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Showing posts with label Fantassin Miniatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantassin Miniatures. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27, 2011

NAPOLEONIC WIP and some finished units.

ABOVE: Awww, Ney is feeling slightly Blue. Ok, so I'm not funny.
Hi Team
Another update.
A few days ago I showed your the 'Marchal Ney' Miniature I purchased from EUREKA Miniatures.
Well here he is thus far. Undercoated and white fur painted onto his coat and 'flesh' added. I know he is meant to have a Brownish - Grey coat based on the painting he is modelled on, but hey, he's my Ney and I like the Idea of a Blue coat, (though I might change my mind yet). I'm also working on some OLD GUARD 'Grumblers' and Marcehal de camp Cambronne, (a mix of Perry Metals and VICTRIX plastics)

BELOW: A model of Ney's REARGUARD, Retreat From Moscow. As yu can see, no Blue coat for Ney here,... I have no idea who made this model.
 Speaking of VICTRIX, I've finished a VICTRIX 'Metal' British Colonel. Very basic stuff. Block colours and then 'Dip'n'Spray'. TADAAAAA!! One Brit Colonel.
 I've also based a swag of AB napoleionics that my good mate 'Gunner Dunbar' painted for me.
You can check out Danl's AWESOME work HERE
They are as follows:
BELOW: Rocket Troop, Royal Horse Artillery (RHA).

 BELOW:10th Hussars, and the 15th Hussars 1815.

 I also been painting myself. Here is my General Picton and Allied officer. Picton is from FANTASSIN, and the other chap is an AB Miniature.

 I've also completed a French Old Guard Horse Artillery battery for my LASALLE collection.

 Danl 'Gunner Dunbar' also painted a swag of AB Miniatures 18mm French Light Cavalry casualties for me. As you can see he's done a rather good job of them.

 Finally here is some more of my work. Two battalions of French Line Infantry for my LASALLE '1806' (Conquest Period) French .

 A slightly different approach with hese guys, insofar as I've used a wash rather than a dip.
That's all for now. I must get ready for a DBA tournament I'm playing in tonight.
Oh, and as usual, Comments Welcomed.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Prussians Assault; late 1813!

Hi All
My friend Stan and I recently played our 4th game of Lasalle. Stan had just finished putting together a Prussian Division, so we decided on a 1813 battle with the Prussians Division with a Cuirassier Brigade in support attacking a French Division supported by a Light Cavalry Brigade.
I won't go into a detailed game report, (I just don't have the time I'm afraid); but briefly here is what happened.
BELOW: The French deploy with the Division roughly in line, with the Prussian 'Objective', the building at the end of the road, (in other words, "Drive ze Frogs avay from ze crossroads, schnell"!).

Above: A section of the Prussian deployment.
The French deployed with the division in line with the sole 'Veteran' Battalion in reserve to the left of the objective and another battalion of conscripts to the right. All but one of the French battalions were Conscripts! The bulk of the French Light Cavalry Brigade, (Lt Bde), was on the opposite side of the river, with the Unit of Hussars just to the left of the Veteran Infantry. The French Commander placed himself in the center, near the house (objective). The two French Divisional Batteries were positioned so as to break up any assaults that would fall on either the center or right flank. The Horse artillery was deployed on the left bank of the river, together with the two units of Chasseur.
The Prussians massed mostly in the center, (intent on smashing through to the objective I suspected). The two Line Infantry battalions were to lead the assault, with three Reserve and three Landwehr Battalions in support. Von Crabbe (Stan) beefed up his Skirmishers from two of the Reserve Battalions with Shutzen light Infantrymen. He placed his Landwehr Cavalry on the opposite bank of the river, facing my Lt Bde (- the Hussars).
His Cuirassier Bde, which included some Saxon Cavalry and Horse Artillery that had changed sides at Leipzig, face my right flank. The ground was covered in a thick mud, and this was going to slow the sausage eaters down, "Bravo"!
Below: The Prussian's advance! Napoleon's daughters say "Hello".

Above. The French battery on the right flank open fire on the Saxon Guns. The French gunners got the better of the exchange, and forced the Saxon's to limber up and move back.

Above: As the Prussians advance on the Objective, the Battery on my right prolongs into a position to pour fire into the Prussians.
In short, the Prussians advanced on the objective under a hail of artillery fire. Eventualy both Regular Prussian Line Battalions were destroyed by a combination of Canister and musketry.
The real heros for Von Crabbe turned out to be a Reserve battalion and a Landwehr battalion that routed the two French Conscript Battalions on the left and right of the objective.
Below:The French Veterans await the order to counter attack.

Below: The Prussians are catching buckets of canister!

In the end the Prussians ran out of time, with the night came the order to withdraw. So close, but not close enough.

Above: The French right flank swinging in. The Saxon Gunners did their best to pound the French conscripts on the extreme right, but just kept coming up short of breaking them. The French commander consistently rallied off the disruption.

Above: The Prussian Reserve Battalion breaks though, and is then confronted by the French Veterans.
Below:The moment when the Landwehr Battalion enters close combat with the French battalion on the right of the objective.

Below: End Game. The Prussians haven't managed to secure the objective, with the French Veterans deploying into line as night falls.

