Showing posts with label schottland business leadership award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schottland business leadership award. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Washington College Announces Recipients Of 2003 Schottland Business Leadership Awards

Local College Seniors Sweep Top Business Honor

Chestertown, MD, April 23, 2003 — The Washington College Department of Business Management has announced the recipients of the 2003 Schottland Business Leadership Awards. The program grants one first place award of $5,000 to a graduating senior, with the promise of an additional $10,000 toward graduate school at an accredited business college if the winner accepts a position with an American corporation for at least two years. Two $1,000 second place awards are also given. Senior Dean Zang of Earleville, MD, has been chosen to receive the first place $5,000 award, and Clayton Swears III of Earleville and Laura Wayles Wilson of Worton, MD, will receive the second place awards upon graduation this May 18.
The Schottland Business Leadership Award was established at Washington College in 1999 by Stanley A. Schottland, retired CEO and Chairman of American Packaging Corporation, citing the need to foster innovation and excellence in American business. The Schottland Award competition is open to any Washington College student who meets the academic, moral and leadership criteria. Applicants are judged by the College's President's Advisory Council.
First-place winner Zang is a business management major with a minor in political science. Currently serving as president of the College's Student Government Administration, Zang has been acknowledged for both his initiative and proactive role in building cooperative relationships with the Mayor and Council of Chestertown to better handle issues between college students and the town. In his spare time he strikes a balance between his academic, extracurricular and professional i
nterests, and has worked to become a certified residential and commercial Realtor®. After graduation, he intends to work in real estate development and sales and while preparing to apply for MBA. programs. He has been very involved in the Washington College community as a member of the Kappa Alpha Order fraternity, Order of Omega National Greek Honor Society, the Washington College Democrats, Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society and the College's chapter of Toastmasters International. He is the son of Dean and Diane Zang of Earlville.
Swears, a business management major with an economics minor, is the son of Clay and Anne Swears of Earlville. President of Washington College's chapter of the Sigma Beta Delta National Business Honor Society and a member of the Cater Society of Junior Fellows, WC Rugby Team and Spanish Club, Swears has a keen interest in finance and investment and has interned with the Corporate Finance Institute in Chestertown. He plans to attend law school.
Wilson is a double major in business management and international studies and has been active on campus as a sister of the Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, founder and president of Women's Club Lacrosse Team, a senator with the Student Government Association, and as a member of the Cater Society of Junior Fellows, the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, and the Order of Omega. After graduation, she plans to spend the summer visiting Europe then return to apply for graduate programs in international affairs and business. She is the daughter of John and Laura Wilson of Worton.
“Three finer students could not have been chosen for the award,” said Dr. Terrence Scout, Chairman and Ferris Professor, Department of Business Management. “Dean Zang is already an entrepreneur. Clay Swears has all A's in college, and Wayles Wilson has extensive international experience. The future of American business is in good hands with these three.”

Wednesday, October 20, 1999

Schottland Founds Business Leadership Award at Washington College

Chestertown, MD — Citing the need to foster innovation and excellence in American business, Stanley A. Schottland, retired CEO and Chairman of American Packaging Corporation, has established the Schottland Business Leadership Award at Washington College.

Worth a total of $75,000 over the next five years, the award grants one graduating senior $5,000 in cash, with the promise of an additional $10,000 toward graduate school at an accredited business college. Award winners must accept a position within an American corporation for at least two years, after which they will be eligible for the $10,000 tuition grant. Second and third place awardees receive grants of $1,000 each upon graduation.

The Schottland Business Leadership Award competition is open to any Washington College student who meets the academic, moral and leadership criteria. Applicants are judged by a three-member panel comprising a member of the business management department, Mr. Schottland and a representative of an American corporation.

The first Schottland Business Leadership Awards will be granted this spring. Applications must be submitted by February 1, 2000, and are available from Washington College's Department of Business Management.