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Showing posts with label storage. Show all posts

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Creative January Blues - How To Beat Them With Magazine Cutting Theraphy

Warmest greetings in my first blog post for 2014! I hope you've all had a wonderful festive season and started the New Year with a positive bang!

After all the choccies have been eaten, pressies opened and celebratory champagne glass risen to greet the replacement of the 3 with a 4, my creative January blues have finally caught up with me... That's why I've been so quiet in terms of crafting, blogging and commenting. I have been visiting and admiring your beautiful creations, I just couldn't find the right words to express how much I loved them - I hope you can forgive me.

My craft withdrawal symptoms did not let me feel 'sorry' for myself for too long, though. I just HAD TO do something. And I suddenly thought that I might as well share that on my blog - so that's what this blog post is all about :).

One of my 2014 resolutions is to do more mixed media and art journaling stuff. To kick start this resolution I've decided to look through some old magazines I no longer want to keep and cut out random words and quotes I could use in the future. 

I had no idea how therapeutic this could be! I can just sit comfortably on the sofa, watch the telly and cut away happily :). Seeing a big pile of lovely magazine clippings and clearing the shelves has given me a super mahoosive sense of achievement! (I know, I know, a bit sad really ha ha ha!). And after I've read this post it was quite refreshing to see that I'm not the only (crazy) one lol.

Having a big pile of mag clippings meant I needed to find a way to organise them, most importantly a way where I can easily see what I have. Otherwise I would never look through them again lol :).

That's when an old self adhesive photo album came really handy! NB. when I say 'old' I mean I've had it for years but never taken the wrapping off until now rofl.

I've organised my pages into separate letters for individual words and also pages where I can keep full phrases. It was a bit tricky to decide which letter would need an extra page so I turned to the trustworthy Mr Google to find out. Which letter do you think is the most frequent initial that English words start with? I would never have guessed the correct answer!

If you like the idea of using quotes - the magazine clipping style - but you're not into doing the clipping itself (or don't have the time), this link will be very handy! This blog post includes a large collection of phrases clipped over time and put together into helpful templates that you can download for free. For ease of use they have been put into separate categories. Highly recommended!

I am now really hooked on magazine cutting. I just hope all the effort will make itself evident in some future crafty endeavours!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! If you know of any other ways to beat the crafty January blues, I would love to hear them!

Big crafty hugs

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