Trinh Hoi (who is famous for his many years fighting for refugees in Philippines and recent co-host for Asia Entertainment) along with his wife Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen (a famous co-host at Thuy Nga Paris By Night and daughter of Nguyen Cao Ky who was a prime minister, vice president and general of Vietnam) was asked to host a show in Sydney, Australia. The two along with many other well-known singers in the U.S.A and some singers in Vietnam all signed on to take part in the event. Sadly a group of people in the Vietnamese community in Sydney upon hearing the news immediately disapproved and straight up boycotted Trinh Hoi and Ky Duyen and called them out as traitors because they agree to make business with the communists. The show was immediately canceled due the fact that the show’s creator and many others were afraid of a violent protesting from the Vietnamese community in Sydney. But at that time Trinh Hoi, Ky Duyen and many other singers had already flew to Sydney and was disappointed by the cancellation.
People who worked at the show reminded everyone of how violence the Vietnamese people in Australia could get. In the past, people went beyond standing outside protesting but smashing up cars, throwing eggs, and even manure. These people are violent and they will do whatever it takes so no one was willing to take the risk and have the show go on. While many people were afraid, Trinh Hoi and Ky Duyen were not. They felt that why can’t they have their show. It is very unfair and Ky Duyen especially believed these acts from the so call anti- communist people are rather more of a terrorist act than anything else. Trinh Hoi spoke out and claimed that being anti- communist is one thing and business is another. These Vietnamese singers from Vietnam are just trying to make a living, and Trinh Hoi, Ky Duyen and singers over here are too. It is entertainment, it is strictly business and it does not say anything about them supporting communism or not. Furthermore Ky Duyen pointed out in her long written reaction article posted all over the internet and newspapers stating the dates and times when singers from Vietnam came over to sing, but why didn’t anyone boycott them then? Also Ky Duyen felt that much of hatred for her comes from the fact that she is her father’s daughter Nguyen Cao Ky. Her father is seen as traitor by the Vietnamese community in the U.S. since his recent public announcement to live in Vietnam and bring investments to Vietnam. Furthermore during the Vietnam War he was seen as betraying the country by his actions at the time. (Long story, look it up on Google or ask someone).
Since they are already here in Australia, they decided afterward to host a show of their own with no singers from VN and they managed to find a place at a restaurant. Everything went well and immediately booking for tickets went off high. But however, those people won’t quit it and continued to protest the show, and basically boycotting artists from the U.S and mainly Trinh Hoi and Ky Duyen. The owner of the restaurant later on canceled the show. Trinh Hoi and Ky Duyen felt miserable and highly upset. There was not much they could’ve done, when no one supported them because everyone was afraid.
After the incident in Australia, Vietnamese newspapers all over posted Ky Duyen’s long reaction paper, which told about her feelings at the time. Some people mainly fans of Trinh Hoi and Ky Duyen showed support toward their idols in online forums, while some of the elders posted on newspaper and magazines bashing Trinh Hoi and mainly Ky Duyen for disrespecting the Vietnamese community in Australia by calling them terrorists. And as a result, Trinh Hoi didn’t show up on an upcoming live taping of Asia 54. Asia Entertainment has always been known for being anti-communist through their many videos on the Vietnam War and also because their staffs Viet Dzung, Nam Loc, and Truc Ho who were all strong anti-Viet Cong. It was not a surprising decision by Asia to cut Trinh Hoi from the show. But even that didn’t save Asia from this upcoming rivalry with the so-called anti-Viet Cong people.

credit image to vietshowbiz.com
The live taping of Asia show titled 75 Nam Am Nhac VN, Hat Voi Than Tưong (75 Years of Vietnam Music, singing with Idols) on Saturday May 19, 2005 at La Mirada in California with many people who came to see the show was distracted by a group of people from across the street protesting the show. These people held up a large yellow banner resembling the old Vietnam flag with words claiming that they are protesting Asia show because the show decided to do the taping on the birthday of the enemy, Ho Chi Minh. This wasn’t any show; it was a show that retracted the footsteps of Vietnamese music over the past years since the Vietnam War. It was a rather highly meaningful show that Asia had put together but rather coincidently it was done on the birthday of communist leader during the Vietnam War, Ho Chi Minh. As a response to the protesting outside of the theater, Asia Entertainment posted up their banner resembling the old Vietnam flag stating that Asia will always stay firm and strong on their stand against Viet Cong and will continue to fight until there is democracy in Vietnam. Even though people were protesting, the show went on smoothly as planned and people coming into the show didn’t have any problems.
My Thoughts:
Well, I’m definitely on the side of Trinh Hoi and Ky Duyen and I agreed to what they said. Although I understand and realize the important of having Vietnamese communities around the world against communist in VN, I strongly disapproved of the actions of the Vietnamese people protesting in Sydney that day. From what I see are mainly a few people who stood up and took leader roles and organized a group of followers who they used to their advantages under the mask of being anti-Viet Cong, but truly inside they are nothing but people who are jealous and upset because of competitions, of businesses, and of the success and happiness of others struggling Vietnamese people who are simply trying to make a living.
As for the protesting of Asia show, it was unnecessarily. If they understood and sympathized for the producer of the show, they know that Saturday is the single day that many people can make it to see the show or willing to come in general. I doubt the producers want to purposely set the date on that day because it is Ho Chi Minh’s birthday. The show was not supposed to be considered as a celebration to his birthday but a sort of moving on and a success story and a celebration of struggling Vietnamese people diverse throughout the world since the war. I just don’t understand how people have the time to think of these things and protest just to make people miserable like them. They really have nothing to do and have no life. If they are so strongly anti Viet Cong, why don’t they go to Vietnam and do something about it, maybe protest there to get people out of poverty. Maybe if each of them can spare a penny, we would have enough money to help the poor people in Vietnam. These fake people who are taking advantage of the idea of anti communism need to shut up and go doing something else that’s truly productive instead of causing troubles for others.
