Showing posts with label Logistics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Logistics. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Vertical panic

The thick crowd of hardcore F-35 critics are out in force in the last while regarding supposed "problems" with the F-35B vertical landing, which, according to some well known "no-F-35" commenters, deny the achieving of the expeditionary operations that are at the base of the STOVL requirement.
It has been sad to read articles in which long-time aviation commenters wake up to AM-2 mat with a few long decades of delay; and it is sad to see how they ignore how forward basing operations are actually conduced, in order to lament "issues" with the program.
I don't think most of the above commentators actually ignore the facts: i believe they are deliberately using half-truths to launch new attacks against the programme that they effectively hate. For some well known characters, the F-35 is now an obsession. They launch attacks at each and every chance they get, regardless of facts.

US Marines preparing a strip with AM-2 mat. The AM-2 has been in use for many decades, and in Afghanistan alone, 8 million square feet of mat have been deployed.

The current "storm" has started when it was officialised that the F-35B won't display its vertical landing capability at the RIAT and Farnborough air shows in July, because the runways at the two airports pose safety challenges due to the high temperatures connected with a vertical landing or take off.
The problem, specifically, is that the high temperature exhaust directed on the concrete runway are highly likely to provoke spalling, cracking the superficial layer of concrete and thus potentially creating a FOD issue.
I don't know if in future, following more exhaustive testing, the F-35B will more freely land vertically at air shows, but what i know for sure is that this "issue" was known already a long time ago, but no one really cared because it has no real operational impact at all.
We are not producing F-35Bs for air shows, but for operations on warships, on short and austere runways and on expeditionary airfields. And all of these things can be done, because the F-35B can actually land and take off vertically on ship decks and on AM-2 matting, which are the surfaces from where it should do so. The F-35B has completed well over seven hundred vertical landings, most of which have been made on two landing pads built of AM-2 matting at Patuxent River.
Most importantly, it can make short take offs and short rolling landings on runways and other hard surfaces.

Vertical landing is used mostly just for shipboard operations. Forward basing ashore does not necessarily require vertical landing, and when vertical landing is required, it is tipically done on matting surfaces laid down specifically to create landing pads. This has been the rule for decades, already with the Harrier: it is not something introduced by the F-35.
It is true, the F-35B generates more heat and twice as much thrust as the Harrier, so the need for matting is even more marked than with the old AV-8B. But this is the price that we have to pay for a STOVL jet that has to be supersonic and able to land vertically with a very substantial bring back weight.
Vertical bring back has been another capability of the F-35B that has been widely attacked in the past, but it is actually one of the most impressive features of the aircraft. At 5000 lbs, it is just 1000 lbs less than the aircraft carrier bring back weight for the F/A-18 Hornet, and it is well above the bring back of the Harrier itself. Before the latest variant of the Pegasus engine was rolled out, the Harrier's bring back weight margin was truly minimum. When the british Harrier GR7 flew over Sierra Leone in 2000, the bring back was limited to one 540 lbs bomb plus fuel margin, and that was when flying without external fuel tanks. The bring back weight margins in hot weather were, in other words, incredibly tight.
Sea Harrier and Harrier operations in the Persian Gulf on the Invincible class carriers in the late 90s was subject to limitations, and were assessed as being doable only between November and April, as the high ambient temperatures limited engine take off and landing performance.
Even with the latest Pegasus engine variants, the bring back weight of the Harrier remains very limited, and at least 2000 lbs short of the F-35B's margin.

Weight requires thrust, and thrust means heat. It is actually quite brilliant how the F-35B does not need re-heat for VTOL, and the lift fan, despite its drawbacks, is actually a very smart solution as it generates cold air lift. Without these two features, if all the lift force had to come from high temperature jet exhaust, the F-35B would probably really melt the deck.

Returning to the focus of the article: is there a VTOL problem negating forward basing or at least requiring a dramatic change from Harrier procedures honed over decades of operations?
The answer is no, because the key ability for forward basing ashore is short take off and landing, not so much the vertical. Where vertical landing is expected, there will be landing pads built with matting. It has always been so, already with the Harrier. A few examples:

RAF Germany during the Cold War. The Harriers, initially based at the vast Wildenrath air base, then
moved to Gutersloh, were operated according to the WARLOC concept. WARLOC stands for War Locations, and it was a plan to advance packages of Harrier aircraft onto six forward, pre-surveyed locations within the 1(BR) Corps area of responsibility.
Six more flying sites were earmarked as step-ups, and two logistic parks held the supplies needed to make the pre-surveyed sites operational.
At the start of the conflict, the HQ RAFG would have ordered to stand up the six forward bases (two for each Harrier squadron in the force) and the convoys of personnel and supplies would have rushed forwards to these locations. The Harriers in the meanwhile would have taken off from their Main Base (Wildenrath first, Gutersloh after 1976) for their first attack missions, before landing at the forward sites, completing the dispersion plan.

The forward sites would  have been requisitioned under emergency legislation. The Harrier would have used country and urban roads built to schnellweg standard, meaning that they had integral cycle tracks on the shoulders of the carriageways, making them perfectly sized to act as short runways.
Main roads and autobahns (motorways) were not considered for Harrier basing, as they would be needed for land convoy movements and for much larger emergency airfields for non-STOVL aircraft.
The Harrier was meant to fly CAS sorties from the forward sites, without external fuel tanks to maximize the load of weapons (tipically BL755 cluster bombs and/or SNEB 68mm rockets). No 4 Sqn also had a tactical recce role, and had a five-cameras pod in its arsenal.

We have to make one thing clear here: the famous airstrips in the woods that we see in photos of the Harrier force in Germany were training sites with a possible but unlikely war role. They were not the actual War Locations. Wartime operations would have happened exploiting stretches of secondary roads in countryside villages and towns, so to have paved surfaces from which to make short take offs and landings.
The use of locations carefully selected within villages  offered the added benefit of buildings to exploit for the accommodation of supplies, personnel and communications. Supermarkets and other suitable large buildings would be exploited for parking the aircraft away from sight.
It is obvious that the Harrier force could not train for this exact scenario: some exercises were made flying from stretches of suburban roads temporarily closed by german authorities for that purpose, but the training was actually made in the famous woodland camps.
Here, the personnel lived in tents and on vehicles when lucky, and the aircraft operated most of the time from grass strips, something which made the sight of bogged-down Harriers quite common, giving much work to air support Royal Engineers. Temporary matting and metal planking was used as possible to help the aircraft move around without sinking in mud. Each of these woodland forward bases had a vertical landing pad built typically with MEXE (the british Military Experimental Establishment mat), and sized 75 feet x 75 feet. The Harriers would land vertically on the pad tucked away in a clearing in the forest, and from there they would be towed by Unimog 4x4 vehicles onto the well camouflaged parking areas.

Thankfully, a number of representative training areas was obtained during the 70s using stratches of paved roads in the Sennelager training area. The actual intended War Locations, however, were secrets well kept. The Harrier Plans office would send out teams in civilian clothes to carry out discreet surveys of promising locations identified by air reconnaissance. The main requirement of the forward sites was a stretch of paved road measuring at least 500 x 10 meters, with suitable access from "operational areas". These would tipically be light industrial estates or supermarkets: in other words, any kind of building accessible from the road and suitable for hiding aircraft and site infrastructure.
Note the desired size of the to-be landing strip: short take offs with considerable weapon loads and short landings were the key, not vertical landing. Harrier could have probably landed vertically on parking lots and other paved surfaces, yes, but this was not indispensable. Even repeated Harrier vertical landings, although less stressful than F-35B's VLs, would have a damaging effect on such surfaces, so that the lay down of a pad of matting might have been needed eventually.

An F-35B comes in to land on one of two AM-2 mat pads in Patuxent River. Much of the testing has been done here: the pads have seen hundreds of vertical landings, and several vertical take offs.

Belize 1975 and afterwards. Belize's single airport, despite the ambitious "international" title, only had a single, relatively short runway (considering the rigours of the climate) which was unsuitable for any combat aircraft of the RAF other than the Harrier. Six No 1 Sqn Harriers were deployed to Belize in a hurry with Victor air tanker support in response to very real threat of invasion coming from Guatemala. An earlier Belize emergency had been tackled in 1972 by rushing the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal across the Atlantic to deliver a show of force with its Buccaneers, but in 1975 Guatemala visibly prepared for a new aggression, and this time Ark Royal was too busy to move, as she was part of NATO' Northern Flank defence plan, and was engaged in exercise Ocean Safari off the north norwegian coast.
The Harrier deployed forwards to the small, inadequate airport, and operated there for four months. Operation NUCHA, as the deployment was known, eventually ended when Guatemala was rattled by a fearsome earthquake on 4 february 1976, which put the country in such distress than it ceased to be a threat.

Guatemala again mobilised its army already in 1977, however, and in July that year the UK again sent the Harriers, as Ark Royal was once more unavailable. The mighty Ark was about to reach the end of her operational life, and the UK no longer had assured availability of aircraft carrier power as her sisters had been sacrificed to budget cuts. In its absence, the Harrier detachment in Belize became permanent. It remained in place for sixteen years. Once more, the key aspect of forward basing capability was the ability to take off and land on short strips, not the ability to land fully vertically.

Falklands and the Atlantic Conveyor. In the Falklands the Harrier was used in innovative ways on hastily refited ships such as Atlantic Conveyor and on land, where it made use of a really barebone forward base established ashore after the amphibious landing in San Carlos.
The Atlantic Conveyor, a mixed RoRo and container cargo ship, was given a large deck by steel-plating the openings of the container holds, and on the bow, a vertical landing pad was assembled, using matting treated with anti-skid material. The pad can be easily seen in the photos of the vessel going south. The pad allowed the Harrier to fly on board from Ascension, and it was then used to allow the aircraft to take off from the vessel to fly the short hop to the aircraft carriers, when the Conveyor reached the area of operations.
Loaded back in the UK or flown in from Ascension, the Atlantic Conveyor eventually transported eight Sea Harriers, six Harrier GR3s, six Wessex helicopters and four Chinooks.
During the 10-days transit from Ascension to the area of operations, one Sea Harrier was kept ready on the pad, to be launched to intercept any shadowing argentine aircraft that might come spying the movements of the british vessels. The Harrier GR3s were bagged up to protect them from the salty marine environment.

The Vertical pad on the bow of Atlantic Conveyor

The constant here is the landing pad: it might be a logistic complication, but it is necessary from well before the F-35B appeared. Its installation, however, allowed the VTOL aircraft to fly in and away from the hastily converted merchant ship. Although no QRA Interception was launched from the Conveyor as no shadowing aircraft was detected, being able to even mount a QRA on the vessel is an example of the flexibility that the Harrier, and in future the F-35B, offer.

Sea Harrier and Atlantic Conveyor launch pad

The Atlantic Conveyor also transported all the equipment to build an Harrier Forward Air Base ashore, which was to include vertical landing pads and a 400 meters runway, plus fuel infrastructure and command and control sufficient to base and operate a squadron of 12 aircraft.
Unfortunately, the sinking of the Conveyor dealt a very vicious blow to the plan, as much of the precious equipment needed for establishing the FOB sunk with her. Nonetheless, enough planking and matting equipment of all sorts was recovered to put together a 260 meters strip, a vertical landing area and space for parking and servicing 4 Harriers. The FOB, although far more austere and barebone than intended, gave the Harrier GR3s a place were to mount Ground Alerts from which they could quickly move out to deliver air support. The Sea Harriers coming from the carriers far out at sea, away from argentine attacks, had the chance to use the FOB to refuel and extend the duration of their vital CAP patrols up-threat.
As barebone as it was, the FOB would support peaks of 120 air movements per day, delivering tens of thousands of litres of fuel every day.
The landing strip offered the bare minimun facilities needed to land and refuel, and its limits were shown in some occasions: one Harrier GR3 was lost when it overshot the end of the strip after a FOD incident. The thrown-together pieces of matting of different sorts could not lock together as well as they should, and the downwash of the famous Chinook Bravo November caused some of the planking to shot out of place.

