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Showing posts with label Katie MacAlister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Katie MacAlister. Show all posts

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Interview and Giveaway with Katie MacAlister (and Jim)

We cannot tell you how excited we are to have here today not just one awesome treat for you all but two.  We had the opportunity to pick Katie MacAlister's brain a bit and ask her about some of her AWESOME books but she also brought Jim with her!  *cue swooning and squeeing* In case you are not familiar with either of them, Katie is an awesome PNR author, her series are full of sexiness, humor and great stories.  Jim, well, he's a star all by himself.  You'll see when you get to meet him.  We might have a problem with trying to keep him here though, his Demon Lord might come and haunt us.  Please help us welcome them to UTC!

Katie, you just released SPARKS FLY, congratulations! What can readers expect from your latest book?

Everything from a sheep in fishnet stockings adult toy to exploding buildings. With a bunch of dragons. And one very annoyed archimage. :)

Later this year in September, you also have A TALE OF TWO VAMPIRES (beautiful cover)!  What's the story behind this book? Can you give us an interesting scoop?

When I wrote In the Company of Vampires (the book where Ben and Fran grow up), I became intrigued by the idea of Ben’s father being a man who was totally misunderstood by his children. But I was limited by what I’d written about him in the past (which wasn’t a whole lot, but was still enough to throw my original plans into the trash), so I had to rethink exactly what I wanted to do with Nikola.

The idea of seeing just what happened to him in Ben’s past soon took hold, and I ended up writing a part of the book in the past, so the reader can see the journey that Nikola (and Io, the heroine) took in order to arrive at the present day.

So basically, you get two vampires (Nikola and Ben), some time traveling, and a whole lot of insight into what an eighteenth century man thinks of bikinis.

There's been an interesting explosion in dragons lately. Why did you start writing about dragons?

When I wrote You Slay Me, there were no dragons in romances (other than the scaly beasties in some fantasies), and I was became enamored with the idea of dragons in human form. From there, the politics of the dragon septs grew, and with that, all the tons of dragon lore. I’m so happy that readers fell in love with the dragons, because I’ve had a blast writing about them.

Of ANY book character, who would you want to have a date with?

Oh boy, just one? That’s so unfair! I suppose I’d go on a date with Jack Fletcher (from Steamed), because he rings all my chimes. :)

And which female character in ANY book would you take out for a drink?

Probably Aisling. She’s the most irreverent of all the heroines, and has a sense of humor the most like mine. I have a feeling we’d get into trouble together, though.

Aisling and Drake are hosting a dinner party. Aside from the dragons from your series, what other dragons would be invited to come? 

Probably a handful of green dragons. Drake wouldn’t let too many people into the house at any one time, though—he’s far too protective of his babies to run a risk like that. OK, he’s downright overprotective, but hey, it’s part of his charm.

Knowing that you only had plans for 3 Light Dragons books, can we expect to see more dragons in the future?

Absolutely. And just as it was with the other dragon books, future books will include Ysolde and Baltic, as well as all the other dragons. I dread the day when I come to the end of the dragon books—they’re going to be nothing but five thousand secondary characters all standing around reminiscing. :)

I have a fascination with Jim, he might me my all-time favorite sidekick. Can I steal him? *sigh* And on that note... Hi Jim. I hope you don't mind if we ask you just a few questions. You being the star of the books and all.

What are your thoughts on the Dragons? Who is your favourite, and what things to you do to get them breathing fire?

Dude, dragons are totally rockin’. Except when they’re being bossy, which I have to admit is most of the time. But most of the time, they are the coolest of all the peeps in the Otherworld. They like gold, they have nice houses, and they breathe fire. What’s not to like?

As for a fave sept…wait, are you going to show this to Aisling? Cause if you are, I’m green all the way, baby. If not…er…I really dig Soldy’s cooking. Just sayin’.

What are the perks and drawbacks to being Aislings demon minion? Is there anything you would like her to do to improve your circumstances?

Perk: get to be with the cool kids
Drawback: get yelled at a lot
Perk: get to see the wyverns beating each other up a lot
Drawback: sometimes get set on fire during their fights
Perk: occasionally get kidnapped by Ysolde and fed really well
Drawback: she has a tendency to force me into human form, which sucks snails, let me tell you.

I used to spend a lot of time planning how to make Aisling less clueless, and more like a proper demon lord—you know, hip and badass and scary and all that stuff—but then I realized she can be scary and badass without going the whole demon lord route, so I’ve lightened up on the kid. Now we’re copacetic. Except when she threatens to banish me to the Akasha.

