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Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Coffee Filter

Want a Lisa Leonard Necklace?  Enter my monthly drawing by leaving me comments on any Aug post. image


Over the weekend I stumbled across

The Pleasure of Homemaking.  imageI was wondering how in the world had I missed this blog…..I thought I must have already featured it…….I remember featuring someone who used plates in their garden……..then I see her signature.  Manuela…….seriously….how many Manuela’s can there possibly be?  I featured a gal with that name………I remember a gal being a regular commenter with that name.  I kept searching my past features and nothing was coming up……then I found it….But the blog name was different……….Dazed and confused, I emailed her.  She verified that I wasn’t crazy……..did you all hear that?  I AM  NOT CRAZY.

She did have a blog that I featured way back when.  Then she stopped blogging and shut that blog down…….but she just couldn’t stay away, so she’s back…….with a new name……a new blog name anyway.  So glad I found her again. She’s got some great ideas.  Fun ideas.

Like painting your deck.  This is great!  image  No need to whine……..she shows a tutorial on how she did all those black and white squares.imageShe didn’t have to go far to find her inspiration for the deck.  I’m diggin that green…..with the fabrics……I just stated on my personal blog that I’m so over toile (pronounced Twall)  …….but dang…….she has me re-thinking my whole plan now.image  Remember last week when I fell in love with painting an old book and stamping on it……apparently, she got the memo way before I did.  This is such a great idea. 

image Also, do you remember when I said I was a lazy crafter…..THIS is brilliant.  Coffee Filter wreath.  image She offers a tutorial so we can ALL have coffee filter wreaths.image    She dyed some red, but decided just to use white.  I’m kind of excited to try this with the natural color.imageShe says to “make a rosette” ……in case you’re a lazy crafter like me……that means you scrunch it together.image

This is cute…….Love the fork on the plate….it’s monogrammed too.

image Sorry to get all holidayish on you, but I couldn’t resist.  Look closely…….check out the candles and the eggs.image  Were you wondering where she found toile candles?  Me too!

She made them herself.  A little tissue paper, a bit of Mod Podge and you’ve got yourself some originals.  Full tutorial on her site.imageShe also used wrapping paper to do her eggs.  Is there anything you CAN’T decoupage?imageWhile were talking Easter…….cute egg tree.  Love the polka dot eggs…….Wait!  Where did she find polka dot eggs?image

   Avery helped her make them……..Another Aha! Moment.imageOne more candle idea……different tissue paper, different candle……same mod podge.  So cute.image

Hurry…..go surprise her with a TON of comments.  Enjoy.


This post is sponsored by SWEET! A new site by Skip To My Lou


No Naked Cupcakes! 

Baking supplies for ALL your baking needs.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sweet Life

I met  April while in Utah.  We were actually sitting next to each other for awhile.  I like her.  (yes, I liked them all……but that’s not always the case) 

Her blog Simply the Sweet Life is like flipping through a Martha Stewart or Real Simple magazine.  I just keep scrolling and scrolling looking at her gorgeous photos.  Maybe because she has a wonderful online mag called CraziBeautiful.  It’s full of some great stuff………you’ll enjoy it.  I promise……..pinky promise.

Lots and lots of recipes……….

Pico de gallo – Yum…….nothing like fresh pico on a warm summer evening.  My brother inlaw makes some pretty good pico.


On her CraziBeautiful site……you’ll find a ton of topics.  Including a cooking section.  She got a few contributors who help fill her site with TO DIY FOR treats and meals.  Like this Raspberry Pound Ice Cream cake……..Need a fancy cake, but you don’t have a lot of time?  This is your recipe.imageimageSince Raspberries are in season…… may as well make some raspberry lemonade.    It always looks so nice.imageMy sis makes this dessert!  I’m thinking this dessert is a signature dish like funeral potatoes for these Utah families.  They do love their jello.  Yum!  I love this.  The crust is crushed pretzels!  imageAlso found on her CraziBeautiful Magazine…….RootBeer Float CupCakes!   (you know you can find cute cupcake liners at Skip To My Lou’s new bake shop – SWEET!)imageOK, so if you’re not eating carbs like me……you can still enjoy yourself by looking at all the other fun categories she has. 