Below: The French Right Flank at game's end.The Landwehr have routed a French battalion, and the Saxon Cuirassiers and a Reserve Battalion arrive in support. Unfortunatly the French Battery and three French Battalions are still full of fight.

A great game, and a 'close run thing' in the end. The Prussians were painted by Fernando Enterprise. The French 'Conscripts' were painted by Reinforcements By Post. The French Artillery were mainly painted by me, as were the French Veterans, Prussian Artillery, Skirmishers and Prussian Commanders. The French Hussars and Saxon Heavies were painted by Model Citizen Miniatures.
Another fun Lasalle game. I apologize for some poor quality photos.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Napoleonic FRENCH 18mm WIPs, DONE!

BELOW: French line infantry, 1814!
Hi All
Here is some final results for the 18mm Napoleonic French I've been working on.
(See here: CLICK).
Below: French Line Infantry 1814. Most wearing their Greatcoats as the try to stem the advancing allies drives into France. They are either AB or Fantassin Miniatures. Based for 'Lassale'. Painted using the ARMY PAINTER method.

ABOVE: French 'Elites' dash forward to peper the enemy with skirmish fire. Based individually, I can use them for either 'Lasalle' as Skirmish Markers or for SHARP PRACTICE.
Below: French Curassiers under fire!
All AB Miniatures, (might be Battle Honours Miniatures).

They were a rush job, but look ok. Good enough for gaming anyway, I think.
Feel free to leave a comment.

Monday, February 14, 2011

1814 French in 18mm. WIP

ABOVE: French Infantry in Greatcoats. Year? 1814!
Hi All
Here are some photos of some 18mm French miniatures I'm working on. Almost done. Just flocking of the bases and flags to be added. Miniatures are a mix of AB miniatures and FANTASSIN Miniatures. All were painted using the 'ARMY PAINTER' method, (as explained elsewhere on my blog).
BELOW: The Battalion with Skirmishers deployed. All based for my perfered rules, 'LASALLE'.

BELOW: The battalion in Attack Column!

I really like my troops in Greatcoats. Easy to paint and they look like seasoned campaigners to-boot,..
BELOW & BOTTOM: The Cuirassiers under fire!

Above and below are my Cuirassiers, (another WIP).
I didn't have enough miniatures for a full unit, so I tossed in some casualties and created a Regt 'under fire'.

All are AB Miniatures.
Feel free to leave a comment!
Trailape Out!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Painting Complete!

LEFT: A PERRY MINIATURES Officer painted by me using the ARMY PAINTER method.
Hi All
It’s time for another update.

This time here are some pictures of AB Miniatures 18mm and Perry and Victrix 28mm figures I’ve recently finished. I painted them all using the “Army Painter” (AP), method.

I start with spraying the miniature with Flat Black paint, except for the Portuguese Cacadores, (I used Brown as the base coat for them). Next, I painted the miniature with “block” colours and then “slopped” on AP Strong Tone dip. Finally I sprayed them with AP anti-shine varnish. Base and flock, then play!

First here is some French Artillery I painted up.

Now it must be said that in the first picture the gunners were painted by DRAGON PAINTING SERVICE, (DPS) but the guns, and the the remaining Gunners were painted by me. Most are AB Miniatures, but you will notice some FANTASSIN Miniatures (guns and gunners) also. The Destroyed guns are from EUREKA MINIATURES.

(Below) AB Miniature Gunners (with DPS Painted Gunners on Nos 1,2, and 3 Guns) The 4th AB Miniature gun and Gunners were painted by me.

(Below): A mix of AB and FANTASSIN Miniature Guns and Gunners painted by me.

(BELOW) The massed guns. Every Gunners dream!

Now lets look at some 28mm figures. Here is acomparison photo of the VICTRIX (R) and PERRY (L) NCOs with Pennants. The Perry figure comes as one of 6 figures in the code FN13 "Line Infantry NCO" pack. The Victrix figure came with a Multi Box deal, so I don't know if you can buy him as an individual figure.

(BELOW): The VICTRIX and PERRY NCO side by side

I think you'd agree both are great figures.

Next is some PERRY "Voltigeurs" (code FN8), that I've painted as Grenadiers and a PERRY Officer


Back to 18mm AB Miniatures again. Here are some Portuguese Cacadores and Militia.

(Below):A mixed Militia unit. The guys in back with the Sky Blue Plumes are the 18th Militia. The guys in front are from some "non-discript" Militia unit.

Next we have some British.
First, some "Skirmish" bases for LASALLE. Two figs to a base represent a skirmish value of "2". You might notice a base with 3 figures? These are for my "Elite" 6 base unit, (with a skirmish value of "3").

(Below) A Light Infantry unit of 4 bases for LASALLE.

(ABOVE AND BELOW): Casualty markers.

Finally, I found some Austrian Figures lying around so I thought I'd paint the up.
The Hungarian Grenadiers aren't fully painted yet, (the Drum and Hats still need finishing). The Hussars are finished however,..
I have no intention of making an Austrian army; though they do look cool,...
"Must resist urge to start another 18mm Napoleonic army,.... Already have too many projects,..... Must resist,......." (Sigh)
Feel free to leave a comment.
Trailape Out.