In that occasion, while the FOB was hastily repaired, two Sea Harriers which urgently needed fuel were to accomplish another famous feat, being diverted to away from the FOB to land vertically on the flight deck of the LPDs HMS Fearless and HMS Intrepid instead.
The F-35B would be able to replicate these feats, operating from strips of matting (the test fleet makes regular use of a short expeditionary strip of AM-2 matting at Patuxent River) and also making non-standard vertical landings and take offs (with light load) on ships such as LPDs.
The heat of their exhaust would impose greater wear and tear on such flights decks, but it would be possible. Actually, in the case of the USMC, the F-35B would likely encounter little to no problems on amphibious and support shipping decks, as these are set to receive modifications (including most likely Thermion coating where necessary) to deal with the heat and stress generated by the MV-22 Osprey, which is being cleared to land on or at least to vertically replenish most ship types in the US fleet.

Vertical heat panic reporting actually began with the MV-22 Osprey. But the USN is working to clear the MV-22 for landing on many platforms, and for vertically replenishing many others. Many of these decks would probably be fine for emergency landings.

In the Falklands war, after the ceasefire, an air base was urgently stood up in Port Stanley, and Sea Harriers and Harrier GR3s mounted guard from both the runway ashore and from the carriers, with HMS Illustrious relieving Hermes and Invincible.
Even when the runway was repaired and extended to allow the arrival of the Phantoms of the Royal Air Force, the Harrier GR3s maintained a presence on the islands, to be ready to operate in case a surprise attack or problem of any sort were to deny the runway. They only left in May 1985, when the completely new Mount Pleasant air base was opened, ensuring a solid basing arrangement for conventional fighters.

Desert Storm. USMC AV-8B Harriers exploited the STOVL capability of the aircraft to deploy on the beat up landing strip at King Abdul Aziz, a naval base on the North Eastern coast of Saudi Arabia, immediately behind the positions of the 1 MEF force of marines holding the defensive line at the border. The runway was long but not well kept, and there was a near complete lack of support infrastructure, and the USMC and Seabees were hard at work to assemble a vertical landing pad of 150 x 150 feet, plus a 72 feet wide taxiway parallel to the strip, again made with AM-2 matting, and parking spaces for Harriers also made with AM-2. Fuel bladders were emplaced, and other  infrastructure, including five expeditionary hangars was stood up. The derelict airstrip was transformed in a large expeditionary forward base for well over 60 Harriers, plus helicopters.

The Harriers could flow from the strip to deliver CAS against an iraqi attack in literally minutes.

Other forward sites and re-arming points were established. The Seabees took possession of another derelict landing strip at Tanajib, just 35 miles from the Iraqi border, and used AM-2 matting to expand the facilities and prepare a turnaround point for the Harriers. The strip used to be employed by helicopters.

The use of facilities built completely anew or adapted from beat up strips inadequate for other aircraft types enabled quick generation of a great number of CAS sorties, without clogging up the precious airbases needed by conventional aircraft. The use of forward refueling and rearming points kept the Harrier effective without needing to resort to air refuelling, which was already high in demand.

Again in Iraq, and in Afghanistan. In Enduring Freedom, most of the USMC Harrier fought from onboard ships. 60 of the 76 Harriers employed where seabased, coming in particular from USS Bataan and USS Bonhomme Richard, with both amphibious vessels operating as Harrier carriers. The other AV-8Bs operated from USS Nassau and USS Tarawa, with the balance flying from Kuwait. Forward basing capability was however nonetheless exploited, as many AV-8s made some use of a forward arming and refueling point (FARP) established by advancing ground forces at An Numaniyah, 60 miles south of Baghdad. The Harriers going into the FARP were the first coalition aircraft touching iraqi soil. The use of the FARP was precious particularly because it eased the strain on the ever-request air tankers.

In Afghanistan, the main contribution of Harriers to the opening phases of the war in 2001 were delivered by three LHD groups of six AV-8s each. Italian Harriers from the aircraft carrier Garibaldi also participated.

The STOVL nature of the Harrier proved invaluable for the british contingent when air support was brought forward. The Harrier GR7 (then GR9) was the only combat aircraft that could operate from the badly damaged airfield of Kandahar until the runway was extended and fully refurbished.
Extending the runway and getting it in suitable shape to accommodate the needs of the Tornado GR4 took time. In 2009, after five years in theatre, the Harrier force had to hastily add one last four-month squadron deployment while the extension to the runway was finally completed. From October 2004 to the end of its presence in Afghanistan, the british Harriers flew more than 22.000 hours in over 8500 sorties, expending almost 5000 CVR-7 rockets, 94 Enhanced Paveway II+s,  179 Enhanced Paveway IIs, 25 Paveway II and several Paveway IVs.

USMC Harriers have exploited their capability in other ways. The most impressive Afghan example is the building of the Camp Dwyer expeditionary airfield, built anew in the Garmsir District, Helmand river valley, just 20 miles away from Marjah, in preparation for major ground operations that the Harrier was then able to support closely. The expeditionary airfield started out as a FOB for Harrier, but over time had its AM-2 runway extended, and the whole base became a permament camp. The base has become so important that it s the last battalion-level base of the USMC in Southern Helmand during the drawdown of forces. This outpost has been critical in dominating one of the most dangerous areas of the whole Afghanistan. The camp is named in memory of British Lance Bombardier James Dwyer, 29 Commando Royal Artillery. It had been known earlier simply as FOB Garmsir.  

After decades of regular, intensive use in support of STOVL operations with the Harrier (as well as for bomb damage repair, expansion of various airfield surfaces etcetera) it is impossible to think that serious defence reporters ignore the nature and use of matting material, be it american AM-2 or british MEXE or anything in between.
The use of VTOL pads on operations and even for training is nothing new, and is not something that the F-35B brought along. Matting and Harrier have been comrades for years. The expeditionary, forward base operations have always included the use of pads and matting.

The US Marines actually maintain pre-positioned stocks of AM-2 matting and other equipment for the construction, from pretty much nothing but flat ground, of Expeditionary Airfields that in their complete form can include a 3850 ft runway with portable arresting gear set, parallel taxiway and parking space for 75 tactical combat aircraft and 3 C-130. The full-set EAF 2000 can allow even carrier borne combat aircraft to operate ashore, thanks to the arrestor wires. But such an installation, however, requires over 240 TEU containers worth of material that has to disembark, reach the intended area and be assembled there.

A full USMC expeditionary airfield set takes up the equivalent of more than 240 containers, but if you use every piece you get an airfield for 75 STOVL or carrierborne combat aircraft, from what was just a flat terrain. Preparing an austere base for STOVL aircraft only requires just a fraction of the equipment, time and logistic weight.

One such load is to be found on the ships of each squadron of the Marine Prepositioning Force.

The Forward Basing advantage of the STOVL component of USMC airpower is that it can use a base generated using a fraction of that equipment, as the british Harriers proved with the barebone strip at San Carlos. The F-35B will be able to take off with a short run, carrying much greater weapon load and far better sensors, and land on the forward base with a short vertical rolling landing. Or it will land vertically on an AM-2 pad. Yes, a pad will be required. Then again, it has always been so with the Harrier, as well.
It is true that AM-2 takes time to be installed (then again, teams of just an handful of men and a couple of forklift alone can actually put down an amazing amount of panels in a few hours) and has a considerable logistic footprint. But this has been known for years, and can hardly be solved from the aircraft side of the equation. The USMC is looking at what will come after AM-2, the AM-X, which will have greater heat resistance, will be more durable and, who knows, perhaps will come in more rapidly deployed packages.
There have been studies already in the past that evaluated, for example, the opportunity of developing a trackway-like solution for the creation of runways; something that can be rolled up and then distended quickly onto the ground like a carpet. 

Bill Sweetman, probably realizing that the story about the F-35B not landing vertically at RIAT had actually zero impact on operational capabilities, sneaked in a much more serious accusation: that the F-35B would also not be capable to make short rolling landings. Unfortunately for him, the F-35B already routinely makes vertical rolling landings on land, on AM-2 matting and on concrete runways, and has already displayed them at air shows as well. Sweetman could have watched them happen with just a quick search on YouTube. In this video alone, you can see two rolling vertical landings, one ending in a bolter with the aircraft taking off again (minute 4:30 onwards), the other with the F-35B getting to a full stop (minute 6:30 onwards). And more can be found in other videos.

And he is almost certainly going to see short rolling landings displayed at the air shows in the UK in July as well. The british government has also made clear in parliamentary written answers that the F-35B will routinely land vertically only on three purposefully built landing pads at RAF Marham, but will be able to make short landings on all other runways in the UK.

The landing pads to be built in Marham are hardly a surprise. Harrier bases have always had their own pads for the practice of vertical landings: Gutersloh had two pads, Wittering had MEXE pads, Cottersmore also had them, and USMC bases have purposefully built concrete pads.
It was always to be expected that pads would be built for the F-35B as well. The use of high-performance concrete, resistant to the heat, will make them safe and durable, allowing training to go on regularly.

British Harrier making a vertical landing on a MEXE pad at Wittering

So, is there a Vertical problem?  No, not really.
No one should actually be scared by this new and particularly weak attempt to deliberately attack the F-35B.

Personally, my F-35 worries are all on software development, reliability and maintainability, on properly fixing the weaknesses of the airframe's bulkheads to achieve the desired service life, and on integrating weaponry, including british specific weapons, as quickly and efficiently as possible. These are the important areas, and those where there are still too many question marks that i want to see solved one by one.
The rest is useless noise thrown up by people who have decided that they want this program dead, in a way or another, regardless of actual facts.

I've not gone into the details in this report, only tracing a history of expeditionary Harrier ops, to show how they have worked, and how they will work with the F-35B. For more details and images of the San Carlos FOB, you should visit this 2012 article by Think Defence.

Invaluable document on the story of the Harrier in RAF service, contained much of the information employed in this article: download

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Multi Role Vehicle (Protected)

The Specialist and Logistic Project Team (SLV PT) is the MOD authority following the Multi Role Vehicle (Protected) requirement, which is, in itself, the name with which the cancelled Operational Utility Vehicle System (OUVS) has been resurrected. 
OUVS was a long-running programme (it was launched in 2003) which looked at many different vehicles for finding a replacement for vehicles such as Land Rover and Pinzgauers, RB44s and others. In 2008 the UK and the US formed a joint work group for the UK to enter the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program of the US Army and USMC, but barely a few months later it was decided that the JLTV was not the right direction to go for the British Army, albeit exchange of informations continues. 

Among the vehicles considered under OUVS we find the General Dynamics's Eagle IV and DURO IIIP, general purpose variants of the Iveco "Lince" LMV that forms the base of the Panther CLV, the G wagon from Mercedes, the Sherpa from France's Renault and the Thales Australia Copperhead, which is the Single Cab Bushmaster Utility variant. The name Copperhead has since fallen out of use. 
In 2009 the Navistar MXT, which the UK acquired the same year as UOR for Afghanistan naming it Husky, was also shortlisted for OUVS.   

