So a rush of Kamala Harris leading polls dropped this weekend, one even showing Harris winning Iowa. Tis to laugh. But there are a bunch of New York Times swing state polls spelling good news for Kamala Harris, among others. I just don't buy it. Here's what I am seeing as of this morning:
November 3, 2024
State of the race - Nov 3rd
October 22, 2024
My swing state view as of Oct 22
This morning I read the TIPP national tracking poll that showed over the weekend the race was tightening. It had this to say:
Trump's weekend momentum has fizzled out, and Harris and Trump are locked in a tight contest. Despite Trump's earlier momentum, the TIPP tracking poll shows former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris tied at 48%.
My first thought was okay it's a tracking poll, there is a daily fluctuation that shouldn't be taken as gospel. So I decided to look further, and I discovered two things. Firstly, despite the rounding, overall the details show Trump with a fractional lead at 48% and Harris somewhere around 47.7%. That is still a Trump lead, however small. The second thing I discovered was that within their tracking poll, Trump did indeed drop from 49% to 48% on the rolling score while Harris gained from 47% to just under the 48% mark. That could be anything from a weekend Democrat response bias to real movement. It's hard to tell.
Keep in mind this is a national poll. If Trump is even in a national poll, he is in a strong position to win the national total vote count, which is of course, merely bragging rights. Perhaps it's a little more consequential this time around but that's a discussion for another time. What's interesting is that it matches a couple of my updated swing state results. What really matters is the swing state polls.
Taking a look at the RealClearPolitics battleground state polling average (which are not the gold standard and why I try to average the polls a bit differently than RCP does) we see the following:
- Pennsylvania - Trump +0.8%
- North Carolina - Trump +0.5%
- Georgia - Trump +2.5%
- Arizona - Trump +1.8%
- Wisconsin - Trump +0.4%
- Michigan - Trump +1.2%
- Nevada - Trump +0.7%
October 21, 2024
My swing state view as of Oct 21
Here's what I see when I look at the polls and include only polls from the last 10 days, with only Likely Voters, only polls of 700 or more respondents, and with a margin of error less than or equal to 3.5%. Just like RCP, I'm seeing a swing state sweep for Trump.
This would equate to a significant electoral college sweep for Trump. There's good news and worrisome news in this. Firstly, Georgia and Pennsylvania look like they are approaching outside of margin of error leads for Trump. The worrisome part, the other states are all tin to razor-thin leads. The momentum is in Trump's favor BUT...
The Kamala Harris honeymoon was almost certainly a product of media and push-pollster hype. The polls 100% had to move towards Trump because the Harris leads were pure vaporware wishful-thinking, pie-in-the-sky unicorns and fairy dust. Which means that the polls have in reality, probably moved very little towards Trump. I don't doubt he's leading, but the margins may indeed be slim in these key battleground states. And if that's true, vote tabulation malfeasance is a risk.
October 17, 2024
And the spin continues
The spin has spun out of control, from the disastrous Kamala Harris interview, right on into some recent polling. Here's a discussion on why it's a lot of crap.
October 15, 2024
Trump gaining or no?
Let's not pretend Donald Trump has been making up ground on Kamala Harris; he was always doing better than her, but the push polls are being forced to stop playing games and start reporting reality. They have to report the truth or their integrity and validity will be challenged post-election. They are moving their polling towards the truth because they must.
October 14, 2024
State of the race: October 14th
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September 4, 2024
Why you should not panic about the polls
Rush Limbaugh used to advise his listeners (me among them), don't live and die by the polls. Sound advice in an era where most polling is designed to influence opinion rather than reflect it. If you watch the polls (and I do), you cannot blindly follow a single poll, or even a group of polls 'aggregated' without a grain handful of salt at the ready. Polls are often designed to discourage or encourage voters of a particular stripe to not vote, or vote respectively.
They often do not inform, but rather misinform. So either ignore them, or else take care in how you approach them. Steven Crowder points out that a dose of reality should be taken along with any polling you ingest:
September 3, 2024
State of the race
Here's my latest take on the race, based on polls of likely voters within the past 14 days, with at least a 500 sample size. The only state with no valid polls based on my criteria, is Georgia.
August 8, 2024
July 20, 2024
Poll Analysis
RealClear Politics does something I hate when it takes an aggregate of polls, it mixes unalike polls, and it gives all polls equal weighting. That's not realistic. In order to do a more reasoned polling average in the swing states, it should be a weighted average of like polls. I've taken a partial step towards filtering that way this cycle for the swing states. I haven't yet weighted the polls but what I have done is filtered the polls to include only the following in the various swing states; Only likely voter polls with a sample size >=500 a margin of error <=4.25%, and only polls taken since 06-Jul-24.
Not all swing states have had polls that qualify with that as a minimum criteria. But, given those criteria, here's what I am seeing:
March 11, 2024
No poll watching this year.
Every (primarily presidential) election cycle I used to track the polls that appear on RealClearPolitics to try to extrapolate a realistic result by filtering out polls that are what I would consider statistically unreliable. Some were too small (high margin of error), some oversampled Democrats (not a truly random sample, therefore biased), some polled adults or registered voters instead of likely voters. Some may have even defined likely voters oddly. They needed to be filtered out in order to get a clearer view of how race really looked. It worked in 2016, I was seeing a Trump narrow win over Hillary Clinton. I thought I had to be wrong and it turned out I was; I understated president Trump's electoral performance.
In 2018 I looked at Senate races and my filtering method still did pretty well. But in 2020 I did not see a Let's Go Brandon victory. In 2022 I didn't do that well in senate races either. I'm not convinced that my methodology was wrong, but I think the polling has changed in a way that is not clear to me. That could mean I am doing something that is wrong that perhaps used to work, I don't know. But the point is, as a poll watcher, I do not trust my input data any longer.
