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Major Vietnamese Video Production in the USA

One of the earliest, most well known and respected video production show is Paris By Night created by Thuy Nga, therefore the show is often referred to as Thuy Nga Paris By Night . The first taped production of PBN was done without a live audience and had few singers. The show was just a short one-tape music video with few singers singing to a plain designed background. The show didn’t cost as much as it is now. It didn’t have special lighting or creativity of arrangements done to the stage. As a matter of fact, the show creator didn’t even dare to label the video as their first production because they didn’t know if there was going to be a second. The first time I watched PBN was in 1994 when tape number nine came out. The show releases about two videos a year, so probably around 1990 when they had their first tape or even earlier. You do the math. I believed the first PBN video was taped in Paris, and that was how the show got its name, even after they no longer shot in Paris. PBN sh...