By then, OUVS envisaged two families of vehicles, OUVS Small and OUVS Large: the first had to deliver vehicles with a payload of 1 to 2 tons (then incresed to 2 to 3 tons), and the OUVS Large had to deal with loads from 3 to 5 or six tons. The MXT was selected for evaluation in both classes. 

Bushmaster Single Cab utility vehicle

In any case, in 2011 the NAO Major Projects Report let us know that the MOD had effectively cancelled OUVS. 

The requirement for Operational Utility Vehicle System was reviewed in 2007 by the Army, as lead user, when the need for vehicles with enhanced protection, capacity and mobility was identified. The Single  Statement of User Need stated that ‘Operational Utility Vehicle System would provide a robust, easily  supported system, comprising operational utility vehicles that are able to carry light cargo (up to six tonnes) or small groups of personnel, integrate as many special-to-role systems as possible and which can operate in diverse climatic and topographical conditions worldwide, in order to support and contribute to land (including land air) and littoral manoeuvre operations’. This capability would be a key supporting enabler for offensive combat operations providing the following roles; unit level logistic cargo vehicle, systems carrier, mobile command, liaison and personnel transport.

Mainly aimed at replacing Pinzgauers and Land Rovers in their many variants, OUVS had actually been suspended well before PR11, mainly because (despite trialing well-protected vehicles such as Bushmaster and Eagle IV) in its original form OUVs mandated pretty much no protection for the new vehicles.
OUVS indeed called for 8500 new vehicles pretty much as like-for-like replacements for Land Rover and Pinzgauers: soft skinned, cheap (97.000 pounds each desired price) vehicles with no mine/IED protection.
Already during 2010 it was realized that such an approach was unacceptable and clashed with the reality of modern operations, and protection requirements were added, even if this of course meant the cost increased fivefold and the number of vehicles to be procured dropped significantly. A 2-years deferral was also imposed.

Prior to PR11, OUVS was expected to be resurrected in 2012, for an entry in service not later than 2018. However, Planning Round 2011 actually removed OUVS from the programme altogether, "re-scoping" the requirement, with the outcome of the work done on OUVS up to that point forming the basis for the Multi Role Vehicle- Protected Programme. 
The NAO report said that it was planned for Multi Role Vehicle - Protected to commence Concept stage during Financial Year 2015/2016.
Luckily, the Pre-Concept trials and activities have actually already begun, and we can hope for an earlier, faster progress of this important program, which will have its own Initial Gate and Main Gate approvals in the coming years.

The SLV Team has been already conducting trials on several vehicles at Millbrook, with a study and comparison of candidate platforms planned for "the week after DVD 2012" which took plane on 20 and 21 June. If there have not been changes to the schedule, the comparative trials should have already happened, but unfortunately at the moment i've been unable to get a confirmation: there's not much publicity around this program yet, which is both a good and a bad thing. The trial was/is meant to determine the range of candidate vehicles, in the 5 to 15 tons range, that offered the desired protection and mobility levels and sufficient modularity to be suitable for the realization of the multiple variants the Army needs. Another important requirement is that the vehicle should have an Unit Price Cost of 250.000 pounds.
This activity is an early phase, a "pre-concept" study. Indeed, Multi Role Vehicle Protected does not expects to reach Main Gate before 2016, so we are at a starting point.

According to the MOD, the MRV(P) is not going to be employed for Rapid Reaction Forces, namely the Airborne Task Force and Commando amphibious brigade, which will need a vehicle which is lighter and more agile. However MRV(P) would support the rest of the formations, which means the thick of the Army. The vision is for one vehicle to fulfil all roles, using plug-and-play communications and flexible seating layouts, so to give birth to all variants needed, which include:

- Command and communications post vehicle,
- Command and liaison vehicle,
- General purpose vehicle – cargo,
- General purpose vehicle – pax,
- Light gun towing vehicle.

Other variants, such as the Future Protected Multi-Role Battlefied Ambulance, would be based on the same mechanics if possible.  
The presence of a Command and Liaison variant is significant: the Panther CLV covers (in theory) this role, so the Army might be intentioned to retire it early if MRV(P) progresses successfully.

Although there are not yet Key User Requirements (KURs) listed for the MRV(P), as the final list of requirements has still to be agreed and published, the MOD's list of current indicative wishes is the following:

- Base Vehicle, Passenger Carriage Variant: crew of 3 (Driver, Commander, Gunner) and 6 passengers
- Base Vehicle, Cargo Variant: crew of 3 and payload greater than 2500 kg, with good towing capacity and 20% growth margin
- Unladen mass inferior to 14.000 kg, less than 10.000 if C130 air-portability will be required (unlikely)
- Turning circle inferior to 17 meters
- Width < 2.5m Medium Mobility
- Power to weight ratio > 20 hp/t at the wheels Medium Mobility
-  Ground pressure < 450Kpa Medium mobility
-  Ground clearance > 240mm Medium Mobility
- Ballistic threshold protection (Stanag 4569) ? level 2 Objective level 3
- Blast threshold protection (Stanag 4569) ? level 2a/2b Objective level 3a/3b
- Growth Potential. The platform design must incorporate adaptable vehicle architecture to allow the following capabilities to be integrated into the platform:

— Open architecture communication information system,
— Generic vehicle architecture level 2,
— Fitted for electronic counter measures,
— Fitted for bowman,
— Fitting of protect weapon system.  

They are not trivial requirements, especially considering the desired unit price. What might be the competitors? 

The Navistar MXT might have some cards to play, depending on how the Army is satisfied by its performances. The fact that 327 are in service as of June 2012 (out of orders placed for at least 351: battle losses?) is a relevant factor, and the Army might well decide that sticking with something that's already around is budgetarily the most acceptable solution. The Army already has an Ambulance Husky, a Command Post and an Utility variant, and now Navistar has added a Light Recovery Vehicle variant which the British Army might soon order, for supporting not just Husky, but Jackal and Foxhound and other vehicles in that weight range as well. 
Navistar offers an "APC" variant with rear-doors and seating for 10 men as well.  

When it was acquired, Husky was indeed hailed as a product of OUVS, even though it was procured effectively as UOR. 
It does not exactly meet the requirements outlined above, but it is far from automatically out of the game. Being already part of the Army might prove a big, big advantage.

For sure, Supacat has sent in Millbrook their SPV400 vehicle for trials and evaluation. They already proposed the vehicle for the Light Patrol Protected Vehicle requirement The SPV400 is a 4x4 vehicle carrying a crew of 2 plus 4 dismounts, on an architecure very similar to that of Foxhound, but Supacat has already been working on a 6x6, three axle variant, which could provide a suitable mechanical base for all what MRV(P) asks.

Penmann's suitably named Multi Role Vehicle Protected family of vehicles, in 2 and 3 axle configurations, are also likely to be aiming very seriously to selection for the MOD's requirement.
Foxhound would appear to be out of the competition, if not for other reasons then because of price: with the LPPV costing 270 million pounds per 300 vehicles, even if the amount includes an unspecified amount of spares, it is hard to imagine how variants developed from it could ever fit in the 250.000 pounds unitary cost.

Another defeated Foxhound rival might return for a second try at a MOD Contract, in the form of the Zephyr vehicle, from Creation UK. They have already produced and demonstrated a 12 tons 6x6 vehicle which is more than suited for being kitted out for all needed roles, offering a overhead weapon position and a 4 tons payload. Seating for 12 men can be provided. Protection levels are, in theory, compliant to at least the threshold requirement, and improvements are not to be excluded.

The Zephyr 6x6 is already a solid reality.
From outside the UK, a potential bidder is Thales Australia, with the Bushmaster vehicle, which indeed was a very serious contender for the Operational Utility Vehicle System (OUVS) requirement that was the earlier incarnation of MRV(P). Bushmaster is a proven vehicle, developed in many variants, used actively on the battlefield by now by several years, and it is not unknown to the UK armed forces, as 24 Bushmaster Infantry Mobility Vehicles were acquired under a UOR requirement for use by the SAS in Iraq.  

Over 800 Bushmaster vehicles have been acquired by Australia alone, in several variants: troop transport, Mortar mobility (the mortar is not fired from inside the vehicle, it has to dismount, but up to 5 men and 50 bombs and the mortar are easily carried), Direct Fire (transports a fire support section with HMG, Carl Gustav recoilless rifle, Javelin AT missiles and/or other weaponry), ambulance, engineer vehicle and Command Post. Some 100 more have been acquired by the Dutch.
An IED variant with rummaging/interrogating mechanical arm has also been prepared, along with 2 logistical variants. A variant specifically kitted for transport of a 4-man Air Defence section with RBS70 missile firing point is also available. An ISTAR variant with mast-mounted sensors was also showcased.

The Bushmaster was very much appreciated by the MOD during OUVS trials: so much so that, effectively, one of the two logistical variants was developed specifically for the UK, by Thales in collaboration with the MOD. This is the Utility Dual Cab variant, which comes with a large cabin with four side-opening passenger doors and seating for 2 crew and up to 6 passengers, while still having at the back a 5 square meters payload bed for 3 tons capacity. This variant would be pretty much perfect as L118 Light Gun Towing vehicle, as it would be able to sit the whole gun crew under armor, tow the gun and carry at least one ammunition pallet. 

Bushmaster Dual Cab
The other logistic variant is the Single Cab, which seats a crew of 2 and has a 9.4 square meters flatbed for a payload of over 5 tons which can be fitted with container hoist to take a "two-thirds" ISO container. It can be fitted with a tipper loadbed, or with a crane for self-loading. Thales offers many options.
Changes for accommodating a baseline crew of 3 should be possible.    

The Bushmaster is good at towing, too, so much so that the Australians have procured at least 184 8-tons trailers compatible with the Troop Carrying variant. It can pull and recovery vehicles up to 15.000 kg in weight. 

The command post seats 6 men including driver and optional seat for 7th man. It has additional radio racks, mapboards, space for cryptographic units, a generator and provision for exploitation of external energy source for long-term operations. 

Photos of the various Bushmaster variants, including shots of the insides, are available here.

A well loaded Bushmaster troop carrier with trailer, RWS on the front and GPMG pintle mount at the rear hatch.

The Ambulance variant, in addition to driver, commander and medical attendant positions, accommodate one permanent stretcher position with loading mechanism and four walking wounded patients, seated, each with their own drip, oxygen and regulator.
Alternatively the four walking wounded positions can be field converted in minutes to another stretcher position. Both stretchers are protected and isolated so well that a patient even severely wounded will survive even a mine blast.

The engineering/Pioneer vehicle is essentially a mobile workshop with workbenches, trays, a pulldown awning, and a generator to support the operation of power tools. It carries 5 men, with a 6th seat as optional. One man is the driver. 

The vehicle is a large 4x4 with V hull and good protection levels, with an overall length of 7.18 metres, width of 2.48 metres (within the requirement, albeit barely) and height of 2.65 metres. Track is 2.1 metres and wheelbase is 3.9 metres. A C-130J can airlift a single Bushmaster, while up to eight Bushmasters can be carried by a single C-17. Ground clearance is 430 mm under hull, and the vehicle can ford water depths of 1.2 meters without preparation; the vehicles handles a gradient of up to 60 per cent, an approach angle of 40 degrees and a departure angle of 38 degrees, more than meeting "medium mobility" requirements. The 300 liters fuel tank gives a 800 km autonomy on road. 

To improve blast protection, a 270-litre water tank is mounted internally, beneath the floor for added protection and to lower the vehicle’s centre of gravity. Armour-protected energy absorbent seats provide additional protection against spinal injuries, and multi-point seat belt harnesses are provided
to specific customer requirements. 

