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Showing posts with label Minden Minatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minden Minatures. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

EUREKA! Guns for my Minden Miniatures Gunners

ABOVE: The competitors go muzzel to muzzel!
(Old Glory on the left, and Eureka Miniatures on the right. MINDEN Miniatures French gunner check them out)
Hi All
The question was asked recently "who's Guns will you use to equipe your MINDEN MINIATURES gunners"?
I considered my options.
A) I could put my OLD GLORY ARMY CARD to good use and purchase the guns from OLD GLORY at a very reasonable price, (a 40% discount, and the Aussie Dollar is VERY strong at the moment); OR,
B) Go with the "LOCAL" option and purchase the magnificent EUREKA MINIATURES guns.
The Eureka guns are expensive in comparison to the OG guns, (but then every other manufacturer's gun is expensive in comparison I guess); but they (Eureka) are a better quality product I think.
BELOW: OG (silver) and EUREKA (undercoated black) guns side-by-side. MINDEN MINIATURES French gunners survey the contenders. "Well Fronk, what do you think? Silver is sooooo 70's no"?

ABOVE: They French gunner's chose their "weapon of choice"! "Ohhhh LA LA! Qui qui, (poo poo). Look, zay even throw in zee equipmont. Manifeequ!"
Well, I've chosen to use EUREKA MINIATURES fantastic Artillery Pieces from their Age Of Reason range.

I went with the EUREKA guns for the following reasons:
1. Better quality, (being a GUNNER myself I knew I had to get the best guns for my Gunners);
2. EUREKA are a "Local" product. (I like to support Nic and his team at EUREKA as he's an Aussie, provides great customer service, and is a nice guy);
3. Even though the EUREKA guns are more expensive, I was only buying a few; so the price difference in the end wasn't such a big consideration, and;
4. The OG guns came with gunners, (that I didn't need).

I eventually purchased three packs of the OG Guns (and gunners) anyway to add to my AWI army.
You can never have to much Artillery!
The OG guns (and Gunners) represent EXCELLENT value for money, and with the extra 40% off with the ARMY CARD are an absolute BARGAIN!!! Add in the excellent customer service from the team from OLD GLORY and you're on a winner,...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Minden Miniatures: Regt Bulkeley Infanterie (28mm)

Hi All
I've just finished paining my second unit of MINDEN MINIATURES 28mm Figures. These guys are from the French range.
This time I painted them as the "Wild Geese" Regiment Bulkeley, the heros of Fontenoy.
I've include in these photos the first MINDEN MINIATURES unit I painted; the white coated Royal La Marine Regt.
The flags are from GMB Flags.
I didn't make the same mistake I did when I painted Royal La Marine,.... this time I put my glasses on and put the flags on the staffs the right way up!
These Flags are truely little works of art.

BELOW: A close up of the Grenadiers of Regt Bulkeley!

Below: The Drummer urgers the Regt forward!

BELOW: A close up photo of the magnificent GMB Flags!

BELOW: Two more pictures of the Colours!

Below: The Wild Geese maintain excellent dressing ("By The Right"!), as they advance!

I've come to the conclusion that Minden Miniature are probably the most anotomicaly correct miniature I've ever painted. Fantastic miniature that deserve better than my feeble attempts at painting them,...
Feel free to leave a comment!
Cheers For Now!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Regiment Royal La Marine in 28mm

Hi All
Well here we have a picture of my now finished "Royal La Marine" French Regiment of the 7 Years War. The miniatures are the beautiful "Minden Miniatures".
You can find my comments on these cracking good miniatures HERE!
The Flags are from GMB Flags.

Unfortunatly for me I've attached the flags up-side-down!!!!
I am really annoyed with myself as the GMB FLAGS are magnificent pieces of art that deserve greater care,; (and they are not cheap).
That will teach me to not to put my glasses on!

Well, lessoned learned and I won't make that mistake again.
For what it's worth I'll post a "Step By Step" of how I attached the flags, (not using these as an example and not upside-down)!
Another error was the blue of the Regiments facing is not dark enough.
Well, they will do me, and I'm happy enough with them.
Finally, here is a picture of one of my "IMAGI-Nation" Regiments.
The Maiden Guard, with attached Artillery. The miniatures are by EUREKA MINIATURES and the flags are home-made efforts.

Next post will see me upload more pictures of my 18mm AB Napoleonics.
Either Bavarians, or Italians I think,..
Cheers for now!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

EUREKA! Some more figures to paint!

Hi All
Thought it was about time I came through with an update. Before I start, I thought I'd show you what MY painting table looks like. Not at all the neat and tidy desk that the vast majority would be use to I expect.
Here we see some MINDEN MINIATURES French Infantry I'm working on, (more on these later), and some completed EUREKA MINIATURES and some near completed AB Miniatures.

First let's look at the Minden Miniatures French.
I'd like to say I could paint to a standard that these guys deserve, unfortunately I can't. What I can say is they are beautiful little miniatures. They are probably the most anatomically correct miniatures I've ever seen. Fantastic detail. My only criticisms are that they are all posed the same, (marching), and they just don't seem to fit in well with other "28mm" figures, (IMHO). It must be remembered though that these miniatures are a "Private" venture, so the commissioner has stipulated that "Marching Troops" is what he wants. I suspect he also doesn't give a flying fig (no pun intended), if they don't fit in well with OLD GLORY or FOUNDRY miniatures.
The other miniatures I'd like to show you are some delightful French and Indian War (FIW), Militia that I picked up by chance from Nic at EUREKA MINIATURES. I say "by chance" as it was whilst I was discussing some ideas pertaining to sculpting of 18th Century Artillery that I noticed on Nic's work desk one of these little guys. In short order I'd purchased about 26 of these little fellas who will be soon (I hope) painted up as a fictional Militia Unit for my Imagi-Nation, The Holy Mormoan Kingdom Of New Wales.
They are available in either "Marching" or "Firing Line" poses. As usual for EUREKA MINIATURES, there are some subtle differences within each pose, (about 4 within each "pose"). I couldn't find any reference to these miniatures on Nic's Website, but I'm sure you could get some if you either described them as FIW Militia, ("those figures with Tricorn Hats and hatchets in their belts,..") or point him to his blog!
I was also lucky enough to pick up some of EUREKA MINIATURES soon to be released "French Revolutionary War" Austrians. I picked up three casualty figures, (including a drummer), two officers on foot, one mounted officer and a drummer and fifer. The French are fantastic miniatures, but so far (with what I've seen), I think the Austrians will be even better. I particularly like the Drummer that has been hit, (cannister or a well placed French musket ball the cause; your choice)! I was going to upload some pictures of the French, but go to the EUREKA website for a good look at the figures in the raw and painted form. Cheers for now!