Showing posts with label Barbara Heck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbara Heck. Show all posts

Friday, May 4, 2001

Washington College Establishes Equestrian Club

Chestertown, MD, May 3, 2001 — As of Spring 2001, Washington College has established an Equestrian Club open to all students. Students Christine Solle '03, Morgan Baker '04, and Lauren Marini '02 will serve as co-presidents for 2001, assisted by Barbara Heck, associate vice president for development, who will act as administrative advisor, and Dr. Kathryn Moncrief, assistant professor of English, who will act as faculty advisor to the club.

"The Equestrian Club allows Washington College students of any level of riding ability, even beginners, to participate in educational field trips, monthly trail rides, riding lessons, and competitions sponsored by the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association," said Heck. "Many students have wanted to establish this club for years. We are proud of how quickly the club has taken root this semester and attracted a large number of interested students."
The Washington College Equestrian Club will function as both a club and as a team. Interested students will be able to compete and represent Washington College in Intercollegiate Horse Show Association competitions. The Intercollegiate Horse Show Association has competitive opportunities for all levels, from beginning to advanced, and students do not have to own a horse to participate, explained Moncrief.
Along with Moncrief and the student leaders, Heck will help the club to gain funding as well. "The program is driven by member fees," Heck said. "Students must pay for their lessons, but the club will also be working to raise money for students who cannot afford to pay for lessons and to fund other club activities."