Ky Duyen
Vui vẻ
Karly, I know it's great to voice your opinions, but you should think before you speak. You said: "If they are so strongly anti Viet Cong, why don’t they go to Vietnam and do something about it, maybe protest there to get people out of poverty. Maybe if of each of them can spare a penny, we would have enough money to help the poor people in Vietnam." I think that that's the reason why Vietnam's a communist country. I could carry on forever about Vietnam's government, but seeing that you're an educated American, I trust that you have unedited, non-propaganda information available.
"These fake people who are taking advantage of the idea of anti communism need to do shut up and go doing something else that’s truly productive instead of causing troubles for others." - What gain do us protesters get out of this? Nothing, my friend. Vietnam's media has said that we get $50 per person to protest (to mislead Vietnam's people), but do you find that rational? I hope common sense prevails in this case. Protesters give up on much of their time to fight for a cause. Freedom of speech at a cost? Possibly.
You could say that sending bucket loads of money to Vietnam would help, but at the end of the day, what purpose does the government serve? It's sad to say "every man for himself", but really, out of all that oozing goodness that the Viet Cong talks of, a bit of that must rub onto the economy, mustn't it? That's the thing with Viet Cong theories.
phandinhtoan, xin hỏi bạn thật sự có biết "tỵ nạn cộng sản" là gì không? Chắc có lẻ mình viết sai chính tả, là một người 15 tuổi, và không sanh ở Việt Nam, nhưng mình có thể nói rằng là "biết!".
Again, Karly, it's good to see you've voice your opinion. Now that's democracy. :)
What I see from most of the protesting here in America is that it is a way for business competition mainly to stop another from gaining profit. It seems though that most of the people behind these nonsense protesting are business competitors such as a creator of a show perhaps who wants to destroy another’s show like the recent one protesting against Tommy Ngo. I find these activities not helping the Vietnamese community overseas.
with much respect,
I think the Vietnamese here should start to learn the practice of Democratic before be advocate the government of Vietnam:
-We should have a partition for any flag before demanding the local government that this is what all Vietnamese want. (Vietnamese people should have the right to vote or veto their desire)
- The co vang should clearly state if it represent Vietnamese-aboard and should not represent Vietnam.
- The community leaders or representatives should open a vote for their seat and should declare clearly what their actions/believes and conducts of the term.
We would be the same as communist if we cover our faults, wrongly accuse people and unjustify our motives.
Khong theo ta la` nghich ta "policy"?
Hello Karly. :)
The reason why we protest when Vietnam has entertainment shows in countries like Australia is because it's 100% government-funded (take the DDVN one for example). We feel that a third-world country like Vietnam should be spending its money on the Vietnamese people instead.
DDVN was government-funded, spread across trips to nations. Tickets were free, mainly for the purpose of promoting Vietnamese tourism. Sure, nothing sounds bad, but the lavish outlay could have better been spent for the people.
Those overseas try their best to forget their past experiences, but you know, it was a traumatic experience for them. Those who say to "forget about the past" are almost always those who are not former refugees themselves. To keep in touch with Vietnam, our parents send money to their relatives and donate to the poor people of Vietnam. These are the practical things that can help those who have had no involvement in politics. I don't know where getting friendly with the government and (tentatively) promoting Vietnam's entertainment industry fits into here.
"In the past, people went beyond standing outside protesting but smashing up cars, throwing eggs, and even manure." — I know that you've heard this from many sources, but it's mainly the view taken from Vietnam-based news sources. If even in Western countries news can be biased, then you can imagine how manipulative the news in Vietnam is. I've been in anti-communist protests and I can assure you that they are peaceful. (Boring, even!) My Dad goes to even more protests than I do, and every time he returns with not much news — but I guess that's the "motive" of the Vietnamese Australian protesters — just to express their freedom of speech.
"It seems though that most of the people behind these nonsense protesting are business competitors such as a creator of a show perhaps who wants to destroy another’s show." — I get where you're going at, but please seek examples. If even "save the whales" protests are considered appropriate, then I don't know why deserving anti-communist protests are deemed nonsense. Shows that I know of are Paris by Night, Asia and Van Son. I cannot imagine them inciting the Vietnamese to protests. But then again, the shows I'm thinking of could be different to yours.
I'm prescient enough not to rely on conjecture. A lot of the major anti-protests in Australia have started from Vietnamese radio stations. The minor ones are usually from online or through word-of mouth. My my, can you see business competition?
Thanks again for your correspondence.
He spend 10 years physically working there in the Phillipines. He also was the main person at the government table. But Asia cut the picture of his name and his presence. ?????
This is not honorable of Asia.
But then again, it is just an entertainment agency.
Too much hatred and Anti-, Anti- makes us opposite of what we want to become.
Are we acting like a Communist?
Nhung nguoi nhu nguyen cao ky, nguyen cao ky duyen, trinh hoi dang le phai cam they xau ho truoc nguoi nu anh hung Le thi Cong Nhan. Ho khong dang xach guoc cho nguoi Nu Anh Hung nay. Dung dua ra nhung loi tre con, vo nhan tam va vo trach nhiem nhu, "it's strictly business." If you ever take classes in business, you should take a class called "ethical business 101" class. It's a required course. There is no such thing as "it's strictly business" for good business people. Do chi la mot loi nguy bien cho nhung ke ban re luong tam chay theo ma quy.