The Troop Carrier comes with a large hatch on top, in the front, which can take a Protected or Remote Weapon Station, while in the back two large rectangular hatches are provided for top cover and situational awareness, with pintle mounts available to install further manned machine guns for self defence and fire support. Unladen, the Bushmaster weights between 11.000 and 12.500 kg depending on the variant, again fitting within the indicative requirement.
Turning circle is 17.7 meters, so it goes over the requirement, but perhaps something can be done about it, or the requirement can be relaxed. 

A Bushmaster on operations shows the CROWS RWS on the front hatch and a GPMG pintle mounted on the side, at one of the two rear hatches. Another mount can be installed on the other side.
The Bushmaster ISTAR with mast-mounted sensors.

The Bushmaster is a very interesting vehicle family, with a solution (already developed) for pretty much all needs of a full spectrum military force. Hopefully it will be given proper consideration again as part of MRV(P), as it seems to be a very attractive solution. The cost of the Bushmaster is relatively low for a vehicle of its class at between 500 and 650.000 australian dollars depending on the variant (ambulance seems to be the most expensive), but not quite cheap enough to meet the 250.000 pounds wish of the MOD without some very real difficulty. Still, there's good chances that a Bushmaster offering would be quite advantageous in terms of cost nonetheless, because i have a lot of doubts on the possibility of anyone managing to meet the requirements for just 250.000 pounds apiece, sincerely. 

For sure, the Multi Role Vehicle (Protected) is a very important programme for the army's future, and one to keep surveyed as things progress.   

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ellamy's first casualty

The UK's contribution to Libya's operations today has sadly extorted its toll. The first UK victim (and hopefully the only), is a truck driver from RAF's 2nd Mechanical Transport Squadron, who died in an accident in Italy while driving on one of the regular convoys which have been enabling the air war to happen, ever since the very first days.

An earlier RAF No2 MT convoy on its way to Gioia Del Colle, on a luckier day and travel 

MoD spokesman Col Nick Orr said the airman, was driving the lead vehicle in a supply convoy when it left the road in the Abruzzo region.
The convoy was taking supplies to UK forces in support of Operation Ellamy in Libya, driving towards Gioia Del Colle. His family has been informed. Following the normal period of grace given to the family, the MOD named the casualty, Senior Aircraftman James Smart, 22, from Wrexham. Smart had previously been in the Territorial Army, and moved in the No2 MT in 2008.
Between May and September 2010, he served in Afghanistan, and was due to receive his operational medal on 1 August. After returning from Afghanistan, he was deployed to the Falkland Islands between October 2010 and January this year.
He now was on his fifth convoy in support of UK forces involved in the Libyan intervention when he died in the car crash near Vasto, in Southern Italy, on Wednesday.
Col Orr said it was not yet known why his vehicle left the road, but the cause of the accident was being investigated.

My thoughts go to the family and to the friends and comrades of the victim, and it is further saddening to me to know that his life has been lost here in Italy.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Royal Logistics Corps and Port logistics

Building on my article on the general strategy direction for the UK, available here, i'll now progress towards drawing a matching Force Structure, and to do so i will take a look at the less known parts of the Army, starting from the RLC, its regiments, its numbers and its equipment, as it is essential to take into consideration all components of the Army and all "enablers" for deployments abroad before talking about cuts, changes and expansions.

The Royal Logistic Corps

The Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) provides logistic support functions to the British Army. It is the youngest and largest Corps in the Army, comprising around 17% of its strength and the highest number of regiments. The Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) was formed on Monday 5 April 1993, by the union of the following British Army corps:

The RLC comprises both Regular and Territorial Army units. The RLC has very broad responsibilities throughout the Army that includes the movement of personnel throughout the world, the Army's air dispatch service, maritime and rail transport, operational re-supply, and explosive ordnance disposal which includes the hazardous bomb disposal duties in Iraq, Afghanistan and the mainland UK, the operation of numerous very large vehicle and stores depots both in the UK and overseas, the training and provision of cooks to virtually all units in the Army, the provision of pioneer labour and the Army's postal and courier service.
The corps is nicknamed "The Loggies", or the "Really Large Corps", another term of endearment is "REME luggage carriers".

The RLC cap badge is an amalgamation cap badges of the forming corps:

The inscription on the garter band "Honi soit qui mal y pense" can be translated as "Evil to him who evil thinks". It is often seen on the insignia of Regiments and Corps with 'Royal' in their title.

RLC Badge
RLC's Tactical Recognition Flash

There are 17 Regular RLC Regiments (plus two training regiments) and 16 TA Regiments including the Catering Support Regiment RLC (V).

The principal field elements of the RLC are the Close Support and the General Support Regiments whose primary role is to supply the fighting units with ammunition, fuel and rations (Combat Supplies).

A division has an integral Logistic Support Regiment which is responsible for manning and operating the supply chain to Brigades and Divisional units. Support Regiments have large sections holding stores both on wheels and on the ground. A Division will typically require about 1,000 tons of Combat Supplies a day but demand can easily exceed that amount in high intensity operations.

Divisional Support Regiment

A Divisional Level regiment has one Brigade-support regiment for each Brigade of the division/formation being supported.

Depending on the composition of the formation being supported, some of these regiments may have an Artillery Support Squadron and/or a Postal and Courier Squadron. In addition for some operations a Tank Transporter Squadron may be required. The Artillery Support Squadron delivers artillery ammunition using DROPS vehicles. Tank Transporter Squadrons provide tank transporters that move armoured vehicles more rapidly and economically than moving them on their own tracks.

The likely structure of a Divisional RLC Regiment attached to 1(UK) Division, with two or three Brigade Support Squadrons depending on the number of deployed brigades. 

RLC Regiments have large sections holding stores, both on wheels and on the ground. A division on operations will typically require about 1,000 tons of Combat Supplies a day, but demand can easily exceed that amount in high intensity operations.

Battlegroups in contact with the enemy can carry a limited amount of C Sups, particularly ammunition. As ammunition is expended, it is replenished from RLC vehicles located immediately to the rear of battlegroups in an Immediate Replenishment Group (IRG) area.
As the IRG vehicles are emptied they return to the RLC Squadron location and fully loaded replacements are automatically sent forward so that a constant supply is always available to the battlegroup. Ammunition and spares are generally carried on NATO standard pallets, which are loaded to meet the anticipated requirements of particular units and if required, bulk consignments are broken down at the IRG location.

Artillery ammunition constitutes by far the largest single element in the logistic pipeline and the bulk of it is delivered directly to the Royal Artillery guns, rocket and missile launchers, by RLC Demountable Rack Off-Loading and Pick up System (DROPS) vehicles from the General Support Regiment, which are capable of meeting the requirement of even the highest intensity consumption.

A Brigade Support RLC formation.

Other tasks
Apart from the RLC units that provide direct support to the operational formations, the RLC is either directly responsible for, or co-located with other agencies at the following:

·         Ordnance Depots
·         Ammunition Depots
·         Army School of Ammunition
·         Army Petroleum Centre
·         Defence School of Mechanical Transport
·         Army School of Catering (Aldershot)
·         Royal Logistic Corps Training Centre (Deepcut)

The Central Army Post Office (APO) is located in London and there are individual British Forces Post Offices (BFPO) wherever British Forces are stationed, plus Postal and Courier Squadrons with 29 Regiment (UK) and 24 Regiment (Germany).

101 and 102 Logistic Brigades
These brigades exists mainly to support 1st UK Division (101) and 3rd UK Division (102) of the Army in deployment and fighting, but are of course available to support any kind of deployed force. The role of the Logistic Brigades in war is to receive both troops and equipment into the theatre of operations, organise their forward movement to the battle area along a line of communication of up to 750 km, then logistically sustain the fighting formations and finally redeploy the force back to the UK base or on to subsequent operations. The Brigades would also be responsible for the setting up of field hospitals and evacuation of casualties from theatre. This description understates the role, which involves complex logistic processes and requires a detailed plan for ammunition fuel, transport, prisoners of war, humanitarian assistance, rear area security and medical operations.
HQ 101 and HQ 102 Logistic Brigades are both subordinated to HQ Theatre Troops in Netheravon, from which they receive direction for the operations and training of the formation. 

Now that the SDSR 2010 has reduced to one the number of deployable Divisions, it is possible that one of the two Logistic Brigades will be downsized/closed/amalgamated into the other, but we’ll have to wait and see.

101 Logistic Brigade

  • 101 Logistic Brigade Headquarters & Signal Troop (661) in Aldershot
  • 9 Supply Regiment Royal Logistic Corps in Hullavington, near Chippenham.
  • 10 Queen's Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment in Aldershot
  • 27 Transport Regiment Royal Logistic Corps in Aldershot
  • 254 Medical Regiment in Cambridge
  • 104 Force Support Battalion Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in Bordon/Tidworth
  • 4 Regiment Royal Military Police in Aldershot
  • 4 General Support Medical Regiment Royal Army Medical Corps

102 Logistic Brigade

  • 102 Logistic Brigade Headquarters and Signal Troop (662) Royal Signals in GĆ¼tersloh, Germany
  • 6 Supply Regiment Royal Logistic Corps in GĆ¼tersloh and Dulmen, Germany
  • 7 Transport Regiment Royal Logistic Corps in Bielefeld and Fallingbostel, Germany.
  • 8 Transport Regiment Royal Logistic Corps in MĆ¼nster and GĆ¼tersloh, Germany
  • 101 Force Support Battalion Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in Wrexham and Prestatyn, Wales, Fallingbostel and Bielefeld, Germany and Coventry and Manchester, England.
  • 5th Regiment Royal Military Police in GĆ¼tersloh, Germany
  • 5 General Support Medical Regiment Royal Army Medical Corps in Preston, England

1° Military Dog Regiment

  • 101 Military Working Dog Support Unit
  • 102 Military Working Dog Support Unit
  • 103 Military Working Dog Support Unit
  • 104 Military Working Dog Support Unit
  • 105 Military Working Dog Support Unit

These five units used to be part of 101 and 102 Logistic Brigades, but in 2010 the Military Working Dog Regiment was created, using all five units as squadrons to respect the “Rule of the Five” and be able to deploy a whole squadron at all time. The 1° Military Working Dog Regiment now falls under the command of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps. I report it here since it is a recent change in the force organization, and one of interest.

104 Logistic Brigade
104 Brigade RLC is the key to the Army’s ability to deploy abroad, and thus is certainly one of the most important – and unfortunately less known and celebrated – units of the whole service. The Brigade wholly commands Land Force's logistic enabling capabilities: Postal and Courier Services, Movement Control, Air Despatch, Port and Maritime (which includes a Vehicle Specialist and Railway capability) and many Pioneer effects. 
The force elements that provide these capabilities are Joint enablers as they enable and support all deployed components.

With these capabilities, the Brigade activates strategic and operational Lines of Communications; mounting and deploying forces that provide specialist logistic support effects in support of joint expeditionary and enduring operations.

The Brigade Headquarters provides operational command to 5 Regular and 4 Territorial Army (TA) units; of which 8 are Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) and 1 is Royal Army Veterinary Corps (RAVC). 
The TA units are grouped under 2 Logistic Support Group RLC(V), which is commanded by an RLC TA Colonel.  Training and force preparation is collaborative between the Regular and TA; to deliver maximum effect.

Over and above deploying forces to enable and support world-wide operations and overseas training exercises, the Brigade operates both the Sea Mounting Centre (SMC) at the military port of Marchwood and the Joint Air Mounting Centre (JAMC) at South Cerney; ensuring that the UK end of deployments are fully enabled and effective at all times.
The headquarters itself is deployable in the Force Support command and control role.

