Showing posts with label 2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2021. Show all posts

January 12, 2024

How obtuse can Democrats be? This obtuse.

You might remember when this lunacy happened, 23 days after Let's Go Brandon took office (this notification from Antony Blinken is clipped directly from the State Department's own website where it was posted on Feb 12, 2021 ):

Effective February 16, I am revoking the designations of Ansarallah, sometimes referred to as the Houthis, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) under the Immigration and Nationality Act and as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, as amended.
This decision is a recognition of the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen. We have listened to warnings from the United Nations, humanitarian groups, and bipartisan members of Congress, among others, that the designations could have a devastating impact on Yemenis’ access to basic commodities like food and fuel. The revocations are intended to ensure that relevant U.S. policies do not impede assistance to those already suffering what has been called the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. By focusing on alleviating the humanitarian situation in Yemen, we hope the Yemeni parties can also focus on engaging in dialogue.

Fast forward to now.  These people, clearly, understand NOTHING: 

November 18, 2023

May 26, 2023

Voter fraud does exist

You just don't hear about it because some people just don't want you to know. But here's proof that mail-in voting is especially ripe for voter fraud.

December 31, 2021

Happy New Year

 Wishing everyone a happy new year for 2022.

December 28, 2021

The supply chain woes continue, unabated

There are supply chain issues, no doubt.  They have have not been fixed. They are not the biggest factor in creating inflation, that would be money printing.  But supply chain issues do shift the supply curve and fewer goods, mean higher prices.  That's fundamental economics.  But so too is money printing leading to inflation.  

The point here is that the Let's Go Brandon administration has left the supply chain issue in a terrible state,  and the apparently progressive federal reserve has kept the minting of more currency going (they keep threatening to taper the monetary stimulus but have yet to do so, and are also erroneously keeping interest rates low allowing inflation to surge).  Meanwhile the administration is trying to push for trillions more in spending that supposedly is 'free'. They are wrong on all counts and as long as this continues, inflation will only get worse.

NOTE: I know these explanations are all too brief, but the underlying truths are still valid. A fiscal policy of spend, spend spend, and a very loose monetary policy are a deadly combination. They will turn America into Turkey or Venezuela if they are not stopped. The thin wall against it right now is Democrat Joe Manchin. We cannot rely on his steadfastness and resoluteness to go on indefinitely.

December 26, 2021

December 25, 2021

Christmas Carols

 God bless.

Christmas Carols

 Today, some Christmas carols to hopefully help bring you peace and joy on this wonderful day.

December 23, 2021

Austria provides an example of vaccine overlords

In Austria, no vaccination means a fine and apparently, being hunted down. That's not sane, but it is happening thanks to the COVID overlords:

December 22, 2021

Are you done with COVID yet?

 People cannot be locked inside forever. No one cares anymore.

December 20, 2021

More Democrat lies exposed

 Their latest lies on the January 6th "insurrection" exposed:

Also, Liz Cheney has to go.  She's so far out of touch.

December 19, 2021

December 17, 2021

Dictator Watch: China's looming unemployment problem

 China has a problem that it cannot currently solve; unemployment.

December 16, 2021

Motivation to not be afraid

This video serves as a corollary to my final Rules for Patriots installment, Rule #12 Don't be afraid.  I did not include this video because there are a couple of things mentioned in the video with which I do not agree.  But generally speaking the sentiment expressed below is spot on.  The goal of the video is to motivate people to not be afraid to do something tangible to stop the progressive overreach. 

December 15, 2021

Rules For Patriots - Rule #12: Don't be afraid

This is a continuation of my Rules for Patriots series, designed as a patriot's guide to success in fighting the creeping progressivism infecting America. It's a conservative response to Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. This series is a lengthy read, but it is very important to understand.  This one happens to be a video, so it's more digestible. Being able to use this approach, as a team, will simplify, streamline and expedite achieving our patriotic objectives.

Links to previous rules: Rule #11 (Participate But, Don't Participate)Rule #10 (Be prepared)Rule #9 (Screw purity tests)Rule #8 (Size matters)Rule #7 (Be unpredictable)Rule #6 (Set Objectives, Build Momentum, Succeed, Move On)Rule #5 (Improve your arsenal)Rule #4 (Play Offense)Rule #3 (Don't Do It Alone)Rule #2 (Get Involved, Stay Involved) and Rule #1 (Know your facts).

Rule 12.  Don't be afraid

In many respects, Rule #12 is the most important rule because without it, common sense, patriotism and liberty are all doomed. Rule #12: Do not be afraid.  That might sound like a no-brainer for many, but there are layers of not being afraid.  It is one thing to not be afraid of the progressive nightmare that is happening because you have faith in the American people, or any people, to do something about it. It is another thing entirely to not be afraid to get involved (Rule #2) and do something about it yourself while you still can. That point is as much a sermon to myself as it is to anyone else.  Being unafraid to to talk among like-minded people is one thing, but being unafraid to organize with them and do something that makes a difference will, inevitably, invite criticism and negativity from some quarters of society.  This is where being unafraid matters; be don't be afraid to make the effort to make a change in society. Do not be afraid of resistance, do not be afraid of failure.  The only sure way to fail, is to do nothing.  Do something while you still have the freedom and ability to do so.  The alternative is to accept things as they are, or as they are progressing.  If anything, that is what you should fear.  In that light, your own inaction is the greatest danger.

