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Showing posts with the label Linda Vi Tram

Celebrities In Their Younger Years

So what do these celebrities look like say years ago? How about even younger when they were just a baby? We will find out soon. They definitely didn't look like themselves. Maybe some did. Before you get scroll down quickly to view the pictures, try to guess who they are first. Also check out celebrities' spouse , famous children , and celebrities gone wild . Don't forget to comment to tell how well you did out of 18 photos. To view the answer simple highlight below the picture where there are indications. 1. Who is this now so famous MC? >>Hightlight here YEAH that's Việt Dũng , MC from Asia. Now this is not so hard is it? Next. 2. Who's this other famous MC that the arrow points to? >>Hightlight here That's Kỳ Duyên from Thúy Nga Paris By Night. You're doing good so far? 3. Who's this veteran singer holding her daughter who is also a singer? >>Hightlight here It's 2 mo...

Nhat Tinh Anh's Hooking up with Linda Vi Tram

According to recent news Vietnam singer Nhat Tinh Anh is hooking with beauty queen Linda Vi Tram . Is he following in Quang Dung ’s footsteps? Quang Dung, also a popular singer from Vietnam wedded beauty queen Jennifer Pham in July 2007 and announced in October 2007 of his daddy news . Quang Dung and Jennifer before tying the knot took part in a movie “Những Chiếc Lá Thời Gian” (Leaves of Time). Nhat Tinh Anh and Linda Vi Tram met in the U.S. after appearing in a show in Seattle and later on upon reuniting he asked her to be in his music video “Tieng Duong Cam Trong Dem.” They are now officially together as a couple, said the singer who claimed they are together because of fate. And that he hopes his fans will be happy for him since he has been single for a while. Nhat Tinh Anh travels back and forth from Vietnam to the U.S. where his parents and girlfriend currently reside. His family members live in the U.S. and are doing paper works for him to reunite with ...