Of all the dogs, why a Newfoundland for your magnificent form?

Are you kidding? Have you SEEN my fabulous form? It’s beyond magnificent! It’s super-magnificent! I’m like a god among dogs in this form. All those other breeds are just pale in comparison.

If we were taking you for a slap up lunch all expenses on UTC...what would you have?

Steak. No, salmon. No, wait…hamburgers. Plural. Like eight or nine. With an endless basket of fries. And some shakes. No chocolate, though, cause that’ll mess up my fabulous form. OK, so…how about a steak, with a wad of salmon, and then the nine hamburgers with endless fries and shakes. Yeah. That sounds good.

Can I get a doggy bag? Cause if I can, then I’m going to want a few extra burgers to go. And maybe some more steak.

What's your favorite part of being in the human world now, even though you are bound to Aisling? Has her treatment of you improved or have you had to call the demon abuse hotline?

Well, the food’s better, for one. And with the exception of the few times Ash sends me to the Akasha, there’s no torture or eternal torment. Plus, I get to do demony things that don’t involve killing people, or damning them, or being summoned by who-knows-what and forced to do all sorts of heinous acts. Aisling takes me to Paris twice a month, and even if I do have to put up with her and Drake being all sucky-face, it’s still more fun at their house than it was back in Abaddon.

That’s not to say it couldn’t be better. Aisling totally starves my magnificent form (seriously, is that dinner on or what?), and of course, she’s really bossy. Not so bossy as Ysolde, but bossy enough that I keep the demon abuse hotline number pinned to the corkboard where she can see it.

When you are not trying to save Aisling or her friends from trouble, or annoying Drake, what do you like to do with your free time?

I like long walks on the beach, especially if something has died there recently. I also like to peruse my collection of Welsh Corgi Fancier. And of course, there’s imp hunting on days when we’re out in the country. But mostly I like to eat.

So....are rumors true and are you officially off the market? If you say yes you will crush some hearts.

Sorry babe, the rumors are true. Not that I don’t appreciate the lovin’, but my furry-butted Cecile is the only one for me. It’s just those cute little Corgi ears, you know? And that delicious rump without a tail. And the way she snaps when she gets testy. Man. Now I have to go call her.

Since you've had a chance to spend some quality time with all these dragons, which one is easiest to wind up and what winds up which dragon?

Oh, Drake, hands down. No, wait, Balters. No…Kostya. OK, the three of them are all pretty volatile, but if I had to pick one, that would probably be…Constantine? Or Magoth. Hmm…

Thank you so much to both of you for stopping by, we've had a great time and hope that our readers did as well.  If you haven't checked out Katie's series, you must!  Her Dark Ones series features yummy vampires, and of course there are her dragons series, which are all related so be sure to start with Aisling Grey!

Release Date: September 4, 2012
Dark Ones, Book 10
Time isn’t always on a vampire’s side…

Iolanthe Tennyson has had a very bad year—due in part to the very bad men in her life. So, she’s accepted her cousin’s invitation to spend the summer in Austria indulging in her photography hobby. There, rumors of a haunted forest draw Iolanthe into the dark woods—and into the eighteenth century…

Nikola Czerny is a cursed man, forced by his half-brothers to live forever as a Dark One. But his miserable existence takes an intriguing turn when a strange, babbling woman is thrown in his path. Iolanthe claims to know Nikola’s daughter—three hundred years in the future. She also knows what fate—in the form of his murderous half-brothers—has in store for him. If only she knew the consequences of changing the past to save one good, impossibly sexy vampire…
Out Now
Light Dragons, Book Three
Hell hath no fury like a ticked-off dragon…

Ysolde de Bouchier has a lot on her plate, which isn’t unusual considering her Light Dragon mate Baltic is still at odds with just about everyone, starting with his former guard Thala and her outlaw posse, right down to his dragon god father. Ysolde herself fairs no better, since the First Dragon has her in his sights as well, demanding that she right past wrongs…and her time to do that is quickly running out.
With the help of some familiar friends, Ysolde sets into motion an elaborate plan that will have repercussions throughout the mortal and immortal worlds. But when a member of her family is held hostage, no one is safe from the fire of her rage.

