Chestertown, MD — John Cody, M.D., whose book "After Great Pain" explores the inner life of Emily Dickinson, will speak about the poet and her work at 8 p.m., Weds. March 1 in the Sophie Kerr Room of Miller Library on the campus of Washington College. The talk is free and open to the public.
In addition to his book, Dr. Cody has written journal articles about and reviewed others' interpretations of Dickinson's poetry. Unique, however, is the background that Cody brings to his study of Dickinson. After working as a medical and scientific illustrator for six years, he went on to earn an M.D., then worked as a psychiatrist until he resigned to paint in 1986. He is a world-renowned artist who specializes in painting saturniid moths, many of which he raises himself, and who speaks out strongly on environmental issues.
Dr. Cody's lecture is sponsored by the Sophie Kerr Committee and the Washington College Psychology Department.