Khan Bui
God Bless our beloved country, Vietnam.
PS: If you have not seen "Ngay Gio- the Anniversary", get one and watch. It's worth to take a moment and think abt what really happened to our country.
I'm a big fan of Mr. N(3).
PS: some people love to speak for Viets who live in Vietnam, please stop speaking for us.
Please, do not buy any food, goods, rice, shimp, fishes, nuoc mam, pho,
banh trang..., do not send any money to relative in V.N, do not travel to V.N, because V.C will have dollar to buy stuff from other countries, do not make any call to anybody in V.N because the phone system belong to V.C you help their business going well. Do not email to anybody in V.N because internet system belong to them, you make their business survive.
These are the best idea for anti V.C . Whoever did some steps above they already make the V.C live longer and stronger. I think most of us out side V.N already did at least one of the stuff above.
ps -trinh hoi, ky duyen and her dad can stay in vietnam. ky duyen's family have history of gambling....use your imaginations what happen if her dad was to become president? hmmm.
Just look people..vietnam today is not as bad as you think it is! You go to the country side, everyones got cell phones, big houses...so what is the problem here?
To me, It is better than the time that the 3stripes were ruling Saigon and thats for sure! And yeah they are still poor compare to the rest of the world, but what do you expect after a war that has destroyed all hopes of anything surviving! The thing we should remember is million tonnes of bombs that was dropped in our motherland. Why hasn't anyone remember this? The scar is still there?!
Common guys, if we dont buy products from vietnam, mam, rice, whatever, we are not only torturing the government but we are also torturing our people... So please, Do it for the people and build a better relationship for our younger generation Vietnamese both from overseas and Vietnam. Other races are laughing at us because they are seing that we "Vietnamese" are fighting amongst ourselves. We should be united and support each other - regardless where we are. We may not support and agree with the Commies - and we dont ever have to - but we do need to support and care for our People - and thats the Vietnamese people.
Love and Respect.
Just have a word to Kumi, you possess an exceptional and unacceptable behaviour on your age. Please grow up and reconsider what you have pointed to your parents' community.
Please don't blame Kỳ Duyên for what her father Nguyen Cao Ky did ("nợ cha con trả" isn't right).
In response to KHAN BUI, you said "trinh hoi dang le phai cam they xau ho truoc nguoi nu anh hung Le thi Cong Nhan. Ho khong dang xach guoc cho nguoi Nu Anh Hung nay.... ... If you ever take classes in business, you should take a class called "ethical business 101" class."
I think KHAN BUI "phai cam thay xau ho" for saying that because was KHAN BUI able to do what Trinh Hoi did? Spending all those years in Philipenes to help Viet refugees, những người tỵ nạn xấu số còn sót lại gần như đã bị lãng quên. This alone should have earned Trinh Hoi an "A+" for ethical 101 class.
For those younger people out there, I just wanted to encourage you to be proud of our elders for taking their time and energy out to protest. Most of us are obviously too embarrased or lazy to protect others than ourselves. Without their actions, we wouldn't have the kind of lives that we have today.
Our elders have lost their dreams, hopes, loved ones, and most importantly, their country. THe most important thing that they want is for us to never forget what they had fought for. Please do not bash them, because they are the same people who were willing to trade their lives for us so we could have a better future.
There is a need to remember what had happened and react to it. Our parents have fought the war for us, now it is our turn to join them and stand up to this nasty government.
Protesting is one such way.
When you forget the past, you have lost yourself. No one asked for the war, it just came to us.
When you find yourself mad at the old folks for protesting, just think of innocents still in prison and millions still hungry and oppressed in Vietnam. This is the reason why people still protest!!!!!!
You have a choice:
either to ignore all of the issues happening right now and look at the surface such as how great your life is and forget about others less fortunate;
or dig deeper and ask what you can do to help those who don't have a voice.
Believe me, money can only go so far, it is actual justice and equality that can ensure freedom and liberty.
Sending money to Vietnam is necessary, but still does not speak for those who are oppressed. These people need somebody to acknowledge their wishes and demands, so it is our duty to voice our oppinions to help those who are still behind.
Cam mom con me may di, lu cho ma.
Dang cong san muon nam
Bac Ho kinh yeu muon nam!
Chien tranh thi luon tan khoc & chet choc. Khi no qua roi thi thoi. Dung khoi day lam gi.
Len chua tu cho thoai mai dau oc di bon mat day.
Con nguoi khong co' to^.i. Chi co mien tin tu chinh tri hay la` ton giao la`m cho loai nguoi tro thanh ke thu` voi nhau
Well, my friends let me explain to you guys something. The idea itself is not bad. Karl Marx created the idea of communism with the thought of inspiring people to act as a community, to share everything and to treat each other with equal dignity. That is communism! Under the rule of communism, the governments own everything because it is the only way to prevent private ownership or the takeover of corporations like how it is in a society of Capitalism. However, people have used the idea to their advantage. The government is corrupted not because the idea is bad. You guys never once looked back in history to see if Vietnam was ever a country with wealth and prosperity. Yes, there was! It was the time before the colonization of the French and then the attacked of the Americans. It was the men who sold pieces of his country to a chance of a life in U.S that you should blame. Communism wasn't the reason for the poverty or the injustice right now. It was the doing of war, and of those who betrayed their own country to save their own a$$!
