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Showing posts with label Steampunk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steampunk. Show all posts

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

ARC Review: The Mysterious Madam Morpho by Delilah S. Dawson

4.5 Feathers
The Mysterious Madam Morpho
by Delilah S. Dawson
(Blud # 1.5)

She's done it again!  I started reading this thinking "Is it possible that she wrote such an amazing and engaging world or did I just imagine that while reading the first book?"  Well, I can honestly say now that if I wasn't so scared of Sang, I would want to visit and stay there for a while.  At the very least, I would want to read about it for as long as I could.

This short story was just enough of a teaser into the world of Blud and Sang, enough to keep us craving more and to make the wait for book two more bearable.  I find it amazing that the author was able to tell the story of a character that was not a main concern before, Mr. Murdoch, and sucking me into the story from the very beginning.

Not only is Mr. Murdoch so very smart because he makes all the awesome clockworks, but the recluse that doesn't want anyone to see him or know who he really is is actually a passionate man.  When Madam Morpho joins the carnival with her butterfly circus, Mr. Murdoch is assigned with making a stage for the butterflies.  Because, see, butterflies are now extint in Sang so these are rare sightings.

While working together, the two fugitives happen to fall in love.  Or in lust at the very least.  The connection between Madam Morpho and Mr. Murdoch was instant and believable.  The slow build up of their relationship, as slow as a short story allows, was also perfect.  And we even got some smexy in for good measure.  Perfect!

All the magic of the Blud series continues to flow through the pages of THE MYSTERIOUS MADAM MORPHO.  Yes I'm addicted, I want to know more, I want to see more.  I want to know all about the different species and about this world because it's so different and unique.  The author is such a talented storyteller that I can't help but to be captivated.  That or completely scared of the bludbadgers. Eeeeekkkkkkk  Is it April yet??

I've said it before and I'll say it again...READ THIS SERIES!!! 

Favorite Quote:

"A woman who knows what she wants." He ran one finger down the crease of her thigh to stroke gently upward along her cleft, right where she wanted it most. "The only thing rarer than butterflies."

*ARC provided by publisher

Purchase Links: Amazon

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Review: Kiss of Steel by Bec McMaster

Kiss of Steel
by Bec McMaster
(London Steampunk # 1)

Honoria Todd and her younger siblings have disguised themselves and fled to Whitechapel,  the roughest and one of the most dangerous places in London, to get away from the Echelon, the people who murdered their father. Whitechapel is one of the few places where the Blue Bloods don't have complete control, instead Blade a mysterious Rogue rules over them and he seems to have taken an interest in Honoria, but can he be trusted, or will he just use them as a pawn to get the revenge he desires over the Blue Bloods he hates?

Normally I am a little suspicious of books that have kick ass covers, the quality of the content doesn't always match the beautiful wrapping, but I am pleased to say that with this book, it was fantastic both inside and outside, I. Loved. It.

The two main aspects ofKiss of Steel that earned it top marks are the new world created by Bec McMaster and the characters, especially Blade. Now I haven't actually read huge amounts of Steampunk so when I say this world was completely original bare that in mind! But it was a great mixture of historical with the setting being in a Victorianesque and paranormal with the presence of Blue Bloods, who were essentially a new and interesting take on vampires. I also liked that the Steampunk element wasn't over the top as although there were nifty gadgets being used and mechanical men, there wasn't women swaggering around in strippy tights, corsets and funny hats every 5 minutes and lots of weird and outlandish technology that needed to be overly explained. So I am definitely looking forward to the next book so I can explore this world further and delve into the more intricate aspects now that the basics have been set up.

Now Blade...he has promptly been added to my list of book boyfriends, a very bad boy who has a soft spot for those he considers his family and of course the woman he loves and a tortured past, how was I supposed to resist that? But you can't swing a cat in the romance world and not hit a hero like that, but Blade had that extra something that had me panting, darkly sensual and struggling with inner demons but determined to do right by the people he protected I was doomed to love him.  Honoria I did like, but she took some time for me to warm to and although she was a good heroine it wasn't her that stood out for me.

This book was well written, with an interesting and well crafted world with plenty of characters from some of the vile Blue Bloods to Blade's motley crew for you to get involved with, and I can't wait for the next book to come out and continue the story.  