104 Logistic Support Brigade

  • 11 RLC EOD Regiment
  • 17 Port & Maritime Regiment, Marchwood 
  • 23 Pioneer Regiment
  • 24 Postal, Courier & Movements Regiment
  • 29 Regiment, Air Despatch and Movement
  • 162 Movement Control Regiment (Volunteers)
  • 166 Support Regiment (Volunteers)
  • 168 Pioneer Regiment (Volunteers)

Regiments of the Royal Logistics Corps  

A Logistic Support Regiment is structured around an HQ Squadron, 2 Close Support Squadrons, 1 General Support Squadron and a REME Light Aid Detachment. The HQ Squadron includes the Quartermasters (QM) department, the Catering departments and the Communications department. The Squadron is solely responsible to provide catering, communications and within the QM's role all material support to the Regiment and the Squadrons to allow them to work effectively.

A Supply Regiment is structured into five Squadrons and a REME Light Aid Detachment (LAD). Headquarters Squadron, one Combat Supplies Squadron, one Material Squadron, one Consignment Tracking Squadron and one Logistic Brigade Support Squadron.

A Transport Regiment has a Tank Transporter Squadron, a General Transport Squadron, a Fuel Squadron, and HQ Squadron.

1 Logistic Support Regiment – 1 UK Division’s support regiment. Consists of 2 Close Support Squadron, 12 Close Support Squadron, 23 General Support Squadron, 74 (HQ) Squadron and LAD.
2 Logistic Support Regiment – 22 and 25 Close Support Squadron, 76 General Support Squadron and 27 HQ Squadron. Main role is direct support of 7 Armored Brigade.
3 Logistic Support Regiment – Supports 1st Mechanized Brigade, 3rd UK Division.
4 Logistic Support Regiment – Supports the 12 Mechanized Brigade, 3rd UK Division.
5 (T) Logistic Support Regiment – Training. The Regiment has two training squadrons, and delivers training to TA personnel thanks to a force of Regular military and civilians instructors.
6 Supply Regiment – Part of 102 Logistic Brigade. TA unit is 159(V).
7 Transport Regiment – TA unit is the Scottish Transport Regiment. It is an Heavy Duty transport squadron, with 617 Headquarters Squadron, 9 Fuel support Squadron, 16 Tank Transporter Squadron, and 17 Transport Squadron, along with a REME Light Aid Detachment. The Heavy Equipment Transporter trucks are their main distinguishing characteristic.
8 Transport Regiment – Another Heavy Lifter unit, this Regiment is equipped with HETs to move 28 tanks at once, plus up to 20 smaller armored vehicles, and up to 1440 NATO Pallets on DROPS/ELPS transports. It carries and delivers some 616.000 liters of fuel at a time with its tankers.
9 Supply Regiment – 800 strong, this regiment is the centre of Logistic Specialist (Supply) excellence within 101 Logistic Brigade and soldier training is continual and progressive. Its role is to oversee the supply chain on operations.  This is achieved by controlling stocks from the UK all the way forward to the fighting Brigades.
10 Queen’s Own Gurkha’s Logistic Regiment
11 EOD Regiment – 500 strong, it is the center of excellence for the delicate EOD work.
12 Logistic Support Regiment – supports the 4th Mechanized Brigade. TA unit is 150(V) Regiment.
13 Air Assault Support Regiment – 16 Air Assault Brigade’s own Logistic formation. A part of this regiment – 15 Air Assault Close Support Squadron - is parachute capable and kept at high readiness along with the fighting element of the brigade.
Commando Logistic Regiment – Army personnel is part of the Commando Logistic Regiment’s 620 strength. The regiment includes HQ Squadron, Equipment Support Squadron, Logistic Support Squadron, Medical Squadron, Landing Force Support Party. From this regiment is taken a Logistic Task Group sized to support the High Readiness Small Scale battlegroup mandated by the SDSR. A Logistic Task Group is currently part of exercise Cougar 2011’s Royal Marines battlegroup. The 383(V) Commando Petroleum Troop provide reserve personnel for brigade fuel resupply tasks.     
17 Port and Maritime Regiment - based at Marchwood, near Southampton, the unit provides the UK Armed Forces' only specialist port, maritime and rail capability and deploys regularly in support of operations and exercises around the world. The Regiment has three Port Squadrons, a Port Enabling Squadron, a REME Workshop and a Headquarters Squadron. It operates a wide variety of vehicles, plant, railway equipment and vessels, including Ramp Craft Logistic (RCL) (6, two based in Cyprus), Workboats, Landing Craft Vehicle and Personnel (LCVP MK4 and MK5), MEXEFLOTE rafts and Rigid Raider Craft. It also has the only military Dive Team in the RLC; they are responsible for a range of tasks including port clearance and vessel maintenance. Due to its unique nature, the Regiment also works closely with the Royal Marines of the Amphibious Task Group (ATG) and often deploys in support of their exercises and deployments around the world. Supported by 165(V) TA Regiment.
23 Pioneer Regiment - The Regiment comprises of four Task Squadrons (187 (Tancred), 206, 518 and 522) and one Headquarters Squadron (144) totaling around 600 personnel. The Pioneers are supported by RLC Drivers, Chefs and a REME Workshop. The Regiment is the only regular Pioneer force and it provides a plethora of capabilities with its multi-skilled soldiers. Key roles include Operational Hygiene, Defence Skills (akin to Infantry tasks), Artisan (Bricklaying/Concreting and Carpentry), Logistic Enabling, Assault Pioneer and Mortuary Affairs.
24 Postal, Courier & Movements Regiment – Part of 104 Logistic Brigade, the Regiment is based in Bielefeld, Germany, with one Sqn in Gutersloh and detachments throughout Germany. Its mission is to provide Movement Control and Postal & Courier capability at Readiness for operations and theatre support to United Kingdom Support Command in order to contribute to UK Defence and Land Command military capability.
24 Regt is commanded from RHQ and 49 HQ Sqn whilst 30 PC Sqn provide Postal Courier support to British Forces Germany through the British Forces Post Offices. The United Kingdom Movements Liaison Staff (UKMLS) provide Movements Control liaison and authority for 1(UK) Armd Div, UKSC and all British Forces within NWE. 40 MC Sqn and 69 MC Sqn provide Movements Control support to deployed Operations via the Force Movements Control Centres and Air Transport Liaison Offices by coordinating the Tactical Air Transport and Surface Movement of personnel and equipment. Similarly 98 PC Sqn and 99 PC Sqn provide deployed PCS support to Operations through the field BFPOs to ensure the mail gets to and from the troops on the ground. The Regiment has been involved in nearly all major deployments of British Forces overseas, including frequent deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.
25 (Training) Regiment - The Regt is established for 140 military permanent staff (not including RLC Band and MPGS) and 71 civilian staff. The average Standing Student Population at Phase 2 is 250 with a further 200 at Phase 3. The all up Regt strength is, therefore, typically in the region of 700. The regiment delivers training courses for the various roles within RLC.
27 Transport Regiment – Part of 101 Logistic Brigade. It is an Heavy Duty transport regiment, with Tank transports, fuel squadron and transport squadron.
29 Transport and Movement Regiment – Includes the Air Despatch and Movement Control squadrons.

Territorial Army Regiments:

·         Scottish Transport Regiment
·         Welsh Transport Regiment
·         150 Transport Regiment
·         151 Transport Regiment
·         152 Transport Regiment
·         155 Transport Regiment
·         156 Transport Regiment
·         158 Transport Regiment
·         159 Supply Regiment
·         168 Pioneer Regiment
·         383 Commando Petroleum Troop
·         395 Air Despatch Troop
·         88 Postal and Courier Regiment
·         160 Transport Regiment
·         162 Movement Control Regiment
·         165 Port and Maritime Regiment
·         166 Supply Regiment
·         Catering Support Regiment

Tri-Service Support Vehicle fleet – The tools of the job

It was announced in October 2004 that the UK Defence Procurement Agency (DPA) had selected the MAN ERF UK Ltd proposal for the UK armed forces' Support Vehicle requirement; a contract award followed in March 2005. MAN acquired UK truck-maker ERF from Western Star of Canada (now owned by Daimler) during 2000. The Support Vehicle contract is expected to be worth GBP1.3 billion, and at award it covered 5,165 vehicles (of which 4851 are cargo trucks, 478 of which self-loading ones with their own crane, and 314 were recovery platforms) and 69 recovery trailers, with first vehicles entering service in June 2007. Production is expected to continue to 2013 and the contract includes a major support package. The contract also included 1,089 applique protection kits.
The number of recovery trucks was later cut down to 288.

A MAN Wrecker recovery vehicle in Afghanistan Theatre Standard Entry protection level.
MAN disclosed at DVD 2006 that after considering a number of options including the possible refurbishment of current DAF 4-tonne trucks, the UK MoD had exercised its maximum possible option under the SV contract, ordering an additional 2,077 vehicles, for a total of 7242.

The SV contract calls for two model ranges to be delivered to the MoD: SX Improved Medium Mobility (IMM) and HX Medium Mobility (MM), with an over 90 per cent quantity bias towards HX models. The two (6 × 6) improved medium mobility vehicles required, cargo and tanker, are based on the SX44 high-mobility chassis; the (8 × 8) recovery vehicle is based on the SX45 high-mobility chassis. The HX is an High Mobility truck, while the SX family is an Extreme Mobility vehicle for special purposes, despite the MOD renaming them Medium and Improved Medium Mobility vehicles.

Unit Support Tanker
The British Army introduced:

4x4 6 Tonne (Medium Mobility)  - Replaces the 4 tonne
6x6 9 Tonne (Medium Mobility & Improved Medium Mobility) – replaces the 8 tonne
8x8 15 Tonne (Medium Mobility) – replaces the DROPS and 14 tons trucks
Unit Support Tanker (Medium Mobility & Improved Medium Mobility [around 80]) (311 total) – 25 tons weight loaded, 7000 liters of fuel capacity. 6 x 6 vehicle platform, replaces the
Unit Bulk Refuelling Equipment (UBRE)
Recovery Vehicle (314 ordered, then reduced to 288) – 32 tons full weight
Recovery trailers  (69)

The MoD will also receive an additional 107 HX60 4x4 6-tonne cargo trucks. These are being supplied by MAN under contract with BAE Systems as carrier vehicles for the Falcon Area Communications Systems, as the original platform choice (Supacat) proved unable to accommodate evolving requirements that included a cab armouring solution.

In 2008, as a UOR for Afghanistan, the MOD contracted the conversion of of 90 standard Support Vehicle 8x8 15-tonne cargo trucks (HX55 chassis) into load-handling system (LHS) equipped trucks. These trucks, up-armoured as part of Project Fortress, are known as Enhanced Palletised Load System (EPLS) and were to supplement/replace current Leyland and Foden DROPS vehicles on deployed operations, these unable to accept suitable levels of add-on crew protection.
Later on, the MoD has bought (at least, it is hard to keep track of all changes into this kind of contracts!) an additional 87 (56 + 31) EPLS trucks outside of the Support Vehicle contract, the 31 vehicles being a training fleet.

MAN ELPS in Afghanistan
The number of MAN trucks ordered, in total, is of over 7440, of which 6928 are the actual cargo trucks (90 have been converted into ELPS, 478 are equipped with crane for self-loading), 288 Wreckers recovery vehicles, 69 trailers, 107 Falcon communications transporters and 87 ELPS.