That is not to say do not have faith in God or in the common sense of your fellow man.  Faith is a good thing when it is backed up by action and effort.  Without action, there is only failure.  Be afraid to not take action, do not be afraid to take harsh criticism and face a backlash.  Those things will come when you stand up.  But so too will like minded voices if you seek them.  Do not be afraid to counter the criticism, wherever you might be able to be heard.  What they call you doesn't matter, when they try to intimidate you it doesn't matter. Call for support, sure, but do not back down, even in the face of what appears to be overwhelming odds.  The odds are not as stacked against you as you think.  One of the tricks the left uses is to appear to have overwhelming numbers even when they do not.  Remember the climate change argument of "the science is settled"?  It wasn't it isn't and so too with common sense patriotic causes.  Sure a large portion of the American people are against those things, but a larger portion, for now, are still in favor of them.

If you do not act civically, if you are afraid, just talking amongst yourselves is not going to accomplish anything except make you feel better.  That's what liberals do, virtue signal to feel better.  YOU are better than that.  Know your facts (Rule #1) and then speak them, out loud, to other people who may not know them.  Yes, it's more gratifying to share with someone who believes them than someone who will ridicule you for them.  BUT, the most satisfying outcome is to awaken someone to the truth who had not previously realized it.  There is a payoff to taking that chance.

Be resolute. Do not waiver or second guess yourself.  Of course you must always revisit your facts or information, and re-assess your opinion.  That's something the progressive left refuses to do.  They are doctrinaire in their beliefs.  But common sense demands you absorb and asses/evaluate new information to see if it changes things.  This is how you avoid pretzel logic. But do not falter when you are sure. Do not allow the tactical arena be the place where you feel the need to second guess your understanding. There is a time for reflection but your principles, based on long standing common sense first principles, are most likely sound.

Andrew Breitbart, a crusader for conservative, patriotic common sense said "run towards the fire".  No truer words have been spoken regarding the political landscape of the twenty first century. The fire is there. Talking about it or running away will not stop the spread.

Lastly, I created these rules to provide guidance on how to confront the political left.  But they are not immutable. So don't be afraid to abandon a rule or tactic if it has stopped producing results. If something isn't working change it. 

Just don't be afraid. You'll feel better for it, and you'll do better for it.

December 14, 2021

This just creeps me out

The U.N. just keeps getting not only worse, but more and more creepy. If they aren't nefarious, why would they do something like this? Stupidity? Trolling Christians? 

December 11, 2021

Brandon = Mr. Yesterday's Mistakes

It's like the Jimmy Carter era all over again, and many of us saw it coming. I'm not sure if City Journal is new to the party on the inevitability of the current inflationary spiral, but many of the things they mention in the recent article are correct.  This is a repeat of the Jimmy Carter mistakes of the 1970's. Since Brandon has no playbook of his own, why not use the some of the worst ideas EVER?

...most economists agree that fighting inflation in this case should take a back seat to lessening the shock’s effects on employment. The textbook prescription is stimulating demand via expansionary fiscal and monetary policy—but not too much, and not for too long, or the price effects go from uncomfortable to painful.

To see what can go wrong, we need only recall the 1970s, when two major shocks to the energy sector—the oil embargo of 1973–74 and the 1978–79 oil crisis associated with the Iranian Revolution—plus some lesser disruptions and bumbling policy responses, produced not just a Great Inflation but slow growth and high unemployment. Inflation averaged 7.4 percent and unemployment 6.4 percent for the period 1970–79; by 1980, the sum of those indicators—the “misery index”—hit 19.7 percent. That unhealthy combination required economists to devise a new word, “stagflation,” and to go back to the drawing board and figure out how it all happened.

The best thinking about stagflation highlights three key factors: policymakers were guided by some bad theories; their strategies based on some good theories were badly executed; and circumstances were unique and, therefore, conducive to error.

I was young, but lived through the era of stagflation, the malaise days.  They were bad.  And when Reagan became president and they had to change the monetary policy to deal with it, the cure was almost as bad as the disease. It worked but it was far more painful because they had tried to forestall any pain by doing more of what was causing the problem.  Printing money and deficit spending are not solutions.  It's a lengthy explanation as to why, but I studied economics for years and basically it's truth.

Brandon is falling for the same solution proposals as did Carter.  Spend and print, but now on steroids. Mr. Yesterday's Mistakes.

I disagree with the last paragraph above from City Journal.  Yes policymakers were guided by bad theories.  But their strategies were not based on good theories that were badly executed, they were based on very flawed theories.  Spending your way out of a recession not only isn't advisable if the government doesn't have a massive cash surplus to cover the cost (which is not the case), it's doomed to failure if you have to print money to execute it.

I also disagree with the whole "unique circumstances" notion.  While the specifics of each crisis may be different, the economic portion of the situation does not change. Job losses, inflation, interest rates are drive by fundamental economic laws like the elasticity of supply and demand. These while hard to measure, are immutable.  It doesn't matter if the impetus is a tsunami, a pandemic, an oil crisis or a zombie plague, how the government and the Federal Reserve tackle the problem is what makes a difference as far as jobs, inflation and interest rates.  If you respond stupidly, or by putting politics ahead of the national interest, disaster will follow.  That is what we are seeing now, and it is going to get worse before it improves.

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