*ARC provided by publisher
Purchase Links: Amazon

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

ARC Review: The Girl in the Clockwork Collar by Kady Cross

The Girl in the Clockwork Collar
by Kady Cross
(Steampunk Chronicles # 2)

Jasper Renn's past has finally caught up with him. Leaving his friends in England he returns to America to face charges of murder. Instead he finds himself being taken to an old friend turned ruthless enemy, who is threatening the girl he loves unless he returns a device he stole from him. A device that could be very dangerous in criminal hands. But Finley, Griffin and the gang are close behind determined to get to the bottom of the murder charges and help their friend. But when Finley infilitrates the criminal's gang Griff can't help but worry if her dark side will stop her from returning...

This was such a fun read. It had adventure, dastardly criminals and some fabulous dresses! I know the cover for this book isn't as striking as The Girl in the Steel Corset, but don't let that put you off, if anything I would say this book was slightly better.

I enjoyed this one a little more then the first one as I found the plot line a little more interesting, it was not only exciting but also gave us insight in to one of the characters, Jasper's, past. And, although I had guessed some of the revealations fairly early on in the book, I was still eager to turn the page and see what happened.

One of the other reasons I was eagerly turning pages was the relationship between Finley and Griffin. Watching them work out their feelings about each other and watching Finley struggle with her choices as both sides of her personality are starting to entwine was as interesting as seeing what would happen next with Jasper. However, this book does have a little love triangle and I can't wait to read the next book to see what the absent Jack has in store for them when they reach England again.

This was a great book, the characters are interesting and the plot was fast paced and I will definately be grabbing the next book when it comes out.   

Purchase Links: Amazon

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Review: Wicked as they Come by Delilah S. Dawson

4.5 Feathers
Wicked as they Come
by Delilah S. Dawson
(Blud # 1)

There are no words to explain what I thought of this book... well actually there are.  This was the most unique, strange, weird and just out-there book I have read, if not in a while, then ever!  You have got to read this book.  From the concept to the characters to the world building, it's just so unique you won't be able to stop talking about it.  I know I haven't.

So, I don't want to ruin the book by telling you too much about it but there's time travel or dream travel between worlds to be more accurate.  Our heroine has a locket that when she falls asleep with it she travels to Sang, a strange and scary world full of supernatural beings.  Coppers, pinkies and bludpeople, along with a series of blud animals as well (the bludbunnies!!!!!).  Sang runs on blud.  Criminy had gotten the locket and spelled it to bring his wife to him.  So from the moment she shows up in Sang he knows that's his woman.  Together they have to go through a series of problems to save the Blud people of Sang from genocide, at the same time trying to get her back to her world.  Oh and did I forget to mention that Criminy runs basically a traveling circus?  Yeah, so there are strong men, mermaids, fortune telling and more!

Even though I had some times where there were some disgusting things that happened, it goes well with the world.  There's nothing sugar-coated about the way things are described.  My only complaint was that I really couldn't connect on a romantic level with the characters.  Criminy just can't feel sexy to me what with the scaly black hands and the sharp like talons, and the smell!!  Even though she smells him different than everyone else.  WOW!!

So if you take just one thing away from this review, other than the fact that you have to read this book, be prepared to go on a wild ride to a scary place with some crazy characters.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

ARC Review: Geared for Pleasure by Rachel Grace

Geared for Pleasure
by Rachel Grace
(Elemental Steam # 1)

This book is actually 2 stories which I'll review individually, but let me give you some general basic info.  I admit that this might be my first steampunk-ish style book and I might've been a bit skeptical of picking it up, however, I love Jules Verne and having read that the author said some of those elements are in this series, as well as the fact that incorporates erotic elements, then I was anxious to see what came out of that!

Geared for Pleasure is non-stop adventure whether you're aboard a brothel at sea or trying to uncover treason against the Queen.  Even though a bit slow to get started, at least for me, once the story got going it didn't stop.  Characters you can't help but like and a world you might not want to live in but would love to visit.