Think Defence provides the following interesting list:  

  • 5213, Cargo Vehicle Light CV(L) - Medium Mobility – 6 tonne (4×4)
  • 376, Cargo Vehicle Medium CV(M) – Medium Mobility – 9 tonne (6×6)
  • 105, Cargo Vehicle Medium CV(M) – Improved Medium Mobility – 9 tonne (6×6)
  • 923, Cargo Vehicle Heavy CV(H) – Medium Mobility – 15 tonne (8×8) [of these, 87 have been then converted in ELPS]
  • 230, Unit Support Tanker (UST)  – Medium Mobility – 9 tonne (6×6)
  • 81, Unit Support Tanker (UST)  – Improved Medium Mobility – 9 tonne (6×6)
  • 288, Recovery Vehicle (RV) – Improved Medium Mobility (8×8)
  • 69, Recovery Trailers
  • 87 ELPS – Medium Mobility – 15 tonne (8×8)
  • 107 FALCON prime movers - Medium Mobility – 6 tonne (4×4)

MAN Chassis variants
There are 3 HX variants, the 2 axle HX60 which replaces the 4 tonner, and offers a load capacity of 6 tons; the 3 axle HX58 which replaces the 8 tonners and has a load capacity of 9 tons, and finally, the HX77 which replaces the 14 tonner with a new platform capable of 15 tons payload. There are 3 HX variants, the 2 axle SX60 which replaces the 4 tonner, the 3 axle HX58 which replaces the 8 tonners and finally, the HX77 which replaces the 14 tonner. 

HX Chassis

SX chassis
Measuring 7.44 metres in length, the HX60 is extremely mobile in all types of terrain. Capable of attaining a top speed of more than 90 km/h, it features 60% gradeability and a step climbing capability of half a metre. Furthermore, it can cross 1.20-wide ditches and has a 0.75 metre fording capability, which can be increased to 1.20 metres in accordance with customer requirements. While classed as "Medium Mobility", this compares actually quite favorably to even the mobility of armoured vehicles such as Warrior, and gives excellent reach to the cargo fleet. 

Its total authorized weight is 18 tons, with a military payload of six tons. As common with this kind of vehicles, they are identified by the military by their cargo capacity.

Measuring 8.68 metres in length, the HX58 attains top speeds in excess of 90 km/h. Its superb off-road manoeuvrability corresponds to the HX 60. The vehicle’s maximum permissible weight is 27.5 tons, with a military payload of nine tons. This makes the HX 58 a universal, highly mobile transport vehicle. Like all RMMV vehicles, the HX 58 is also available with a modular armour cabin (MAC) or integrated armour cabin (IAC) for maximum Class 3 ballistic protection and Class 3b anti-mine protection in accordance with NATO STANAG 4569.

The HX77 vehicle is10.27 metres long and has a maximum authorized weight of 40 tons, with a military payload of 15 tons. Thanks to its container handling unit (CHU) and/or hook lift system, the HX 77 is the perfect armoured transport vehicle for carrying ISO 20 ft. containers, which today form the backbone of military and civilian logistics. In terms of mobility, it exceeds all other vehicle classes, and is capable of crossing trenches up to 2.50 metres in width.

The SX comes in two variants, the 4 axle SX45 used for the Recovery Variant and 3 axle SX44 Unit Support Tanker and Cargo. The SX44 is the base chassis of the “9 Tonne Improved Medium Mobility” and the base of the Unit Support Tanker Improved Medium Mobility. 

The program is procuring a fleet of vehicles consisting of 42 variants but effectively based around the Light, Medium and Heavy Cargo Vehicles (6, 9 and 15 ton respectively), the 7,000 litre Unit Support Tanker, the Recovery Vehicle and the Recovery trailer. These vehicles will replace the in-service 4, 8 and 14 ton cargo vehicles and the 3 in-service recovery vehicle types.

The Support Heavy trucks (15 tons payload) come fitted with ELPS system, or with multi-harness, container-capable flatbed and part of the 15 tonnes have their own crane for self-loading. The harness points on the cargo bed are arranged so that all kinds of loads and pallets can be loaded and secured.  

At least 478 of the cargo trucks are fitted with cranes for self-loading.

The vehicles come “Fitted for, but not with” armor kit, and this is added prior to entry in war zone. 
In 2007, as a UOR named project Fortress, the first 280 trucks bound for Iraq with the 7th Armored Brigade were kitted with extensive protection. The MAN Support vehicle's forward control cabs are fitted with an applique armour package that provides Nato Stanag 4569 Level 2 ballistic and Level 1 + blast protection. The Modular Armoured Cabin kit developed for HX and SX series vehicles weighs approximately 1300 kg and can be fitted in 12 hours by just two men.
The front and sides of the cab are also fitted with bar armour to disrupt rocket-propelled grenades before they impact the main armour. To counter improvised explosive devices the vehicles are fitted with an unspecified electronic countermeasures and IED Jamming package. For self-defence a protected weapon station armed with a 7.62-mm General Purpose Machine Gun is mounted on the roof hatch. The Fortress package also includes run flat tires, infrared headlights, rear position lights and night vision devices for the drivers. 370 more vehicles have also been uparmoured subsequently. 

MAN has also made available a better protected Integrated Armor Cabin (IAC) with STANAG 4569 protection protection against assault rifle fire and shrapnel (level 3) and against AT blast mines (level 3b). To permit the crew to react appropriately to attacks the armoured cab can optionally be equipped with a weapons station for a heavy machine gun or automatic grenade launcher. The weapons station can be operated from inside the cab, keeping the crew out
of harms way. This option is offered by MAN in cooperation with leading manufacturers. 

The SV trucks have the option to use dedicated rollover protected seating from Roush. Roush’s ROPS (Roll-Over Protection System), presented in 2008 at DVD, is a multi-seat frame designed to offer an enhanced seating capability for troops to travel safely in the rear of UK Forces’ fleet of MAN 4x4 and 6x6 support vehicles. 

The Roush ROPS is built as a two-section modular assembly in a 6-seater and an 8-seater configuration – to provide optimum flexibility of use between support vehicles in current and future service. Each frame module accommodates a series of two-part vacuum formed ABS seats, plus a 4-point quick release harness. Clearances have been designed in to accommodate a soldier in body armour, a webbing kit and battle helmet. Stowage is provided for a standard Bergan and a clamping arrangement is fitted to secure a weapon.

The Load Beds for the trucks are produced by Marshall Vehicle Engineering (MVE), Cambridge. This same company delivered the Load Beds of the previous generation of utility vehicles, and also produces the cargo bed used by the Wolfhound vehicle.

SX45 Recovery truck
Powered by a 440Hp, 10.5litre, 6 cylinder turbo diesel engines, the new recovery vehicles are powerful replacement for the existing Foden fleet. They are fully compliant with the latest emissions legislation (Euro 4) without the need for fuel additives, and can also operate, without preparation, on aviation fuel. The vehicle has an 8x8 wheel drive and self levelling suspension to negotiate rough terrain. The vehicle can be fitted with appliquƩ armor packs to protect the crew from ballistic and blast threats, as has been done in Afghanistan. It also comes ready for a BOWMAN radio installation. The recovery mission equipment includes cranes and winches, designed by ECA based in Gerrads cross, London. It is manufactured and bolted to the main chassis by Atlas Terex, based in Motherwell, Scotland. The new recovery vehicle is capable of lifting 15 tons at a distance of 2.3 meters, and can tow a 44 ton vehicle.

MAN Prime Mover
The concept has been developed as a private venture which has been supported by MAN through the provision and maintenance of the chassis.  It is based on the six tonne MAN HX60 Support Vehicle, which is entering service with British Forces, though the capability could equally apply to larger vehicles such as the nine and 15 tonne variants as well as other military medium or improved medium mobility vehicles.  In the GTV configuration, it carries a detachment of eight together with two 1.5 tonne NATO ammunition pallets giving either 34 ready to fire 155mm rounds or 72 105mm rounds and is fitted with a crane for loading/unloading.  The load bed over hang has been configured to accommodate the human factor requirements for a prime mover allowing rapid and easy hitching of guns, radars or similar.

The Prive Mover shown during trials, moving a M777 howitzer with ammo and full under-armor crew.

The vehicle cab, with space for up to three, is air conditioned, fitted for military radios and can be fitted with appliquĆ© armour; vehicles with integral armoured cabs can also be configured as EPMs. The crew module is designed to offer the same level of blast, ballistic, environmental, CBRN protection and safety characteristics as the driver and commander enjoy.  The unit is EMC compatible with the host chassis.  It can also be EMI sealed if required for C4ISTAR applications.

I don’t know if the Prime Mover has been acquired by the British Army as part of the “42 variants” (probably no) of kit that equip the support trucks, but it sure is an interesting platform. The prototype, trialed on Salisbury Plain, towed a M777 howitzer while carrying its ammo and detachment.

As a final note, it is expected that the Rapier replacement, the FLAADS(L) [Future Local Area Air Defence (Land)] missile system, launching the Common Anti-air Modular Missile (CAMM) will be mounted on the HX60 4x4 vehicle. The FLAADS(L) launcher is expected to be presented this September at the DSEI show.

An excellent document about the HX and SX truck family here.

Close Support Tanker
Oshkosh Truck Corporation announced in January 2003 that it had been selected as the preferred bidder by the UK's then Defence Procurement Agency (DPA) to supply the MoD's Wheeled Tanker fleet. The contract was valued at approximately GBP160 million (USD250 million) for initial vehicle acquisition and support over 15 years. The fleet includes 57 x 18.000 liters Close Support Tankers for water, 82 x 15.000 liters Tactical Aircraft Refuelers and 218 x 20.000 liters Close Support Tankers for fuel. 

The Wheeled Tanker is a highly mobile vehicle that is deployed in the Logistic Support Regiments and Transport Regiments and forms the backbone of the British Army’s bulk fuel and water transportation. It has deployed on operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and can be fitted with enhanced blast-proof armour for driver and crew protection.

15 m (L) x 3.5 m (H) x 2.5 m (W)
11.9 litre Caterpillar C-12 producing 445 bhp
Load capacity
20,000 litres of fuel or 18,000 litres of water
Tractor unit can be fitted with a 7.62 mm machine gun

Heavy Equipment Transporter
Tank Transporters or Heavy Equipment Transporters are capable of pulling an immobilised tank on board, and can carry 70-tonne Main Battle Tanks.
The HET can move its load rapidly and cost-effectively, saving wear and tear on the tracks and the roads.

The HET is the most powerful tank transporter in production. It consists of an Oshkosh 1070F 8 x 8 tractor truck and a King Trailer GTS 100 seven axle semi-trailer. Its after-cooled Caterpillar C18 turbocharged diesel engine develops 700bhp.

2 + 10 troops
20 m (L) x 3.8 m (H) x 2.9 m (W)
Caterpillar C-18 - 700 bhp
Load capacity
72 tonnes (1 x Main Battle Tank or 2 x Light Armoured Vehicles)
Tractor unit can be fitted with 7.62 mm machine gun
300 miles

The HETs for the British Army are provided by Fastraxx, a PFI provider owned by Kellog Brown and Root. The PFI will run for 20 years and provides 92 HET’s, trailers and sponsored reserve drivers.  There are two trailers: the King (72 tons capable, used mainly for Challenger, Titan and Trojan and similar) and the Broshuis for Warrior sized and below loads (max 45 tonnes). In 2010 an additional 20 Broshuis Improved Mobility Trailers were obtained under a UOR for the Heavy Equipment Transporter.

The future move from CVR(T) vehicles that can be carried on the back of a Foden DROPS or MAN EPLS, to the ASCOD SV vehicle which can’t and is far closer to the Warrior’s mass than to that of a CVR(T), there is going to be a much greater need of HETs and related trailers, particularly in the 45 Tonnes class. The Private Financing Initiative is thus likely to be expanded to encompass more vehicles, trailers and drivers in the future.

