ABOVE: Awww, Ney is feeling slightly Blue. Ok, so I'm not funny.
Hi Team
Another update.
A few days ago I showed your the 'Marchal Ney' Miniature I purchased from EUREKA Miniatures.
Well here he is thus far. Undercoated and white fur painted onto his coat and 'flesh' added. I know he is meant to have a Brownish - Grey coat based on the painting he is modelled on, but hey, he's my Ney and I like the Idea of a Blue coat, (though I might change my mind yet). I'm also working on some OLD GUARD 'Grumblers' and Marcehal de camp Cambronne, (a mix of Perry Metals and VICTRIX plastics)
BELOW: A model of Ney's REARGUARD, Retreat From Moscow. As yu can see, no Blue coat for Ney here,... I have no idea who made this model.
Speaking of VICTRIX, I've finished a VICTRIX 'Metal' British Colonel. Very basic stuff. Block colours and then 'Dip'n'Spray'. TADAAAAA!! One Brit Colonel.
I've also based a swag of AB napoleionics that my good mate 'Gunner Dunbar' painted for me.
You can check out Danl's AWESOME work
They are as follows:
BELOW: Rocket Troop, Royal Horse Artillery (RHA).
BELOW:10th Hussars, and the 15th Hussars 1815.
I also been painting myself. Here is my General Picton and Allied officer. Picton is from FANTASSIN, and the other chap is an AB Miniature.
I've also completed a French Old Guard Horse Artillery battery for my LASALLE collection.
Danl 'Gunner Dunbar' also painted a swag of AB Miniatures 18mm French Light Cavalry casualties for me. As you can see he's done a rather good job of them.
Finally here is some more of my work. Two battalions of French Line Infantry for my LASALLE '1806' (Conquest Period) French .
A slightly different approach with hese guys, insofar as I've used a wash rather than a dip.
That's all for now. I must get ready for a DBA tournament I'm playing in tonight.
Oh, and as usual, Comments Welcomed.