Author Bio:
For as long as she can remember, Katie MacAlister has loved reading. Growing up in a family where a weekly visit to the library was a given, Katie spent much of her time with her nose buried in a book. Despite her love for novels, she didn’t think of writing them until she was contracted to write a non-fiction book about software. Since her editor refused to allow her to include either witty dialogue or love scenes in the software book, Katie swiftly resolved to switch to fiction, where she could indulge in world building, tormenting characters, and falling madly in love with all her heroes.
Two years after she started writing novels, Katie sold her first romance, Noble Intentions. More than thirty books later, her novels have been translated into numerous languages, been recorded as audiobooks, received several awards, and are regulars on the New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. She also writes for the young adult audience as Katie Maxwell.
Katie lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and dogs, and can often be found lurking around online.

Stalk Her:
Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Katie has agreed to provide three $30 gift certificates to a favorite site of hers www.loomingmoon.etsy.com

We are also giving away a copy of SPARKS FLY to one lucky US maiden too!

To enter:
1. Be a follower
2. Fill out the form below

Jim Said... Quotes from the Demon Star

Jim is not the main character of all the dragon series by Katie MacAlister but he truly is the star.  His one-liners have cracked me up on more than one occasion to the point where I've gotten some weird looks from people around me thinking that I've completely lost my mind.  So we thought, what better way than to introduce Jim than to give you a summary of some of our favorite lines of his from the books.

"An extremely handsome and im­pressive specimen of the Newfoundland breed material­izes in the middle of your shoddy hotel room, and you ask if I'm a demon? Oh, I can tell my time with you is going to be one long joyride."

"Walkies! I need to go walkies! Comprendez?"
"Give the girl a banana!"

"Think of me as Demon... The Next Generation"

Aisling: "Which di­rection should we go?"
Jim: "How should I know? I'm just a walking drool bib."

"Pardon me, you evidently have me confused with a pack mule. I'm a demon, not a form of transportation."
"My life used to be boring. A damnation here, a curse there, with an occasional blight or two to break routine. Now I have Aisling...She's better than reality TV, Internet porn sites, and the trashloids all put together."

"You want me to find some balloons for this pity party you're having?"

Aisling: Long story short...
Jim: There isn't anything short about your stories.

"You don't often get to see a wyvern claiming a mate. It's better than Skinemax. Is there going to be an encore? If there is, can you hold off until I make some popcorn?" 

"What's the silver dragon element? Earth?" Jim's face screwed up as it thought. "Ohh man, that means he's going to want to do it outdoors all the time. Buck naked in the wilderness!! My advice is to take sunscreen and bug spray and maybe a spatula or something, to dig the sand out of your butt crack in case he takes you to the beach."

"I'm calling the demon abuse hotline!"
"Wow!" Jim said. "Wish I had a camera. The black­mail potential of this is enough to keep me in burgers for the next millennia."

Jim's eyes almost bugged out of its furry black head as Cecile waddled into the room. Jim did an odd little shimmy toward the surprised-looking Corgi. "Are you one hot mama, or what? Hey, baby, who's your daddy?"

"Everything I say are pearls of wisdom"

"What is it?" Jim asked. "Dead body? Someone throw himself in front of the train? Are there splattered body parts everywhere? Did you remember to bring your digital camera?"

"Me? I'm not saying anything.  But if I was going to say something, it would be something along the lines of 'Smooth move, Ex-Lax!'"

"Man, someone needs to drop a few pounds, and I can tell you one thing—it ain't me!"

"Warning, warning! Do not mention her butt! Whatever you do, do not mention her butt!"

"Maybe she didn't offer anything because she was Lakatos intolerant. Lactose. Detective Lakatos. Get it? Ha! I kill me sometimes."

"Don't tell me, let me guess— you've had another nocturnal visit from the Studly Dragon?"

"Oh, yeah, that's going to do some good. Everyone knows an elevator doesn't shift into second until you really lean on the call button."

“You really are going to have to get a grip on controlling dragon fire, Ash. Hiya, Drake. Come crawling back, did you? Man, you are so whipped.  I never met anyone so completely— fires of Abaddon! You don’t have to barbeque me!”

“Oh, man. He’s going to pork you right here in front of me, isn’t he? Jeez, and they say dogs have no shame."

“Hello, and welcome to Aisling Heartbreak Hour,” Jim said, nuzzling Cecile’s ear. “I hope you’re comfort­able, because this is likely to take a while.”