Demountable Rack Offload and Pickup System (DROPS) vehicles form the logistic backbone of the British Army. There are two types of vehicle - the Leyland Medium Mobility Load Carrier (MMLC), and the Foden Improved Medium Mobility Load Carrier (IMMLC). DROPS has the ability to tow the long-wheelbase trailer which is a force multiplier as it means it can carry two loads using only one driver. Both trucks are 8 x 6 load carriers with a 15-tonne flatrack payload, allowing the rapid loading and unloading of flatracks or containers.

IMMLC is used primarily as an ammunition carrier in support of AS90 155mm self-propelled guns. MMLC operates solo, or towing a skeleton trailer. They are also used to carry reloads for the MLRS, (15 trucks for each 9-launchers battery), and a trailer capable to carry 8 rocket modules is available.
It is anticipated that the operational DROPS vehicles will be replaced by the Enhanced Pallet Load System (EPLS) which will is based on the 15 tonne SV variant, but this is not certain. The replacement is not expected before 2022 and will come via Non Articulated Vehicle Programme (NAVP), it itself essentially the former Heavy Load Distribution Capability (HLDC) requirement with a new name.

Enhanced Palletized Load System
The MAN HX77 8x8 Enhanced Pallet Loading System (EPLS), was procured in response to an immediate operational requirement. Unlike the previously deployed Leyland Demountable Rack Offload & Pickup System (DROPS), this protected vehicle can lift a 20-foot ISO container weighing up to 15 tons in just minutes thanks to its cargo handling unit. (The DROPS needs a flat frame to set the container down on first.)

The main differences from old DROPS to new DROPS
1. The driver/operator has to rely on a camera system to view the rack/ISO being loaded or lifted due to the design of SV, i.e. no cab rear window.
2. It has a DASLI system which tells the driver/operator the condition of the load exceeding GVW or load distribution.
3. To lift ISO/Flatracks each operation requires a changing of the lifting equipment configuration.
4. The lifting system, although similar to old DROPS, during the last or 1st stage of operation actually slides the load on or off the truck.

The British Army considers ELPS the ideal replacement for DROPS, so the story began with the UOR, but is most likely far from finished.

C fleet
While the MAN trucks are “military” and ready for use on the battlefield and fully army-owned, the MOD has chosen to go PFI with Italy’s Iveco (the supplier of the Panther CLV) to cover its engineering, construction and rough terrain mechanical handling capability requirement.
The Iveco trucks are acquired via a major 16 year private finance initiative (PFI) which was signed with ALC, an equal partnership created between Amey and VT Land, in 2006. Under the terms of the agreement, valued at some 500 millions, ALC is responsible for delivering the required capability to Army units when they need it, where they need it and for as long as they need it. The vehicles and items of plant are delivered serviceable and ready to use, backed up by a complete contractor logistic support package.

The Trakker makes up the “C” fleet, which comprises all earth-moving plant, engineer construction plant (ECP) and field mechanical handling equipment (MHE) in use by the armed forces, but also include vehicles delivered with built-in armor protection for deployment in dangerous zones, as part of Army reconstruction efforts, or in support of engineers ops. These are known as Protected: in particular, a number of Self Loading Dump Trucks - Protected have been acquired to  replace the Volvo FL12 SLDT in use in Afghanistan.

Self Loading Dump Truck - Protected

In November 2008, 206 Trakker AD380T45W 6x6 chassis were acquired, and in 2009 followed the Specialized Trakkers modules. The first thirty-three vehicles supplied were truck mounted loader (TML) variants, featuring a Terex rear-mounted lifting arm and Mackworth flatbed body fitted with twist locks to accept 20ft ISO containers. These vehicles offer a wealth of stowage space for camouflage nets and poles, soldiers' personal equipment and lifting gear, together with other essential ancillaries required by the Army. Other task variants included in this order comprised two tipper models – the medium dump truck (MDT) and self loading dump truck (SLDT) – and bespoke well drill rigs and road/runway repair vehicles. All vehicles – with the exception of the MDT – share the same length wheelbase. This uniformity provides the Army with maximum flexibility within the fleet to re-body vehicles if necessary to meet operational needs. This also ensures the most cost-effective and efficient parts and logistics support.

Rough Terrain Forklifts and loaders – JCB Telescopic Handlers  
As part of the Fleet C procurement, following downselection by ALC to the preferred supplier, 329 model 524-50 telescopic handlers were supplied by JCB to replace the Army's Forklift 410M fleet. The 524-50 can lift a 2.4 tons load to 5.3 meters height and can be fitted with loader/digging shovel. 

JCB 524-50 Rough Terrain Telescopic Handler

As part of the same contract award JCB also supplied ALC with 91 model 541-70 telescopic handlers. The 541-70 has a forward reach of 3.7 metres, lift capacity 4.1 tonnes and lift height of 7 metres while a tight turn radius of 3.7 metres gives greater manoeuvrability. It is used for general palletised stores. 

The more powerful 541-70

Medium Wheeled Tractor  
Another part of the C Fleet is the JCB 436 eHT medium wheeled tractor loading shovels. A number of JCV 436 eHT will be used to deploy Medium Ground Mobility System (MGMS) trackways (the old Class 30, which has been renamed). These vehicles are a replacement for 8 waterproof and winterised Case 721 BXT wheeled loaders fitted with a specialized trackway dispenser and used in support of amphibious landings. 

The new JCB 436 deploying a MGMS trackway.
Think Defence wrote an excellent and wide trackway review, for the ones who want to investigate the subject further. The above image comes from TD's article.

Rough Terrain Container Handler
The top-class vehicle in this category is the Kalmar RT240 RTCH which, developed as it was in close co-operation with the US Army, is designed to handle containers in extreme conditions. Based on Kalmar’s reach stacker designs, the four-wheel-drive, four-wheel-steer machines can operate in mud, sand and up to 1.8 metres of salt water. The RTCH can pick up two 20-foot railroad shipping containers at a time, or one 40-foot container, as opposed to the inefficient “one by one” method. Containers may be stacked three units high with the RTCH and the total lifting capacity is just over 24 tonnes. It is also surf zone capable and travels from beach to barge; retrieving containers and stacking them on dry land. The design is also optimized for air mobility, enabling transport in a C-17 aircraft but at 53.5 tonnes it is a big lift, filling the C17 with its 3.65m width, 15m length and 2.98m height in shipping configuration. This preparation for air transport can be carried out in less than 30 minutes by one person with no external assistance, and without removing or dismantling any part of the machine. The reduced height also greatly simplifies road moves.

Unlike most container handlers the RTCH uses a single tyre arrangement. Both axles are driven and steered; crab-steer is possible and all steering is computer controlled for precise tracking. The axles are unsprung and two-wheel drive and single-axle steer is possible for road travel.

The British Army acquired at least 20 as UOR for Operation Telic in Iraq, but good part of the Army’s fleet is still made up by the Terex Rough Terrain Container Handlers.

Tactical Support Vehicles
In November 2008, a 350 millions contract for 400 new armored support vehicles was put in motion with the selection of the three TSV platforms: 

(97 in 2009 + 30 in 2010) Wolfhound TSV (Heavy) - Based on the Cougar (Mastiff) 6x6 flatbed made by Force Protection Industries Inc; supports and re-supplies the Mastiffs in the highest threat areas. These vehicles have the highest levels of mine blast protection. It carries a payload of 4.5 to 6 tons. 

(262 in 2009 + 89 in 2010) Husky TSV (Medium) - Based on the International MXT-MVA made by Navistar Defence ; carries out the support roles in areas where heavy vehicles, like Mastiff, cannot be used. HUSKY comes in three variants; utility, ambulance and command post. The utility variant can accommodate 4 people.
The UK MOD paid $629,213 for each Husky.

(70 in 2009) Coyote TSV (Light) - Based on a 6x6 derivative of the Jackal designed by Supacat Ltd, Devon ; supports the go-anywhere, high-mobility Jackals across the harsh terrain in Afghanistan. It is longer, weights over 10 tons full load and has 6 wheels (it is a 6x6 vehicle) and a payload of 1.5 tons, carrying the same weaponry and crew of a Jackal. The Jackal itself can be extended to 6 wheels (Jackal EXTENDA), but in this case only 4 of the wheels deliver traction, making it a 6x4.

The Coyote has the weapon load of a Jackal 2A, but carries supplies for a Jackal patrol, extending its range considerably.

Springer (75)
Springer has a crew of two and the ability to carry a combat load of one tonne. Its role is specifically focused on swiftly moving combat supplies from helicopter landing sites into the forward operating bases. It is designed specifically for rugged, desert conditions - which means it is well-matched to the operational environment in Afghanistan. It was ordered in 2009 for 10.3 millions, giving an unitary cost of 137000 pounds each, roughly.

The 4 x 2 vehicle can self-load a 1 ton pallet of supplies. Each vehicle is equipped with an 8,000lb self recovery winch and sand ladders, which act as loading ramps for cargo pellet. In addition to the rear cargo bed, all Springers are fitted with a load tray in front of the vehicle to carry an additional 100kg of equipment. A roof section is also available for the transportation of electronics countermeasures packages.

The vehicle can also be fitted with a general purpose machine gun (GPMG) mount. The vehicles have a maximum speed of 40mph, and excellent mobility on harsh terrain, and can be transported by helicopter.

Supacat ATMP
The ATMP is a permanent 6-wheel drive, diesel-powered troop carrier. It can carry 2 crew and up to 8 troops. The ATMP is steered by a handlebar device. The ATMP offers excellent off-road capability. A hollow aluminium-clad frame allows the ATMP to float on water.

Whilst the ATMP is primarily used by 16 Air Assault, press reports have stated that the Special Boat Service used a 'Supacat 6x6 all-terrain vehicle' for the reconnaissance phase of an operation against a senior Taliban commander in Afghanistan.
It is amphibious and exerts low ground pressure enabling it to traverse rough terrain whilst carrying up to 8 troops (and 2 crew), a standard NATO pallet or other stores (ammunition etc.).
A GPMG may also be fitted to create an effective mobile fire support platform.

The vehicle can be configured for a number of roles:

  • Basic troop/cargo transport
  • FLPT (Fork Lift Pallet Trailer) to lift, handle and carry pallets up to 1.6 tonnes.
  • SLLPT (Self Loading Lightweight Pallet Trailer)
  • 'Fuel Cat' is able to carry and pump up to 1000 litres of aviation fuel. It also carries an engine start system for the aircraft. It is also able to tow an APFC (Air Portable Fuel Container).
  • Mounted crane
  • Aircraft crash recovery
  • Radio rebroadcast stations
  • Casualty evacuation.
They lack armor protection and survivability, so Springer was procured to be used in Afghanistan in their place. However, the ATMP is a very useful platform, and may have a bright future has it has been converted (notably by Lockheed Martin) in a drone capable to follow a patrol or navigate autonomously its way along a set route. Because traction is high the ATMP was also designed to tow the 105mm Light Gun and ammunition trailer. The total carried and towed payload is in excess of 3,500kg. The Chinook has been cleared to carry 2 ATMP’s internally without lowering the roll cage or 4 as a single under slung load. Multiple stacking options also exist for carriage in larger aircraft and on trucks.