Earthly Desires

Earthly Desires follows the Queens Chalice (protector and companion), Dare, in her quest to find the Deviant ship and talk to the Captain in order to save the queen.  She was raised to protect the queen, and her life has always been sheltered.  In her first trip outside the walls of her tower she will learn there's a whole new world out there.  And a lot of things that she wants to experience.  She is pure at heart, strong and loyal, and she has one other talent, empathy.  Her cross to bear is being able to feel what others are feeling, but this ability also guides her in her journey and keeps her alive.

Along the way she meets Bodhan.  The epitome of a bad boy.  The question is whose side is he on?  And can she actually resist the sexy and wicked owner of said brothel ship, the Siren?

Dare will have to get past her innocence to fulfill her task, but also experiences so many emotions and physical needs.  I loved seeing her transformation and development throughout this story.

Fiery Temptations

Seraphina was such a fun character during the first story as well as in this one!  She's Felidae, and to describe her best picture fiery red hair, always wearing sexy corsets and skimpy outfits, she has a tail, a whip, sharp teeth and retractable claws, as well as spots on her skin.  She's not embarrassed of her sexual preferences or of offering her services aboard the Siren from time to time.  She has enough attitude for the whole crew of the ship!  Fiesty!

But there was one Wode that caught her eye and she can't seem to stay away from him.  Cyrus.  The Queen's Sword.   After her betrayal aboard the Siren, which led to his capture and when he lost a special dagger given to him by the queen, they have to overcome their differences and work together to get out alive of Centre City where he needs to recover his dagger.

There are some unexpected revelations about her past and her family and her relation to the Queen.  I feel these two were an excellent match given both their backgrounds!

If you are in the mood for something different, well written and sexy, you should definitely give this a try!

*ARC provided by publisher

Purchase Links: Amazon

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Review: Boneshaker by Cherie Priest

Boneshaker (The Clockwork Century #1)
By Cherie Priest

It's 1880 in Seattle and things have gone a little differently then history proposed, the Boneshaker happened. Leviticus Blue invented the Boneshaker a huge drill that was supposed to dig down and find gold, but all it found was the Blight, a greenish gas that turns the people who inhale it into Rotters, the walking dead. Sixteen years later, Leviticus Blue's widow Briar Blue now Wilkes and her son Zeke are living in the Outskirts the are outside the walled in Seattle the evidence of her husbands catastrophe on their doorstep. Zeke determined that his father wasn't responsible for the Blight goes behind the wall and tries to find the Boneshaker machine, Briar soon follows knowing that he will not find the answer he is looking for.
I have had this on my bookshelf for ages, so long I actually forgot I had it. Big mistake. This book was just what I was in the mood for, it was a big steampunk adventure story with a great some mystery and zombies thrown in.

The first impression I got of this book was it's fabulous cover, it just screams steampunk and it is one of my favourite covers on my bookshelf. Then you open the page and instead of having black and white it is sepia, the writing is brown, like aged ink and although it is only a small detail I though it was a brilliant idea.

You see this book through Zeke and Briar's point of view and each POV and what was great is that you can tell who's POV it is when you reading, each character has a distinct narrative voice. Although it took me about 50 pages or so to get into this it is well worth the effort once both Zeke and Briar aer inside the wall the action really get interesting and intriguing as you see a motley cast of characters, from the Lucy the woman with one mechanical arm, Captain Cly the 7 and half foot tall air ship captain and the most mysterious character of all Dr Minnericht who seems eerily familiar to Briar...

Although this was a little predictable, it still had me turning the pages to try and find out how it ends and if the main characters aren't perhaps the most original ones I have read they are still likable and I was behind them all the way. This was a good solid book, entertaining, fun and a little sinister it had me eating up the pages.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Review: The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross

The Girl in the Steel Corset (The Steampunk Chronicles #1)
By Kady Cross
Steampunk/Young Adult

I wasn't expecting to like this book as much as I did, I am not a fan of Young Adult books. At all. They usually consist of teenage girls whinging about how they are different and don't fit in and blah blah blah, if I wanted to listen about that, I wold just speak to my little sister! But what creeps me out most about YA? The 200 year old vampire getting together with a 16 year old girl, it is like a dirty old man's wet dream! Annnnnnyway moving on to The Girl in the Steel Corset I did like it, it had none of the usual elements (as listed above!) that inspire me to throw the book across the room, jump up and down on it and then toast marshmallows over it.

