpower. But as a humanitarian issue, this man needs political asylum from the people forcing him to cling to power.

June 26, 2024

It's only a bombshell to insular lefties

The CIA colluded with Democrats during the 2020 presidential election campaign.

June 18, 2024

Conspiracy fact

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm no conspiracy theorist. But this is no conspiracy theory, it's conspiracy fact: The Justice Department is one of many government departments that must be fixed.

January 30, 2024

As if on cue, senility rears its ugly head.

I just finished posting on Let's Go Brandon's mental acuity, and here he goes talking about president Trump as if it were 2020:

Of course on cue may be a stretch, since this guy makes mental errors "on the daily" as they say nowadays.

December 14, 2023

Yeah, it was stolen

Not just because of what's in the video below, also for example, FBI suppressing the true Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation.  Voter fraud is a massive problem, so is systemic institutional cheating.

April 24, 2023

Let's Go Brandon super-corruption

Evil on display:

This is much worse than whatever Hunter was up to - it's collusion (that includes federal bureaucrats ) to lie and hide the real story, in order win the 2020 election.  This is corruption at its most evil.

April 10, 2023

Don't fall for the anecdotal

In 2016, Donald Trump won the presidency, somewhat handily, despite the deep state collusion against him.  I was skeptical because of polling, despite the anecdotal evidence that he was drawing huge crowds, and people were responding enthusiastically.  Polling was predominantly not on his side.  I figured it was going to be a close election, not a Hillary Clinton blowout. I thought either candidate could win but it would be close.  The anecdotal evidence of crowds and the enthusiasm gap proved to be correct.

With the same situation in 2020 with president Trump drawing large crowds and Let's Go Brandon sequestered in a basement somewhere or talking to a dozen or so cars it was tempting to fall for a president Trump blowout win.  I did.  So did many other pundits.  The anecdotal evidence was clearly incorrect that time around.  

As conservatives it seems like we are relying on the anecdotal again, heading into 2024.  While I want this to be true as much as the next MAGA Republican supporter, we can't fall for it being the narrative, and certainly not rely on it.  We are no longer in 2016 and we have seen the lengths the left and the deep state are willing to go to prevent his winning again.  We cannot fight the battle 2016 style. It won't work.

As heartening as it is to see that, it's not a strategy.

August 30, 2022

FBI partisanship

The laptop story of Let's Go Brandon's son could have swung the election to president Trump.  But it turns out the partisan FBI did not want that.

November 10, 2021

Stunning non-admission admission by AG Garland

AG Garland couldn't say "no federal agents were present" because it would have amounted to perjury.  If it were the case he would have said so and moved on because there would have been no policy issue at all.

September 26, 2021

Arizona Audit Report Presentation - Full Replay

The recent Arizona audit of the 2020 election results, played in full because it needs to be seen, not hidden.  Hopefully this doesn't get taken down from YouTube.

September 23, 2021

Massive voter fraud in Arizona ?

Arizona is about to release the results of an audit of voting irregularities tomorrow.  Apparently there are going to be a lot of questions after it is released. 

August 20, 2021

Is the GOP full of liberal sleeper agents?

We know there are RINOs.   We know there are weak-willed Republicans afraid to do anything that rocks the boat.  We know there are establishment Republicans who are driven by money rather than principle.  All of these combine to make the party vastly less effective than it could, and should, be.  Here's the question though - is the GOP full of liberal/Democrat sleeper agents?  At times it really, really seems to be the case.

How else would you explain this (via Gateway Pundit):

Pennsylvania Republican Senate leader Jake Corman has squashed Doug Mastriano’s quest for an audit of the PA 2020 election results.
Senator Mastriano put up a video on his Facebook page blaming the “powers that be” for keeping his committee from meeting and issuing subpoenas. The video was subsequently taken down.

This despite some pretty convincing evidence that president Trump actually won the state. Why, as a Republican would you stand in the way of exposing this? Is the GOP that obsequious?  Or are Democrats in Republican clothing infiltrating the Republican party at all levels, rising through the ranks, and making decisions contrary to conservative beliefs?

August 8, 2021

Woke Olympics not for me

I normally watch the Olympics, but this year I only saw a few clips of highlights on YouTube.  I didn't miss it because the wokeness would have made me retch. Sadly.  But Andrew Klavan points out some highlights for the non-woke among us that gives me hope for 2022 and 2024.

June 29, 2021

Meanwhile in Georgia the 2020 election case grows

I get trying to root out these problems and corrupt officials.  In a way it feels like fighting yesterday's battle today.  But if it can be made visible enough, it might make an impact that helps in 2024.

Via Gateway Pundit:

The Fulton County Elections Board is not so happy with the case brought by Garland Favorito because they have now been added to it.

Several individuals of the Fulton County Elections Board were added to the case last week by the judge. The order handed down by the Georgia judge dismissed several claims brought against governmental entities of Fulton County of sovereign immunity grounds. However, what is not well know is that the judge allowed the five members of Fulton County’s Board of Registration and Elections to be named in the suit.

Gateway Pundit also has a piece about the deepening issues in Maricopa county in Arizona during the 2020 election.

June 8, 2021

Echoes of 1984 in 2020

 This should give you chills:

February 16, 2021

Cuomo's NY nursing home massacre

The left is so convinced there is no more right side Res Publica and they have started turning on their own because to the left, politics is blood sport and the true enemy is anyone who isn't 'me'.  While it is good to watch the left eat itself, it should be a lesson to weak-kneed RINOs like those who voted to impeach Trump for two reasons; (i) it should show you who you are aligned with and how quickly you will be torn to shreds when you are no longer useful to them and (ii) in order for conservatives to fight back against this savage political machine is to harden themselves and do the same, meaning they are coming for you RINOs too.  You have no allies in truth.

Tim Pool savages NY governor Cuomo over killing people in nursing homes over COVID-19.  Yes Cuomo's defense will try to pin this on Trump.  It won't work.  And frankly, it's good to see Cuomo twist in the wind for what he did.

January 17, 2021

Ideas have consequences, especially philosophical ones

 I'm going to provide a few posts today on religion (along with usual the Sunday verse) and how it relates to our day to day life. A philosophical take on where we are at today and how we got here:

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