“Hey, if Aisling is a celeb, does that make me one, too? Will someone ask for my picture, do you think?” Jim asked, looking around for potential paparazzi. “Should I set up my demon-jim.com Web site now?” “Hrmph,” Jim said. “Lassie I’m not! Fame can wait if all I’m going to be known as is a trusty sidekick."

“Ash, sweetie, honey, babykins— you’re not the most astute person in the world.”

“Do I get my own room?” Jim asked, turning to Drake. “One with a water bed? I’ve always wanted a water bed. And I hope you have satellite cable, because I get really cranky in the morning if I don’t get my dose of Montel.”

“Wow. Those are some pretty awesome teleporting skills you got there, Your First Dragonness. Don’t suppose you’re looking for a devastatingly handsome demon sidekick, are you?”

“That madwoman/psycho/scary face is good on you, Soldy,” Jim said, tipping its head to the side. “Kind of a ‘three bread crumbs short of a meat loaf’ look, but effective.”

Friday, 11 May 2012

Review: Up in Smoke by Katie MacAlister

3.5 Feathers
Up in Smoke
by Katie MacAlister
(Silver Dragons # 2)

Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel.  *sigh*  I may have had this weird picture in my head while reading this book that Gabriel looked like Jason Momoa in this picture.

And you girls might know of my love and fascination with that man.  So that coupled with the fact that Gabriel is just smooth and sexy and Oh.My.Gawd.HAWT certainly made me tingnle and just want to get some of his fire!

But as much as I thought I was going to love Gabriel and May as a couple, they sort of fizzled out for the most part of this book.  Yeah, they had some parts where I liked them together but for the most part I was neither loving them nor hating them as a couple.

The story was pretty interesting, with May stuck in Abbadon and pretty much having to "marry" the Demon Lord Magoth.  Is it wrong of my to like his character?  I know he is meant as the bad guy here but I developed a sort of crush on him, with all his full-of-himself comments and thinking he's the greatest gift to women, how can anyone not want to have a piece of him? LOL

Speaking of funny characters, he kind of took the place of Jim in this book, of course he couldn't compare.  Jim was sort of absent in this story and we only got a few of his good lines.  But the ones we did get had me laughing out loud.  Aisling is ready to pop (have her baby) so I really can't wait for that to happen.  And Cyrene, well.... she still annoyed me.

In terms of plot there was a lot of action, demons running rampant in the human world, dragons walking the shadow world, dragon politics and new characters popping up from the ummm dead.  Fiat, that little slimy bastard!  I do feel like I want to get through the silver dragons so I can have some more Baltic!!  Must read faster!

Favorite quote:
"I'm calling the demon abuse hotline!"

Purchase Links: Amazon

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Review: Playing with Fire by Katie MacAlister

Playing with Fire
by Katie MacAlister
(Silver Dragons # 1)

If you like your paranormal romance with a good dose of intrigue but a heap of a lot of fun, then you HAVE to read the dragon books by Katie MacAlister.  I do want to point something out.  This is book one of the Silver Dragons, however the first series you should read is Aisling Grey, then you can move on to the Silver Dragons.  This will help you best enjoy the plot.

Now that being said I will spend a little bit of time on the main couple here.  The Wyvern of the silver dragons, Gabriel, is a model looking, sexy and smooth as hell, dreadlocks wearing hunk of a man.  He is also a healer.  We first met him in the Aisling Grey series where he might've done something to not endear him to some of us.  However it's now his turn to find a mate.

Of course, these wyverns can't find normal mates.  There always have to be something special about them.  May is a doppleganger, but she is also in the service of a Demon Lord as a, well, thief.  Because she has the ability to shadow walk he assigns her the task of stealing for him an ancient dragon relic.

Gabriel and May make an amazing couple and I like them better than Drake and Aisling.  They're so hot together they will burn down the house!  Ummmm I meant that literally.  Dragon fire can be quite dangerous, so proceed with caution. ;)

Silver dragons, black dragons, green dragons, demon lords, everyone seems to be after this artifact.  While May is trying to follow her orders, and deal with her new mate, she might have to avoid capture by the supernatural authorities.  And then we come to my favorite part of this book.

Let me introduce you to this little guy right here.  His name is Jim!  He's not really a dog, even though that's the form he prefers, he's a demon.  He's bound to Aisling but he's oh so very present in this book as well.  For this I am most grateful.  This series wouldn't be the same without him!!  This is the guy that will have you cracking up with his one-liners.  You will love him!