You people praise a democratic system because it seems like under the system you guys have freedom, wealth, and peace. For how long may I ask? Is a democratic system under a capitalist society long lasting? Do see what is happening to the States right now? Is it safe? Has anyone ever looked at the destruction under the rules of corporation. I see poverty everyday in the U.S. Everyday crime rates are going up while the populations in Detroit are going down. Why is this the case? People like U.S because they say it is a country of liberty. Is it? Everyday we're enslaved by fashion, by music, by technology and fast food. Did anyone pay attention to the American economy is the past years? It’s going doing! The system is failing on its own. Why is that? It is once again because of war. Americans are going to war aren’t they?
My point is, if you think communism is bad, pin point why it is or don’t say something just because others say it is. Those protestors are wrong in marching around protesting on something that is no longer of their concerns. In leaving the country and adopting another country as their own, they have forfeited all their rights to voice their opinion. How dare they walk around protesting on a government that is no longer their own? They say that Vietcong is bad? Why may I ask? Most would say it is because the governments under communism are corrupted. This means that they should protest on the corruption of political system not the idea Vietcong itself.
conclusion. VN's government are trash!!!! their money are cheaper than those "pha^n bo'n" . 1USD=16.000 in VN, wth???
Mấy người rảnh rỗi quá, chỉ được cái miệng thúi thui. Có ngon thì bay về vietnam biểu tình chóng VC đi. Không thằng nào dám lo mặt vô vietnam phải không ( bảo đảm chết không có chổ chôn thân) Trong trại cải tạo có thằng nào dám nói chuyện ngang hàng với vietcong (VC) không. Một tiếng "dạ", hai tiếng "thưa" đồng chí. Chạy qua đây bày là ta đây đấu tranh chóng cộng giúp người vietnam trong nước. Chẳng qua là mấy cha bị ấm ức vì bị hành hạ như thú thui. Còn không kiếm chổ trốn cho khỏi bị nhục.
Còn mấy ông bỏ đất nước & người dân vô tội ở lại vietnam 1975 là LOOSER. Đồ hèn hạ tham sống sợ chết mà còn dám lên tiếng là ta đây???? Không biết viết chữ "nhục" như thế nào. Mấy người làm tôi mắc cười quá. Thắng làm vua, thua làm giặc.
Tui cũng đi vượt biên vậy, không gửi tiền về nuôi cha mẹ già yếu, thì lấy gì mà họ sống cho qua ngày. Nói chuyện ngu như mấy cha vậy, thì tui là đứa con bất hiếu rùi. Pó tay với mấy ông luôn. Mấy ông gần đất xa trời rùi còn đéo cha mẹ già đâu mà trả hiếu.
Mấy ông chóng VC cứ việc tuyên truyền thoải mái, nhưng phải nên nhớ là người khác có tự do của họ. Và nói chính xác là có 2 trường phái: Tỵ nạn chính trị & Tỵ nạn kinh tế.
Ky Duyên & Trịnh Hội thì cũng là về kinh tế thôi.
Không nên ép tất cả người tỵ nạn ở nước ngoài phải dính dáng tới chính trị. Phải để cho họ có sự lựa chọn.
for whomever to call these protests "terrorist attacks" youre so dumb. here you are, doing business with the communists, just so that they could buy themselves big houses & not benefit the citizens. asking you to stop by standing outside is a terrorist act? ok they prolly did throw eggs like you said.. i agree it was a biy violent but thats the only time i've heard of such things. all the other protests just have people standing outside holding banners.
you also speak of poverty in the US. Theres poverty everywhere 1st world countries and 3rd world countries. It's something you get run away from. But at least the people here get benefits from the goverment like food stamps etc. people in vietnam get shit! & if theyre sick, to hell with them cause the government aint gonna care. people in vietnam die every single day because of car accidents.. & what happens to the cause it? "here you go 10 bucks let me free" 10 bucks and they got their freedom. 10 bucks and theyre off the hook for killing someone.
another thing, at least in a democracy, you can speak up. people living in vietnam right now are struggling cause they cant speak up their mind. the government people decide to be assholes so they go around taking land from people. wtf! and what do these say? they say nothing or else they'll get hurt. thats all i gotta to you my american canadian friend.
It's time to move on with your life and forget about politics. War is always about business: The sales of weapons, medical supplies, construction materials...(not even mentioned about death-bodies parts) etc...
If you couldn't figure out why the US government & the big oil companies were & still interested in Vietnam & Samolia then you don't know about their master plan yet.
Don't you forget that the US navy is helping Vietnamese Government to protect "Spratly Island" for the big oil company interest.
The war in Vietnam was about the control of the oil under the sea and not about the expansion of the communist.
It's time for the Vietnamese people to get together and protect our natural resources, not only for us but also for our younger generations. Then one day, we all go back to our own homeland and die happerly overthere.
If some people still hate communist then they should get out of the United States because they are the real communist.
Try not to pay tax for a few years then you will find out. I am not afraid of commnunist but I am afraid of the Bank, IRS, health insurance and the Christian Mafia (US government).
I think Ky Duyen & Trinh Hoi are good people. I enjoy their talents. They tried to entertain vietnamese people and have nothing to do with politics so leave them do their job.
For those who think you can do a better the job running the country then you should start with your family first to see if you can make them all happy. Then you can help homeless people in your commnunity and old people with medicare etc...
Love, Happiness and Peace to All!
Let suppose after the second the world war, the japanese already defeated the French in Vietnam and Bao Dai united with Viet Minh and helped Ho Chi Minh running the country, we could be one of the richest country in the world like Saudi Arabia. Instead Bao Dai allowed the French to come back so his government could get paid. He was the real traitor even his wife didn't like the idea.
