CHESTERTOWN—The Awards Committee of the Washingon College Alumni Association is compiling a list of College alumni who have served our country in battle.
Director of alumni programs Judie Barroll is heading up the Veterans Project. Her husband Stewart's great-great-great grandfather, War of 1812 veteran James Edmondson Barroll, Secretary and Adjutant of the Troop of Horse, Kent County Militia, is the first of more than 200 veterans listed so far. Recent alumni are listed for combat service in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Click here to see the list.)
“The Awards Committee initiated this project more than a year ago,” Judie explains. “Through an article in Washington College Magazine and by contacting alumni through phone calls and e-mails we have been able to compile a pretty comprehensive list. But we know there are still some war veterans missing and some inaccuracies. This is a living, breathing document that is constantly changing, and we need alumni help.”
The list will live on the Alumni web page (http://www.washcoll.edu/alumni/) as it progresses and will ultimately be a valuable record for historians of the College. Judie says the Awards Committee also plans eventually to have the list framed and displayed in a prominent location on campus, “as one simple way to honor our Washington College alumni who have served or are serving our country.”