I've enjoyed looking at the What-If scenarios, and I may still do it this year. I like statistics and doing the analysis. But until I can figure out why the polls are different and my previous method of filtering out suspicious results can be fixed, I don't think it's productive to share my results here, at least for this election cycle.
Besides, I don't believe, as Rush Limbaugh used to say, poll watching is the best use of our time. I'll find another way to be productive and useful to the conservative cause. What does it matter if the polls show a close race and it turns out that hundreds of thousands of Let's Go Brandon votes appear at 2 a.m. in Pennsylvania for Let's Go Brandon, with a corresponding (and statically impossible) zero votes for Trump.
But outrage over suspicious results won't change the results. What will change the result is a rejuvenated RNC that does it's job properly. Let's hope the RNC's new leadership is up to the task.
February 4, 2024
Latest polls shifting? Fear not.
Recently there's been a spate of polls showing Let's Go Brandon improving versus president Trump. These recent polls all have a leftward tilt associated with their pollsters. As a premise to count undocumented harvested ballots, it's a great way to lay the groundwork for cheating. The narrative Let's Go Brandon has been surging of late, does make a great story for the left.
Honestly, I'm fine with the narrative because it keeps Let's Go Brandon on the ballot in place of sinister Gavin Newsom. Short of the premise for cheating, it only serves as a salve for wounded lefty hearts. The reason not to worry at this point is simple - what has been different that has caused Let's Go Brandon to dramatically surge to within striking distance of Trump?
I'll give you a few minutes to ponder that and realize the answer is "absolutely nothing". So no reason for a surge, ergo no real surge. Sure polls will shift, they can even change direction. But this makes zero sense. And then there are the state polls.
Here's why you don't need to worry just yet, according to Red Eagle Politics:
November 15, 2023
Meanwhile in Canada, conservatives continue to surge
A television channel in Canada, normally landing between far left and very far left, faces the reality on the ground in Canada. That reality? Justin Trudeau is destroying the liberal left (the Liberal party) and as a bonus, the socialist left (NDP) and it's starting to look irreversible for the left, at least for the next federal election.
November 8, 2023
Where there is smoke, there's fire
The United States can be infuriating. Here's how you fix voting, and how most civilized countries do it, or should do it if they don't:
- Photo ID and recent proof of address for voters
- Ballot/poll watchers from all parties present at every polling location
- Hand counted ballots in every polling precinct
- No calling of results in a riding until all poll watchers from parties have signed off
- Recourse for recounts under certain conditions
October 9, 2023
October 2, 2023
Post debate, Trump looking even better
Polling post debate looks like president Trump's non-participation is helping, not hurting his polling. I think at this point no one should be surprised.
November 4, 2022
RCP is getting closer
As of this morning, RealClearPolitics is edging closer to my weighted percentage interpretation of their results. They currently are averaging the results at R+3%. I currently have it as R +4.4% with my filters and weighted averages factored in.
November 2, 2022
My latest take on RCP polling
Previously, my take on Real Clear Politics (my rationale explained briefly here) showed Republicans up by a whopping 5.5% on the average of their polls I felt were worth inclusion. That's slipped a little bit but still showing a healthy GOP lead in the generic congressional ballot.
Here's my latest take on the available polls, 3 new ones have been added by RCP - NPR/PBS/Marist (R +3%), CBS News Battleground Tracker (R +2%) and CNN (R+4), with the largest sample being the CBS News poll and also having the smallest Republican advantage. All three have brought the average Republican lead down.
Keep this grain of salt in mind: all three newly added polls are from Democrat-favoring institutions. This could be damage control. I actually don't mind that as long as conservatives and like-minded independents do indeed get out and vote. Why? Because the alternative false narrative they could provide would be worse and the Left is missing that opportunity (unless the idea is already in play on a broader scale than we realize).
Here's what they would do if they were not so blindly and bitterly partisan; start inflating the Republican advantage in these polls to ridiculous levels (R+12%, R +9%, R+11%) and then when it inevitably comes in short of that range, say at R+5%, the narrative could become that voters wanted change but at the last minute realized that they really didn't want a Republican majority and many voters pulled back and as 'reason took over' decided to revert to their true inclination to vote Democrat. That narrative would keep the Democrats are the true majority notion alive, whereas sayin it's R +2% and then it turns out it ends up as R +5%, they will have to admit they took a deserved drubbing.
Or of course, they could just start to blame Biden.
October 28, 2022
Updated Generic Congressional Ballot Polling
This is pretty easy to upkeep since I've set it up, so why not update my RealClearPolitics interpretation more frequently between now and November 8th? Here's the snapshot as of today:
You can see that the advantage has ballooned as I had predicted. Even if I include as far back as October 11th, which I believe is probably a bit stale, the GOP still hold a +4.3% advantage. Further if I remove supposedly Republican biased polls (Federalist, Rasmussen, and Trafalgar), I still get a Republican +3.6% advantage over the last 17 days of polls, or Republican +4.3% over the last 8 days. I'm not trying to cherry pick, just show that the polls are showing voters moving to the right.
October 3, 2022
Evidence of Red Wave?
Is this evidence or an outlier poll? Nevada turning red is a big deal.
Nevada Senate:Adam Laxalt (R) 45% (+2)Catherine Cortez Masto (D-inc) 43%.Nevada Governor:Joe Lombardo (R) 45% (+3)Steve Sisolak (D-inc) 42%— Political Polls (@Politics_Polls) October 2, 2022
I'm always skeptical of polling without more information so I'm very cautiously optimistic given this news, but optimisitic nonetheless.