I don't want to repeat the history here, you can read it on the internet or library.
All I want to say that war is expense even the US government could go bankrupt. So the vietnamese people should put their mind and energy together and build a better country for all vietnamese people.
Vietnam one day will be the world leading in Technology & Science. I saw the new city plan on the internet. I can tell that the vietnamese government is doing a very impressive job.
Like I said: there is no bad religion or politic only bad people! No matter where you live or go, there are good & bad people everywhere!
So be yourselve and be happy!
What do you know about Ngo Dinh Diem, Saddam Hussein, Manuel Norgiera and so on...?
These leaders have been trained & installed by the CIA and they have been betrayed by the CIA and the US government when they didn't do what they have been told.
Do your research and improve your knowledge before you start barking on the wrong tree again!
Most of you have been living abroad for a longtime and you were mistreated by white people and you find someone else to blame for. I understand your frustration especially those vietnamese in Australia. I usually insult them back, I called them "White Trashes" or "Losers".
Can you do that?
Nguyen Cao Ky felt that he also was mistreated by the US government so he thought he could find more comfortable doing business with his own kind. He didn't want to end up like one of the puppet leader above. I would do the same thing for my own good.
Ta ve^` ta ta('m ao ta
du` trong du` du.c ao nha` cu?ng hon
Dù trong dù đục ao nhà củng hơn
After Bao Dai allowed the French to come back to Vietnam. They kinapped, tortured and killed a lot of innocent people. So that's why Viet Minh have joined Viet Cong in the North to fight the French.
How do like to see your wife, daughter, sister or mother being raped by the French soldiers?
How do like to see your father, brother, cousins or friend being chained and forced labor worse than animals?
You want to talk about freedoom and human rights then you shouldn't forget who have risked their life to fight for it.
Don't you people ever read the Vietnam War history since the colinazation of the French?
If not, then I suggest you should do some research and they are plenty DVD available in your local library.
The CIA also did the same thing like the French did. They killed millions of vietnamese farmers including women, children like the one in My Lai massacre.
After the war ended, the CIA moved their men to Central America like Nicaragua, Hondaru and they also killed more 3 millions farmers during 10 years period. When they tried to get away from the fighting zones, the army stoped and shot them on the spot. The CIA men accused being communist sympathiser. If you want to talk about human rights then you should know by now which country has the worse human right violation?
What else do you want to know? I can tell everything happened and how it happened. Not only about Vietnam but also other parts in the world like the genecites in
Rewanda, Congo, Sierra Lion, Samolia, Irag, Bosnia etc...
Bravo to KD and TH to speak up to what they truly believe in. Lets move on for a better future in VN. Democracy will come once its citizens are well fed. Take a look at Iraq, they have democracy, would the Iraqi wants to trade places the Vietnamese?
Dont do nonsense protest, dont acting like uneducation peoples.
I hope that one day I would be able to learn the truth about the (Vietnam Civil) war - which many foreign countries initially deemed to be the "Black and White" war - but I hope my efforts will not be in vain.
Of course there are always two sides to every story, if not more. Depending on which side you are on, one's perspective on what is right and wrong will vary, and then again, the distinction between the two is not always obvious.
Throughout history, our Vietnamese ancestors has had to defend against countless foreign countries but it was only until the Vietnamese (Civil) war that the people truly lost their land to foreigners (namely Hoang Sa and Truong Sa)!
Whether you are an anti-communist or communist supporter, is it fair for me to say that Vietnam has NOT yet seen the communist party carry out their ideals/objectives and their promise of revolution for the better?
Does the rule of law exist in Vietnam?
Is there the right to freedom from arbitrary property acquisition unless on FAIR & JUST terms and for the public interest?
Do the Vietnamese people and those who enter the country have freedom from arbitrary arrest?
Are basic human rights being met?
Are the richer getting richer while the poor get poorer?
Would I be able to say all this without fear of prosecution?
Political corruption?
You be the judge!
Since we, the Vietnamese in foreign countries,have the right to protest, we should be able to keep on exercising this right in a peaceful manner(not that I am suggesting that previous protests were not) and to select appropriate occasions to do so, in order for the protest to be effective in raising awareness about the truth in Vietnam.
2. If we should separate business, entertainment from politics, how come there is the word “Lobby” and so many lobbyist in Washington? This is a Trojan Horse.
3. The communist government is taking the people as hostage. They starve the people so the parent overseas has to send money home. Since it is corrupted, they pocket a large percentage of the inflow of money to Vietnam. They put this money in foreign banks who invest in foreign economy to create job in foreign countries. Doing business with them will make them richer and more powerful in their position.
4. The communist “elite” send their children overseas to study so they can watch over the money in foreign bank and buy real estate in foreign country while they study. Later, after graduation, the children will go back to continue the “work” of their parent, consolidating their position in the government, a “mafia” type of organization. They do not want a democratic system, because this will give opportunity to people smarter than them to unseat them from their position.
5. If the communist government carry out the Communist Ideology, we should see something similar to the health care and the education in Vietnam like in Cuba. Talking about Cuba, have anyone see an event pro-Castro in Miami, Florida? How come the US government recognizes Communist Government of Vietnam, but not Cuba? This may be out of the context, but it point to the question: Vietnamese is the 3rd language in Texas and California, but the Vietnamese did not have any effect on this decision. Thanks to the people like the two persons who started this chain of discussions.
6. Should we think that since the strategy worked in Texas and California, the communist government is trying in Australia?
