Common Backyard Birds in New Jersey in the Spring
The Pine Siskin is supposed to be here only for the winter. Their range is extending and they may stay. I hope they let the goldfinches have a turn at the thistle feeder.
One female and two male cardinals have been frequenting this feeder. There appears to be quite a competition for her attention by the males.
Labels: Downy Woodpecker, House Finch, Northern Cardinal, Pine Siskin, Spring Birds, Tufted Titmouse

Thanks for the photos ! I have always fed the birds but am just recently wanting to identify the different types that are visiting - did not know that the red headed fellow (or gal) was a house finch :)
this is a wonderful blog..i love all the pictures, they are so beautiful. thank you for all the information & for identifying all the different types of birds in our area.
Does anyone see Orioles in northern NJ?
thanks sooooooo much! you saved my life for my biology homework!!!!!!