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Showing posts with the label Vietnamese Beauty Pageants

Vietnamese Beauty Pageants in the U.S.

Credit picture to There are too many beauty pageants under similar names vowing to showcase the beauty of Vietnamese women and unite Vietnamese people to honor our culture and heritage. But none of them can truly do what they said because all of them ended up looking like another hopeful pageant with no creditability at all! I understand that the actual show might not be like totally glamorous or as big because the lack of money or support. It is not about the money or having a big stage but that most of these shows are an embarrassment and a total joke. It seems that just about anyone who has money can create a show and anyone can enter the show. First off, let’s take a look at their “official” website. I selected two recently ones. Miss Vietnam USA and Miss Vietnam Global are two good examples the kind of so call Vietnamese pageants that take place in the U.S. With all the money that are put into this, they can at least make their website look credita...