By reading the discussions above, I understand now why I became a refugee, why my cousin died and my brother became blind in “re-education” camp, why million of my countrymen died FOR NOTHING. Because we had a leader like Nguyen-Cao-Ky. This person was a just a French soldier, he did not know anything about the teaching of Confucius on ethics of leader.
In conclusion, what happens in Vietnam is the CHANGING MASTERS, from the French, the US to the Russians and the Chinese (the later is the 4000 years threat), the CHANGING THE SKIN OF THE SNAKE, replacing one corrupted leadership with another one, it is the same snake!
-i'm Vietnamese, and i follow the flag with the red stripes.
-yeah.. u sure? last time i check that was never a flag of vn since April 30th 1975
Why do anti-communist even dare to go back to Vietnam? the war was like what? 34 years ago >.>
and yet sometimes anti-communists hurt vietnameses that has ANYTHING to do with communism.
God knows what happens if the white american won the war. >.>
they can control vietnam, and we would lose independance.
but communism was protecting are homeland, and does not trust the americans.
But looking back at the war & documentaries, not to mention my older relatives' stories I am wondering if Ngo Dinh Diem or whoever won the war & led the country instead of Ho Chi Minh ( Vietcong) would have made much of a difference today?! How come no one think of Ngo Dinh Diem was a traitor as he worked with the American then...isnt it right?
Im not a fan of Communism but may I please remind you that the war with the American was horrible. They were ruthless as well..they killed so many of our people! They raped our women too, remember!.
Can anyone tell me why the heck did they come to Vietnam in the first place? Why did they go and fight in Iraq? Was it not the purpose of Oil & stuff?
For heaven's sake please dont tell me they came to those countries for rescuing! Thats non sense...
Vienam is under such dictatorship but its none of our business as oversea people right? So let it be...
those who anti Communist out there...your attitude is very communist to me!
Please wait & see the fate of the Iraqi people after the American invaded their country!
Has it got better?
Just my personal views
That is why my hat is off to the people who fight for, protest and keep the memory alive of the past as well as fight for a free VN in the future!
Ky Duyen (aka Vo Duyen!), you should be ashamed of yourself. You, your no-good Dad and inane airhead mother are the same. Like parents, like daughter. Hmmm . . . will this carry forth in the genes pass to your children? I hope not! Scary thought!
It is a privilege to know the history and sacrifaces of past generations. It is disheartening to know and experience freedom in an adopted country and yet know that in Vietnam, we have communism.
When you and your inane family moved to the South running away from the northern communists, you enjoyed and reaped the benefits of a free and wealthy society in turmoil. The VCs took away the progress made in the South and now VN as a whole is as dirt poor and uncompetitive as can be.
Vietnam is worse off than ever. We cannot compete with other Asian nations. The rich and poor are wholly disparate. The VCs pilfered from the rich Southern Vietnamese people and lined their pockets and their children pockets with the $$. Think of all the useless singers and actors from VM who are rich now. Think of all the comrades and their children who can afford multi-nillion $$ homes and cars while the rest live in squalor and wait for the generosity from overseas Vietnamese people.
Vo Duyen oi, wake up! I am younger than you and I know my history, my present and my future. You know nothing. What a shame Thuy Nga puts you on their shows. (Speaks to the low quality for Thuy Nga . . . it is all about the $$.)
You had Trinh Hoi who left you for a younger woman. And you guys believed in the same. OMGoodness. You are cut from the same cloth. How embarrassing. I guess you deserved each other while you had each other.
You know what, since he married a chick from VN and is living there sometimes, you should proabbly follow him. You and your mom opened businesses in VN. Why not stay there? Forever? You make a good comrade.
You do have courage and thick skin for continuing to do what you do, say what say, etc. But there comes a day when you are too old to be horny and slutty, and you will be all by yourself. Think. What would you have contributed to society? Sad.
you moi la vo duyen va nhieu chuyen qua. Con nguoi sao ma ac, and mean qua. all you do nhieu chuyen and can't do nothing but talk. just keep your mouth such and keep your opinion to yourself. don't be so disrepect and call others bad name. Where is the principle and caring and loving. Stop all the hate and mean words. Don't we been through enough. Geeee let have some peace ...
Peace Please.
I would appreciate if a staff member here at vietaccent.blogspot.com could post it.
"Anonymous said...
I honestly don't like communism myself, but I'm actually glad that out of all the communist country Vietnam is actually the most developing."
No. According to the UN Human Development Index, Vietnam ranks barely above the poorest of the Southeast Asian countries: Burma/Mayanmar, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos. That is the most developing? I supposed if you want to go by being the best of the worst, then that is your prerogative. But do not expect others to have the same low expectations as you have.
Note the chart and the green line for Vietnam:
"One of the main reason why Vietnam is poor is because of the war that destroyed the soil, and so much more. Because of the US bombings, kids these days have a disease what you call " Agent Orange " in english " Chat doc mau gia cam" in Vietnamese.:
Citations needed. Please provide proof/facts that tie Agent Orange to Vietnam's proverty.
Chemical/biological warfare is inhumane, but to highlight Agent Orange as one of the main reasons for Vietnam's poverty, is at least, ignorant or lack of logic (or both!), and at its worst, propaganda.
"Who cares about the war anymore? It's the past get over it, as long as there's peace?"
Who cares about WWI, WWII, Rwanda, Bosnia, the Killing Fields, etc.?
We care because, "Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" --- George_Santayana
"I bet most of the Anti- Communist goes to vietnam, and socializes with them.. they're basically helping their economy.Therefore those negative comments out there have no right to say shit like that to Ky Duyen."