Army Motorbikes
250 and then another 200 Yamaha Quad bikes and trailers have been acquired and put into service during ops in Afghanistan. The quad bikes can reach speeds of up to 75 km/ 46 miles per hour, can carry up to almost 160 kg/ 350 pounds with the trailer attached, and are used to deliver food, water and ammunition to troops on the front line. Upgrades include a left hand throttle which provides greater maneuverability, and dual-stretcher fit on the trailers. Both can operate through water up to half their wheel height.
The new bikes and trailers replaced the Honda 450 ATVs and LOGIC SMT120b Trailers.

The Harley Davidson MT350E and Honda R250 are used by Army dispatch riders and for a variety of liaison and traffic control tasks. The bikes are fitted with document panniers and a carrier for the SA80A2 Individual Weapon.

Ramped Landing Craft Logistics

The Ramped Landing Craft Logistic (RCL) is used for amphibious operations and is designed to deliver men and material onto beaches. The craft are crewed by the Royal Logistics Corps (RLC). Two RLCLs - Andalsnes and Akyab - are based in Cyprus. 

L113 Audemer photographed on the Solent in 2010.
The vessels are maintained via PFI by the Serco Denholm company, which also provides all tugs and support vessels to the Royal Navy.

Complement 6 (2 NCOs)
Length 33.3 m
Beam 8.3 m
Maximum draught 1.5 m (laden)
Displacement 290 tonnes (laden)
Carries around 100 tons of stores max, normally four TEU containers, troops, one Challenger or four Scimitars
Engine 2 x Dorman 8JTCWM diesel
Maximum speed 10 kts (laden)

Number   Name                      Year        Homeport            
L107        Andalsnes                 1984    Cyprus        
L109        Akyab                        1984    Cyprus
L110        Aachen                       1986    Marchwood
L111        Arezzo                        1986    Marchwood
L112        Arromanches             1987    Marchwood
L113        Audemer                    1987    Marchwood

What remains to do for modernizing the RLC

The MAN Support Vehicle fleet should be fully delivered and in-service by 2013, but there are at least two more major programmes in the truck world of the Armed Forces that have been struggling to get a share of funding. In the coming years, as pushing them to the rights further becomes less and less acceptable, these two efforts will grab the headlines at some point.

Combined Articulated Vehicle Programme (CAVP)
CAVP has been rumbling on for a number of years and is essentially the evolution of the programme to replace the current Seddon Atkinson-fronted Light Equipment Transporter (LET) fleet. The most recent developments here have included the January 2009 disclosure that FLET (F – Future) had been cancelled for reassessment, and following submissions by MAN (a Support Vehicle HX derivative) and Oshkosh (a Wheeled Tanker derivative). It is understood that the Oshkosh proposal was preferred by the MoD.
In September 2009, and in what is hardly the most efficient use of taxpayers’ money, the MoD announced that Frazer-Nash Consultancy had been appointed to oversee what had evolved to become the CAVP programme. CAVP is now expected to call for a common tractor unit in a requirement that in addition to FLET now includes a replacement for the 32,500-litre General Support Tanker (GST), plus a small number of specialist transporters for the RAF.

As an interim expedient, a small number of Oshkosh Wheeled Tanker tractors have been converted to the LET role for use on deployed operations.
Oshkosh is a bidder for the main programme as well, together with MAN, which provides its HX81 tank transporter unit to the German army. The HX80 6×6 tractor and the massive HX81 are good options for the CAVP, and they would be compatible and enjoy commonality with the massive SV fleet.

The HX 81 is powered by an MAN D2868 8-cylinder diesel engine with direct fuel injection. With cubic capacity of 16,160 cm³, the engine has a 500 kW (680 hp) output. Equipped with an Integrated Armour Cabin, the vehicle is designed to serve either as a semi-trailer or tank transporter; it has a maximum authorized gross train weight of 130 tons. This means that it can carry modern main battle tanks across rough terrain.

HX81 with trailer

Non Articulated Vehicle Programme (NAVP)
What is now the NAVP is essentially the former Heavy Load Distribution Capability (HLDC), the programme to replace the MoD's fleet of around 2,000 DROPS vehicles. As deployed operations place the defence budget under ever increasing strain, projects such HLDC/NAVP have all too easily been pushed to the right, and the most recent NAVP update sees the service life of the current DROPS fleet extended a further four years. The new capability is now due for delivery from 2022, by which time the bulk of the current fleet will be between 28 and 32 years old…

It is not clear if this requirement includes replacement for the Alvis Uniport used to transport the Tank Brigde elements, but if this was the case, MAN could easily provide a SV compatible solution in the form of the SX45 Bridgelayer vehicle. 

Naval Logistics and Support 

It is not connected directly to the RLC, other than by the fact that Serco manages the RLC landing crafts, but i thought this little-known aspect of Royal Navy port logistics could fit into this article.

A joint venture led by Serco Group plc ("Serco") was selected as preferred bidder for the Ministry of Defence's ("MoD") Future Provision of Marine Services ("FPMS") contract in February 2006.

The contract, valued at £1bn, started delivering in 2007 and will run to 2022. Serco Denholm Limited ("Serco Denholm"), a 90:10 joint venture between Serco Limited and J&J Denholm and delivers marine support at major UK Naval bases in Portsmouth, Devonport and The Clyde.
Services provided include:

  • provision of tugs and pilot boats to move ships in and out of port
  • passenger transfer to and from ships 
  • loading of stores and removal of waste from the ships 
  • protection of the environment in the event of oil or other spillages 
  • provision and maintenance of buoys and moorings 
  • support to deep water training services 
  • marine support to the Kyle of Lochalsh BUTEC ranges      

Serco Denholm had provided similar services to the Royal Navy since 1996, so the contract was more of an expansion than a whole new initiative. Serco Denholm manages, operates and maintains approximately 110 vessels used in in-port and deep water operations. Approximately 60 new vessels will be introduced into service through the lifetime of the contract, with at least 29 procured by 2010, mainly new, more powerful tugs.
Briggs Group provides buoys and mooring support with new jobs and investment created at Burntisland on the Firth of Forth.

Serco has a strong track record. Serco provides similar marine services to the Royal Australian Navy through a joint venture with P&O Marine Services and has a foothold in the US defence market too, following its acquisition of RCI earlier in 2005.

As a direct result of this contract, the Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service which had previously provided this role was formally disbanded on 31 March 2008. All vessels formally prefixed RMAS assumed the SD prefix instead.

In 2010, the “Tugs for the future” contract was announced, for the procurement of 29 new tugs and support vessels, destined to make the fleet capable to better deal with new units such as the huge Type 45s and, of course, CVF. They were all handed to SD by the end of the year. 

In fact, Portsmouth got more than a fair share of the new vessels: six new tugs in total, plus two pilot boats, a small work boat and a 1,500-tonne fuel lighter (SD Teesdale coastal oil tanker). Two are 20-tonne Azimuth Tugs (SD Independent and SD Indulgent) and four are 40-tonne tugs (Reliable, Bountiful, Resourceful, Dependable) . 

SD Teesdale in action alongside a Type 42 destroyer
The 29-strong fleet also includes SD Victoria, the “Worldwide Support Vessel” which is the largest of the 29 new vessels ordered by Serco Marine Services from Damen. 

Built in Romania, the 83m training and support vessel replaced SD Newton as a platform for Special Forces operations, for which she is equipped with classrooms, briefing and operations rooms, workshops, extensive storage areas of various kinds, a helicopter winching deck, and provision to carry and operate Rigid Inflatable Boats. She has accommodation for 88, can do 15 knots and has 46 days endurance. The side-launching davit can deploy an 8 tons boat in Sea State 4 and the main deck crane is 25 tons rated and has an (harbor) reach of 17 meters, which goes down to 12 in operations at sea in SS4. 

The exact activity of the vessel is not known, but she’s most likely a cherished part of the Special Boat Service toolkit, as in this other photo she is carrying their ‘StealthBoat’, a 2007-procured vessel reportedly capable of 60 knots.   

This beautiful night image of SD Victoria is particularly interesting as the Stealth Boat of the SBS can be seen carried on the back.

The Stealth Boats, first seen on trials at Poole in 2007, should have replaced (or perhaps just supplemented) the previous Very Slender Vessel (a 16 meters, 3 meters wide VT Halmatic V16 boat used for chasing fast targets, insertion and extraction and as FAC, as it can be armed with machineguns up to .50) and High Speed Interceptor Craft, a modified Italian-engineered Fabio Buzzi MIL-50 fast boat. 

Another significant flotilla of tugs and support vessels is of course based in Devonport, and some on the Clyde and Marchwood.  

The Serco Fleet is quite ample, as this 2010-dated list shows.  

Marchwood Military Port - Sea Mounting Centre (SMC)

The port was built in 1943 with the intent that it should be used to aid the Normandy landings in 1944 by shipping men and equipment across to the beaches, the port was also used to support the occupying forces following the success of the landings. At this time the port was relatively small, with just one jetty. 

The port again found use during the Falklands War, when it was employed to transport men and equipment to the Falklands in a rather unnoticed fashion, as it had during the Normandy invasion. The port aided Operation Corporate as a launching point for the Royal Fleet Auxiliaries Round Table class landing ships, armoured vehicles were also transported from Marchwood to the Europic Ferry (nicknamed by the Marchwood personnel as "erotic fairy") via Mexeflote and then on to the Falklands. The port also became a massive rally area for cargo and armoured vehicles which were subsequently forwarded to Southampton for transportation to the Falklands as required. At the conclusion of the War the port was used to receive 80 war dead, who were kept in the cargo shed, before being processed and returned to their families for funerals. 
After the Falklands it became clear to the UK government that the base in Marchwood had been highly important in the war, and so the government spent 18 million pounds on upgrading and improving the base, which only had a single jetty at the time. The Quartermaster General, appointed after the war, commented on the previous makeshift style of the port, saying that when he was assigned the job he was told to "get the Army some decent boots and sort out Marchwood", to which Major Robin Barton replied "At Marchwood, General, we are not too fussed about the boots".

Nonetheless, the port was expanded considerably, with administration blocks being put in, as well as a Falklands deep water jetty, and training facilities. The water front is left clear for cargo and loading. The expansion of the port has become subject of a short documentary, meant for civil engineers.

The port now consists of three main jetties. The largest is 220m long and 33m wide and is capable of accepting vessels up to 16,000 tonnes. It has two sophisticated class 100 ro-ro link span ramps facility capable of handling vessels with various ramp configurations. The second jetty, built during World War II, is 190m long, has rail access and is capable of accepting vessels of up to 8k tonnes with limited Ro/Ro facilities. Finally there is a subsidiary jetty of 117m that is used to berth military landing craft and smaller vessels. The waters are dredged to 8m so the whole complex can accept the majority of ships likely to be used by MoD. A dolphin at the seaward end makes it easier for longer ships to use. 

The Directorate of Land Service Ammunition (DLSA) has granted the port a licence to handle ammunition/explosive on the main jetty. The port has a limited capacity to handle containerised cargo within the 289 acre estate.

In 2000 the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) was questioned as to whether or not they would support the implementation of a container port and access roads in Marchwood to improve security there, to which the MoD replied that they had no objections, and the expansion has since been implemented.

The port is now used largely by the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, as a base for their ships, including their amphibious ships, but it is also still employed for military cargo and personnel movement. The site is named McMullen Barracks and the operating unit is 17 Port and Maritime Regiment, Royal Logistic Corps. Currently it employs around 750 people, 150 civilians and 600 military personnel, and handles about 100,000 tonnes of cargo a year.

In October 2010, it was reported that the port is to be sold to a private operator, but that no firm decision had been made regarding the future use of the port by the military. In November, it was subsequently announced that the Military Port would continue to be used by the MOD even after the selling to a private company.