If you have read The Strange Case of Finley Jayne then you will be familiar with Finley Jayne, and recognise Griffin King, Duke of Greythorn, the main characters in this book. Griffin taks Finley in when she is fleeing (quite literally) from another job and almost runs her over. She soon discovers that Griff leads a band of Misfits each with their own extraordinairy powers, Sam with his amazing strength and healling abilities, Emily a genuis with machines, Jasper the quickest man in the West, and then Grfiin himself who has power over the Aether. Is this a place where Finley can fit in, she also has strange and frightening powers and bad case of split personality disorder! But they have bigger threats to face when the discover that a mad man named The Machinist is plotting against the Queen and they may be the only people able to stop him.

I really liked the world the Kady Cross has created, steampunk is such a fascinating genre and can incorporate many strange and wonderful things, and this book was full of strange and wonderful things. Like the steel corset in the title, although it wasn't in it that often it was a great invention, a bullet proof corset, and of course it made a very eye catching title.

Although this book was mostly staged around Griff and Finley, what was great about this book was that the other characters in the grop weren't just ignored or just given token appearences, Sam, Emily and Jasper, were all given time and had their own insecurities and strengths; you got to know them well. I think the whole group had a great dynamic which I hope she improves on in the next book. There was also a little romance in this book, or atleast some potential romance, but in the form of not one but two emerging love triangles! Sam-Emily-Jasper and Griff-Finley-Jack Dandy, I am not a massive fan of love triangles so I am hoping that it won't be dragged out too long, although it probably will!

The only thing that I thought was weak was that The Machinist plot, I knew exactly who he was and what he was plannning early on in the book and couldn't understand why they didn't catch on as well. It was still fun to read along as there were soem good action scenes but it was frustrating when it was so damn obvious!

This was a good fun read, it was entertaining and I enjoyed the steampunk aspects of the book as well as the characters, I will definately be reading the next one when it comes out!

Favourite Quotes

...Griffin King could hurt her, as well, and he hadn't. Instead of using force or violence against her, he used patience and understanding. She had no defense against that.


For a moment she thought to remind him that showing off his naked skin to a young woman was highly improper, but then another part of her told her to keep her mouth shut and enjoy the view, so that was what she did.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Review: The Stange Case of Finley Jayne by Kady Cross

The Strange Case of Finley Jayne (The Steampunk Chronicles #0.5)
By Kady Cross
Steampunk & Young Adult

I haven't read that many steampunk books but I have read a few, and this is definately my favourite one of the (rather small) pile. Steampunk isn't a widely known genre, so to help along here is the wikipedia, oh great holder of all knowledge's, definition:

"...steampunk involves an era or world where steam power is still widely used—usually the 19th century and often Victorian era Britain—that incorporates prominent elements of either science fiction or fantasy. Works of steampunk often feature anachronistic technology or futuristic innovations as Victorians may have envisioned them; in other words, based on a Victorian perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style, art, etc. This technology may include such fictional machines as those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne or real technologies like the computer but developed earlier in an alternate history."
So basically it is corsets meets cogs, with has some surprisingly good fashion results! After finishing it I immdiatley went on the net and started looking for corsets, shitkickers and stripy stockings!

Anyways, I think I am going off on a slight tangent there! So lets talk about the book. It is about the 16 year old Finley Jayne, she isn't quite like other girls, it is like she has two people inside her, the good Finley and the bad Finley. The bad Finley has almost superhuman strength, senses and reflexes and often takes over when Finley is threatened or afraid, which unfortunately for her has led to her being sacked twice. But she has just had a very strange and too good to be true job offer, which she takes as she has little choice, and like all thinsg that are too good to be true...it is.

This was a great short story that paves the way for the next book The Girl in the Steel Corset, it introduces us to the steampun London that Kady Cross has created and to the main character of Finley Jayne. I really liked Finley, both halfs of her, she was smart and I imagine plenty of teenagers would identify with her and her struggle with her own body and mind.

The mystery was also good, gruesome and gothic exactly like something I imagine you would find in a Victorian gothic novel!

This was a great short read and has left me really wanting to get started on The Girl in the Steel Corset!