Those Anti-Communist are most likely blacklisted and put on Vietnam's Communist watchlist. In this day and age of information, do you think they can freely travel back to Vietnam after splashing their faces and words in public like that?
No rights? Oh the irony.
"Anti-Communists sometimes goes to the extreme.... Have you seen Dam Vinh Hung's recent incident?"
Such is the bitterness of experience. Sometimes, the pupils excel over the masters. Or, to put another way, you reap what you sow.
"Not all Vietnamese people born in Vietnam are communist. "
Agreed. But they are most likely the poorest of the poor and silent ones, living in the shadows or hiding in fear.
"Hmm yeah they call that old fart ( the one that sprayed pepper in DVH's eyes) a hero :\"
Hero? Definitely not. Poor strategies? Absolutely.
"Anonymous said...
I have read all comments with, I may say, giving me different understandable perspectives of people on their own anti-communist campaign. I want to say congratulations to those people and hope it to be unsuccessful at the end. Why? While I am not either 'anti-communister' or 'anti-capitalizer', I am still, and always, be part of Vietnamese community." We are now in an ideal position to turn over our history of war, masacre, and bloodshed to a good friendship and cooperation between the domestic society and foreign-born Vietnamese."
Fine. But these foreign-born/expat Vietnamese do not want to be associated with Communist Vietnamese government or its businesses. They have lived and prospered without them all these years. Why impose yourselves on them/where they live/what they do? Take your businesses to the wider American market place. Are you saying you need their "cooperation" as in their wallets and spending? So, this is all about money? Because obviously, there are bad history and memories with these refugess still, and they do not forget or forgive. I get that you have no sympathies for their struggles in the past, but geez, can you be anymore one-sided, while trying to claim a higher road. That is a rhetorical question, btw.
"Communist Party today is no longer Communist Party in 1968, and that is fair enough to say that we, South Vietnamese, really want to contribute on its growth and development. Therefore, people those want to take advantages from foreign Vietnamese communities and their weaknesses or intend to attack our community on any way, I prouly say that you will not success because the South Vietnamese can defend themselves from foreign threatens long time ago."
lol. You were really serious about not being an 'anti-communister'. I get that. Almost everything else is undecipherable.
I am not seeing a difference between one Communist government from another, now and then. Running away from their failed, strict government planned economy to government controlled market economy, is one thing. The central governmental power is still the same. Going against the govenment, in words or deeds, is still forbidden under threats of death or imprionment. Where do you see the difference(s)?
"Just have a word to Kumi, you possess an exceptional and unacceptable behaviour on your age. Please grow up and reconsider what you have pointed to your parents' community."
Kumi has his/her opinions and you have yours. If you disagree, state your points and let her/others decide. Your words speak for themselves. Red herring/ad hominem tactics, are red flags that you do not have a valid counter-argument.
"Anonymous said...
First thing first, I'm an American/Canadian; I'm not Vietnamese so please don't think that my comment is meant to support any group of people in particular. I just don't like how people criticize things they don't understand. I may not have lived under the rules of these "vietcong" you guys are referring to and I know for a fact that most of of the people commented on here have not either..."
You know that for a FACT, huh? I am afraid to even ask for proofs of your facts.
Reminds me of the Stasi organization, from the old GDR. That is a common feature, under one name or another, in all authoritarian/Communist states.
"...but I know one thing, for there to be many people to have left the country, there must be a problem with the political system."
Duh. Some even experienced them directly, or are related to those who do, and posted their opinions on here, even. But then, you are all-knowing, facts and all, that they are lying. So....
"From my understanding so far most people here are anti- vietcong (whatever that may means). I assume it means anti-communism? "
Wait, you said that you "just don't like how people criticize things they don't understand", but yet you are doing the same thing now? You don't know what vietcong is, but you are making criticisms based on your assumptions of what you think it means. Okkkkkkk.
"However, from spending my whole hour on skimming through all the comments I realized that no one has given me a definition on VietCong. "
Wow. A whole hour!
Umm. There is another option you know. You could do some personal and extensive readings on your own, rather than making assumptions, about what VietCong is, based on just one hour of reading posts on a blog. One hour is nothing. You need to spend more time, on something as complex as the Vietnam War. There are books upon books, that you could read, from all sides, and still may not be sure what you should believe. So, your WHOLE precious HOUR is meaningless here.
"Does anyone even know what communism is about? What the idea itself stands for and how it came to be? How can you hate something if you don't even know what it is in the first place? You people praise democracy and yet you never once explain why it's good. "
Sir/Madam. You are posting on a blog, with Vietnamese people, who in all probabilities, have more experience with Communism than you have. That is a big C in Communism, and not just some ideals of Marx's communism. This is real world experience in practice and not some theoretical concepts of communism on paper.
"Well, my friends let me explain to you guys something. The idea itself is not bad. Karl Marx created the idea of communism with the thought of inspiring people to act as a community, to share everything and to treat each other with equal dignity. That is communism! Under the rule of communism, the governments own everything because it is the only way to prevent private ownership or the takeover of corporations like how it is in a society of Capitalism. However, people have used the idea to their advantage. The government is corrupted not because the idea is bad. "
Condescending much?
Theory meets Reality. Ideals vs Human Nature. Communism/communism does not work because human nature is not compatible with absolute power. Another poster above, has already made this point, but you ignored it. What is government? It's a group of people. Government is not a magic wand. Any group of people in power requires a counter group to balance it. If both groups collude together, then you would need another comparable-sized group to balance its power, and so on. Think monopoly, monarchy, oligarchy, etc. Any single powerful group will always be corrupted: Communism/Capitalism/Socialism/whatever-ism. "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely" --- idioms/cliches/blah blah.
