This is a good, pre-Trump start:
December 20, 2024
November 11, 2024
December 15, 2023
Surface level vs. underlying meaning
This is a great take by Red Eagle Politics.
October 4, 2023
Will Jim Jordan be the next House speaker?
The situation is in flux. Jim Jordan is interested in the House Speaker role.
May 15, 2023
Harball: The only way to play with the FBI
If you don't play hardball, the FBI is a lost cause as an American institution.
January 4, 2023
GOP congress in limbo (pt. 2)
The drama continues as no speaker has been selected yet. Democrats and the leftist media have mocked the GOP for not getting this right, but it's really just one more sign that the party is more diverse in ideas than the Democrats. That's. A. Positive.
January 3, 2023
GOP in congress in limbo?
Kevin McCarthy is not the guy, despite what this Fox Business video is saying. There's more to it than "don't have chaos". Yes chaos is not good but a sub-par speaker is no better, and long term, it's worse. Kevin McCarthy could do more to unify the party by acknowledging concerns of those who think he's a RINO. So far he's done nothing. That says something.
June 21, 2022
What the polls are saying (pt. 2/3)
In part 1 of this poll review, I talked about Let's Go Brandon's impact on the 2022 midterm election cycle as well as his own chances for re-election. Now I'm going to dive a little further into the 2022 midterms. In addition to the caveats mentioned in my previous post there are some additional caveats to be made here. While the presidential job approval does not accurately predict the outcome of a presidential election as the election is actually set up as individual elections, it is still directionally accurate. When you look at congressional races there are 435 individual races. So looking at a generic ballot is going to help even less with the outcome as to the makeup of the next congress. Nevertheless, there is a correlation between the generic congressional ballot and what will happen in the midterms. There is a directional view that can be helpful to outcome prediction.
Let's start with the congressional job approval ratings. They're terrible. Consistently. But that is nothing new and it makes sense; not only are the voters who support the party out of power negative, but the party in power will always have a contingent of their own voters who think that their congress is not getting enough done. In my opinion this is the least predictive congressional polling being done. However there is some directional value to be determined from it.
As you can see below the long term trend, while flattish, does have some slight U-shaped disapproval and the reverse for disapproval.
May 14, 2022
Midterm prediction day (part 2)
Normally watching MSNBC is not recommended. But here's a comparison of their forecast for the midterms from mid-January, versus late March of this year.
Midterm prediction day (part 1)
Today I'm going to share a number of midterm predications even though we are about 6 months out from the elections. First up is Red Eagle Politics. I don't always agree with him on political issues (though mostly I do), but he does his research and knows his stuff.
November 6, 2021
August 18, 2021
A possible preview preview of 2022
In Canada's eastern province of Nova Scotia, a province that has not elected a provincial conservative government since 2006 and has voted liberal or socialist ever since (and in fact has had a conservative parliament only 14 out of 40 prior elections), elected a conservative government in a stunning upset with a resounding victory for the conservative party.
It could serve not only as a preview of Canada's upcoming federal election, but also of the U.S. midterm elections.
June 2, 2021
What happened in NM01?
What happened in New Mexico congressional district 1? Many Republicans voters were expecting an upset surprise win for the GOP. Nope. They underperformed.
But is that really a surprise? No Trump endorsement, no big spending from Republicans, a lackluster candidate.
Red Eagle Politics takes up the case:
April 29, 2021
"You know...the guy..." makes a dull speech
I've been busy. I haven't posted enough lately. I've also missed speeches. Like this one that Tim Pool discusses:
September 27, 2020
Kim Klacik for Congress
How does this woman not win in November? Well, voter apathy and Democrat misinformation could do the trick.
That's why working together and supporting each other matters. Good on Rand Paul for doing this:
Every little bit helps.
May 21, 2020
Supreme Court 1 - Congressional Democrats 0
January 28, 2020
Confirmation Bias
Next NewsMax interviewing Roger Stone contains the suggestion that Nancy Pelosi's House leader position is in trouble:
I'd like to believe Roger Stone is right, but looking at the congressional map, while I think the Republicans are going to pick up seats, regaining control is not a done deal. In fact it is going to be difficult (though possible). While Roger Stone might end up being correct, and I hope he is, it's a bit of wishful thinking at this point to suggest that this is an obvious outcome.
January 20, 2020
Darrell Issa back?
Darrell Issa, whom I think was a good representative in Congress, was part of the mass retirement that helped Democrats win the house. His district, California's 49th district, was won by a Democrat. Interestingly now, he's not trying to win that district back but rather running in the 50th district in 2020. The incumbent was Republican (Duncan Hunter), was under indictment. In December he pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations, and he resigned from Congress effective last week. So Issa, a likely winner in the district is unfortunately not going to provide a regain to Republicans, but probably a hold of the 49th.