Be warned there's a bit of a cliffhanger at the end of this book, no HEA.  Their HEA, as it was with Aisling, is over the course of their series.  There are only 3 books in the silver dragons, so I won't have to wait much. ;)

Some of Jim's quotes:

"What's the silver dragon element? Earth?" Jim's face screwed up as it thought. 
"Ohh man, that means he's going to want to do it outdoors all the time. Buck naked in the wilderness!! My advice is to take sunscreen and bug spray and maybe a spatula or something, to dig the sand out of your butt crack in case he takes you to the beach." 
"Jim!!! I'm so sorry, it knows better than to offer unwanted sexual advice."

"You don't often get to see a wyvern claiming a mate. It's better than Skinemax. Is there going to be an encore? If there is, can you hold off until I make some popcorn?"

Purchase Links: Amazon

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Review: Holy Smokes by Katie MacAlister

Holy Smokes (Aisling Grey #4)
by Katie MacAlister
Urban Fantasy

Another day, another catastrophic event! Planning a wedding is difficult at the best of times, but with Princes of Hell demending innocent souls, lecturing mother-in-laws and a certain wyvern bridegroom that has gone missing the shit has truely hit the fan for Aisling Grey, Prince of Hell, Guardian and wyvern mate extradonaire. Will she overcome all the new challenges before her, or will it be one disaster too many?

Oh poor Aisling, what a real cock up (in more ways then one haha) the past 6 months has been for her! Although she has found true love, an amazing and hilarious sidekick and a kick ass career it hasn't been easy for her, the odds are never in her favour and lets face it, she can be a little slow on the uptake sometimes. But I have really enjoyed these books, they are funny adventure filled stories that leave you dying to know what will happen next. And as well as having far fetched but highly entertaining plots, this series also had fantstic characters that have kept me glued to the page.

If you have read my reviews for the previous books in the series (which you should they are amazing reviews lol!) you will probably have guessed that I have an intense and disturbing obsession with Jim. I can't help it; I love him, I want a Jim all of my own so he can comment sarcastically on my life at inappropriate times and slobber over anyone who pisses me off. Aisling has also kept me highly entertained as well, I love that she keeps certain arrogant and overbearing wyverns in their place, whilst also melting into a pile of goo whenever he smoulders at her! As for the overbearing wyvern in question, Drake, I still "meh" him, I like him, he is okay he gives great orgasms but I just can't get all hot and bothered about him.

But these books are worth reading for new world they create and watching Aisling and Co stumble through it. If these books were a comedy TV programme, I would class them as slapstick, you know one of those scenes where a characters walks in to something that causes something to fall over that in turn spills something else, until 10 seconds later the whole room looks like the site of a plane crash? This series is like that, only in book form.

I will definitely be reading more Katie MacAlister more specifically her Silver Dragons series, Drake may not have blown my whistle, but Gabriel certainly did!

Friday, 14 October 2011

Review: Light My Fire by Katie MacAlister

Light My Fire (Aisling Grey #3)
by Katie MacAlister
Urban Fantasy

I am loving these books, but why can't I have the cover to the right!? I am enjoy a good look-and-drool and this cover would have helped me greatly, look at the gorgeous and manly man chest, we may have to play a game of find-the-nipple (he doesn't seem to have any!) but that could be fun! Oh well moving on....the book! Once again, Aisling get's into more crap then you can shake a stick at, problem number one: Jim ate the Imp King; problem number two: Drake is a right bastard who betrayed her trust; Problem number 3: a Prince of Hell is trying to coerce her into helping him; Problem number 4: the red dragons are trying to assasinate her...I could go on, as there are more but I only have so much room!

This book is very similar to the others, only set in London rather the Paris and Budapest. Aisling manages to entangles herself in disaster after disaster barely scrapping through one before another hits; however, despite the repeativeness of this I can't help but still be thoroughly entertained by these books, I cannot stress enough the effect of having a demon possesed Newfoundland making sarcastic comments, no matter what happens or how repeatative it becomes having Jim there will always guarentee that I will enjoy the book! I think that Jim should pop up into all boring books and spice them up a little, I wonder if Katie MacAlister would mind lending him out?

But, aside from my growing Jim obsession, I also have my Aisling obsession to nurture as well. I really like her, I like that she doesn't rely on Drake, her mate and instead solves problems on her own without expecting him to ride in and save the day. Most fated-to-be-mated storylines can often become this way. But I still seem to have a Drake problem, he just isn't doing it for me, Aisling loves him and he does have his moments where he makes me smile but he is just a little...meh-bring-back-Jim!

