Singers Tâm Đoan along with Quang Lê have officially ended their contract with Thúy Nga, deciding to go as freelance artists instead. There are always rumors behind everything in this showbiz. One suggesting that Thúy Nga is losing its popularity and slowly artists are leaving the production, supposedly following Như Quỳnh’s footsteps. It might seem to be the case when Tâm Đoan was spotted as VIP guest at a recent Asia’s show. This brings the question that maybe she too had joined Asia, whose popular seems to be rising and is recruiting more singers. But it seems that Thúy Nga is stepping up with their two upcoming shows, Paris By Night 92 & 93- Request Music & Celebrity Dancing. Let’s see what happens.
Another Thúy Nga singer is also in the news, talent show runner up; Trịnh Lam who’s arrogant does not seem to be sitting well audiences. Recent news report from the ultimate - #1 rumor source, mautam.org suggested that Trinh Lam’s leaving his wife and family to further pursuit his career. However, he has not accomplished anything, so what is there to pursuit? His future at Thúy Nga is temporary going good but that’s nothing to really suggest a great career. He is just a newbie to the business, and in term of winning audience's hearts- nothing yet. And as for his talents, singing and as a songwriter, it is just on par. Trịnh Lam seems to be very much a family man, but fame could be getting to his head. If the rumors are true, then he is just feeding more to stereotypical mold of singers and newfound fame for most rising stars.
Rather older news, kick boxer Cung Lê defeated Frank Shamrock, for the Strikeforce Middleweight title in San Jose, California on March 29, 2008. Frank Shamrock accepted defeat after suffering lots of beating that ultimately injured his right arm. According to Cung Lê, he fought with all his heart for his family and it seemed to have paid off.