"You guys never once looked back in history to see if Vietnam was ever a country with wealth and prosperity. Yes, there was! It was the time before the colonization of the French and then the attacked of the Americans. It was the men who sold pieces of his country to a chance of a life in U.S that you should blame. "
There you go. Vietnamese people NEVER once looked back in history. There is no such thing as culture and traditions or history of the country, because, you know, people don't know where they are coming from. /sarcasm.
Yes. Vietnamese people understand that blame goes to all involved, from the North (started out with good intentions, but then....) to the South to the US to the French to the Russian to the Chinese. The only difference is whose/which ideals you believe in more.
"Communism wasn't the reason for the poverty or the injustice right now. It was the doing of war, and of those who betrayed their own country to save their own a$$!"
Seriously. I don't understand how people could have come to such simplistic conclusions on such a complex issue. One poster was sure it was Agent Orange; now you attribute Vietnam's poverty to just war and all those who ran away to the US at the end, and not the policies of the Communist party thereafter or corruption or lack of economic/political freedom or land ownership or intellectual properties and creativities/discoveries/competition.....Anything else at all?
The Vietnamese Communist party has been in complete control and power since 1975, when the US pulled out of Vietnam. They were on their own and are free to implement their ideas to their hearts content, which they did, with disasterous effects. And yet, it is not the fault of Communism/communism and it's failed policies. I can understand faith in an ideal, but such blind faith is so unfounded. Such faulty reasoning and logic is mind-boggling.
"You people praise a democratic system because it seems like under the system you guys have freedom, wealth, and peace. For how long may I ask? Is a democratic system under a capitalist society long lasting? Do see what is happening to the States right now? Is it safe? Has anyone ever looked at the destruction under the rules of corporation. I see poverty everyday in the U.S. Everyday crime rates are going up while the populations in Detroit are going down. Why is this the case? People like U.S because they say it is a country of liberty. Is it? Everyday we're enslaved by fashion, by music, by technology and fast food. Did anyone pay attention to the American economy is the past years? It’s going doing! The system is failing on its own. Why is that? It is once again because of war. Americans are going to war aren’t they? My point is, if you think communism is bad, pin point why it is or don’t say something just because others say it is. "
Such logical fallacies abound in all its glory. But I'll just treat it as a personal rant and move on.
However, I just wanted to remind you again, that you should read more. You don't have to agree with everything you have read, but you would at least lend some credibility when you have done some home work at least.
Whys and ways Communism failed: Every countries that have ever attempted Communism have shared the same features and results: Google Communism+famine and deaths, spying, re-education camps, political class, etc.
"Those protestors are wrong in marching around protesting on something that is no longer of their concerns. In leaving the country and adopting another country as their own, they have forfeited all their rights to voice their opinion. How dare they walk around protesting on a government that is no longer their own? They say that Vietcong is bad? Why may I ask? Most would say it is because the governments under communism are corrupted. This means that they should protest on the corruption of political system not the idea Vietcong itself."
Another wall of text, that is wrong on so many levels. Remember now, you don't know what Vietcong is, but you are preaching about the idea of Vietcong being good/bad/right/wrong...all the way to the end. Just...brilliant.
Let me just give you a quote directly, from the previous poster, who provides a glimse of why they make it their business to impose themselves upon these refugees/protesters in the US/outside Vietnam, where they have lived in peace and privacy all these years:
"Anonymous said... I have read all comments with, I may say, giving me different understandable perspectives of people on their own anti-communist campaign. I want to say congratulations to those people and hope it to be unsuccessful at the end. Why? While I am not either 'anti-communister' or 'anti-capitalizer', I am still, and always, be part of Vietnamese community." We are now in an ideal position to turn over our history of war, masacre, and bloodshed to a good friendship and cooperation between the domestic society and foreign-born Vietnamese."
Nah. Don't care what those refugee communities/protesters want/feel/need, they have to forget and cooperate. Now!
As for speculation of what would happen if the US had won the Viet Nam war, I would have to say Viet Nam would be a richer, better place today (although very exploited by the USA). Look at Japan after their complete, humiliating surrender or South Korea. Yes they were/are exploited, but notice the freedom, wealth, and other benefits they gained. Vietnamese people are just as intelligent and diligent as the Japanese and Koreans, I can easily see a very prosperous society in Viet Nam if only the US had the will to fight on, especially after the Tet offensive when the North had lost so much militarily. Of course, there would still be guerilla fights and terrorist threats from the VC and the North, but when people prosper those threats will be marginalized and eventually end. All wars are based on economics, control of resources. The USA is a corrupt, exploitative force, but in the end they are much more benign and moral than communist China and Russia -- because in the long term they see the benefit of making your underlings prosper for exploitative purpose(capitalism). If Iraq or Afghanistan surrendered completely or stop resisting US control, I am quite certain in the long run their people would prosper just like Japan and South Korea. It is just a very humiliating, painful thing to do, especially for proud Muslim dominated countries. I am speaking from years of international investing and traveling where I have witnessed many horrible things committed by both side, and I am also a Vietnamese who left Vietnam when I was four because my family was persecuted and our business and assets stolen because we had a successful business. Luckily, we escaped before being sent to re-education camp or worse. We had to start all over in the US with no money, relying on government assistance. I still remember the grinding poverty of my youth where my Mom could not find work, and we were on welfare for many years. Therein lies the beauty of America, where you can lift yourself out of your circumstances through determination, hard work, and a bit of luck. We should try to make that a possibility for all Vietnamese (especially the ones in Viet Nam).