Showing posts with label Merrick Garland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merrick Garland. Show all posts

November 14, 2024

Matt Gaetz - no holds barred.

I've been away for a day and I missed a lot of great stuff to talk about.  Trump picks have flowed in the past 48 hours and they are great!

Matt Gaetz as Attorney General?  Here he is going after the current unqualified AG and political hack Merrick Garland.  Gaetz has enemies but the GOP MUST approve his nomination.

September 4, 2024

The PsyOps begin

If Trump wins, it's because of Russia.  Same fake story all over again. They are planting the seeds now; maybe to disallow millions of Trump votes? Or for another impeachment attempt? These people are vile.  I'm no fan of Russia, they are evil too, but this is some serious gaslighting folks. To think, Obama almost managed to get Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. And Christopher Wray to his right? He has to be gone on Day One of the next Trump administration.

June 22, 2024

Merrick Garland's inherent contempt

Merrick Garland - This guy almost made the Supreme Court, he's clearly a threat to democracy and thankfully, his time in D.C. in an official capacity is almost up. His inherent contempt is coming up to a vote.

August 12, 2023

The Hunter Biden special counsel farce

This Merrick Garland guy was almost on the Supreme Court. Wow. And now this. Merrick Garland appoints David Weiss as the special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. Who is David Weiss? Watch the video below. This is so flawed there are no words to describe how corrupt and terrible it is.  Well, except maybe this.

November 10, 2021

Stunning non-admission admission by AG Garland

AG Garland couldn't say "no federal agents were present" because it would have amounted to perjury.  If it were the case he would have said so and moved on because there would have been no policy issue at all.

October 27, 2021

This guy could have been on the Supreme Court

 Thank God, he didn't get there.  Kudos to Tom Cotton for not relenting in his questioning.

April 7, 2017

Gorsuch confirmed after nuclear strike.

I could not let the day pass without sharing this. Neil Gorsuch has been confirmed to the Supreme Court after the Republicans had to invoke the nuclear option in order to do so.  This builds on Harry Reid's previous efforts to remove the filibuster option for all appointments excluding SCOTUS justices.  The filibuster has been a potent weapon used by Democrats with regularity but by Republicans pretty much never.  By removing the filibuster the Republicans have effectively levelled the playing field on confirmations since they were so reluctant in the past to use the weapon, Democrats cannot do so now either.

In theory the slowing effect of the Senate is a good thing.  But with respect to confirmations for other branches of government, it doesn't make a lot of sense.  This is a livable new reality given the restoration of the balance of the court.  Buh bye Merrick Garland.

Here's the finale of the roll call.  Enjoy.

March 17, 2016

Obama nominates SCOTUS appointee

Merrick Garland has been nominated by president Obama to fill the seat on the Supreme Court vacated by the passing of  Justice Scalia.

Here's what the GOP in the Senate should do:  NOTHING

Full stop.
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