I am really loving this series at the moment, it is light hearted without being completely shallow, with a lot of humour and crazy situations to keep me glued to the page.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Review: Fire Me Up by Katie MacAlister

Fire Me Up (Aisling Grey #2)
by Katie MacAlister
Urban Fantasy

After discovering in the first book that she is the supernatual world's doorman to the portals of hell aka a Guardian, Aisling decides to do the only thing you can in such situations. Goes to a convention. Full of mages, diviners, oracles and more Guardians Aisling hopes to find a mentor to help her with her new powers. However, she didn't expect to see Drake the wyvern of the green dragons and also her mate there, and she certainly didn't think she could yet again be a suspect in a murder inverstigation.

How much shit can one woman get into? Apparently a lot! Aisling pings from catastrophe to disaster like a human pinball; ding! Murder suspect! Ding! Incubus magnet! Ding! Dragon problems! I love it. Not only does it make for a fast paced story that leaves you a little breathless at the end, but it dishes out some really hilarious situations, all of which are commented on sarcastically by my favourite ever demon dog Jim!

Jim and Aisling, they are my favourite couple, I know they aren't a couple in the romantic sense but they are still my favourite couple. The barbs, the insults, the whining (from both of them!) that is the main reason I am reading these books. But on to the romantic couple Drake and Aisling, they really do burn up the pages and although this isn't a steamy book the love scenes get the pulse racing, although they are a little lost in the general cacophony that is Aisling's life. One of the aspects of this book which does stop it getting 5 stars instead of 4 is that Drake just doesn't grab me like other heroes do. He is okay, but personally he doesn't really enhance the books for me, I would like them just as much without him in it.

This was another great book in the series, like the previous book it isn't a WOW book, I wouldn't build a shrine to it glouriousness (not that I EVER do that *hides shrines*) but I am definitely enjoying it a lot, I love a book that can make me laugh.

My Favourite Jimism:

"You're not going to go all Buffy/Angel on me, are you? Mooning around bemoaning the forbidden love that cannot be? Because if you are, I'm finding myself a new demon lord. Love I can take, but mooning is not in my contract."

Terms of Endearment....Aisling Style!

"Oh! I know that word- it means 'darling'!" I glanced up at him. He was smiling. "What sort of darling? I know that smirk, Drake. It means there's something you're not telling me. Does draga mean hot, sexy studmuffin darling? Manly fleshed, well-endowed darling? Darling man who makes me slobber great big puddle of drool whenever I see him?

Monday, 10 October 2011

Review: You Slay Me by Katie MacAlister

You Slay Me (Aisling Grey #1)
by Katie MacAlister
Urban Fantasy

Aisling Gray is having a bad day. To start with her first job as a courier goes wrong when a smoulderingly hot man steals her package...mainly because she was distracted by the dead body of the client hanging from the ceiling. From there things get worse when she finds out she is Guardian, a wyverns mate and the number one murder suspect.

This is another case of why-the-hell-didn't-i-read-this-earlier, I LOVED it, this is my first book by Katie MacAlister, but it is by no means going to be my last. This book is a fantastic mix of action; laugh out loud humour and a little bit of flaming hot sex.

What I liked most about this book was the characters especially Aisling and Jim her demon dog sidekick. Those two were so hilarious, I would read these books just for their snarky comments even if I hated everything else about it, which I didn't. For a change the only character I wasn't that sure about was Drake. He was okay, slightly annoying and over bearing but I normally get over that with the smexy hot guys in these books, but I think because this book didn't really focus so much on Drake and Aisling and more on her trying to solve the murders we didn't have a chance to be charmed by his annoying arrogant hero ways, hopefully that will change in the next book.

This book was told from first person POV, so we learnt everything as Aisling did, and I still found the new world of the Otherland a little confusing but then I think Aisling does as well, so maybe it is intentional? But I liked the general idea and I look forward to reading more about it in the next book. The plot as well, about half way through I had figured out who had done it, but I still enjoyed reading on, by then I was already hooked to the Aisling/Jim duo!

A great book, although the premise of the book isn't particually original I loved the execution, this book is very much character based and I will read on as I loved Jim and Aislings personality's.

My favourite Jim quote!

"...but I'm not any demon. I'm a demon plus. I'm superior to your average run-of-the-mill demon. Think of me as Demon: The Next Generation."