This contributor below was a past feature!  Yes she was.imageAnd this clip board would be darling just hanging on the wall.  She’s got a full tutorial on her mag site.imageIf you haven’t clicked over to find that clipboard and you’re still with me…… may also enjoy April’s holiday garland she made for the Fourth….of course it can be adapted for other holidays.  We can always use a garland for something, right?imageWhat if you don’t how to make one?  No worries, she’s got a tutorial.

You guys have been so good at leaving comments for the featured bloggers!  Thank you!  I love how they are SO surprised to be the featured blogger!  image

     Every comment is entered for my monthly Lisa Leonard drawing.  Click on “Creative People Say” and comment away.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Posie Gets Cozy

Friday Fabulous Giveaway Winner is Pink Peacock Designs  - email me


Ok, now for more good stuff…………….

I have read this blog since the beginning of my blog reading days.  I have wanted to feature her ever since I started this blog.  I never thought I could do her justice.  I also thought that everyone already knows her…………it’s kind of like me featuring Martha Stewart.  You would just think “well DUH Kim, give us someone we don’t know about”.

Posie gets Cozy

I’m also a bit speechless when it comes to Alicia’s blog and site.  Me………speechless?  She is the queen of craft.  She’s a published author! image And has had lots of press coverage.  Martha really should team up with her.  Very very very talented at all the founding crafts.  She sews, she crochets, she does all kinds of stuff with needles…..she cooks, she bakes……she’s a traditionalist with her creative adventures.  She’s also a great writer.  She’s incredibly candid, humble and interesting to read.  You feel like one of her friends just by reading.  That’s probably why I once had a dream she baked me blueberry muffins and served them to me on the cutest plate.  Mmmm, and they were the best muffins I’d ever had.  And because of her, my love for Corgi’s was born. image I wanted a Corgi SO badly. Not that I would trade my girl Mabie for anything…..I’m a true Labradoodle girl now, but I can’t look at a Corgi without thinking of Alicia.

Her studio is to die for!  image This is where the magic happens.image

In addition to her blog, she has a site where she sells bits of her talents.  Original items, sometimes kits.  

These birds are a popular item.  image She even has a few free patterns…….like these dish towels.  Do you really think she’d be without the dishtowels our grandmothers had?  She is all about celebrating the simple pleasures of the past.image Her photographs are beautiful.  See?  Simple pleasures.  She’s also got a thing for vintage dishes.imageShe can also make a colander full of Cherries look like art.image

More examples of things you can find in her shop….we all love felt flowers!image Or her latest project…….she even shows you a tutorial on how to block your crocheted blanket…..She has got the patience of a saint.image

Another tutorial on these hexagon flowers…….this is a hexagon right? 


    Alicia lives where I do………and she shares so much with you about our beautiful Pacific NW.  This is the Columbia Gorge.


If you could see to the left of this photo and back a bit, you’d see where I live.  I should be like her and share more……..

If you have NEVER been to her blog or heard of Alicia Paulson……you have a real treat ahead of you by visiting her blog.  But seriously, I really doubt there are many of you that don’t know about Posie gets Cozy. 

OK, TCB readers………this is where you can make me look really really good…..leave her a comment, letting her know how you found her…….even if you’ve been there a 1000 times.  :)  Humor me.

And if you dream about her baking you blueberry muffins…….let me know.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Backyard Eden


WOW!  The talent and inspiration on GET YOUR CRAFT ON is overwhelming.  You guys are amazing!  It makes it easier to comment back if you take off your verification.  Winners will be announced tomorrow.


She had me at Burlap……and having a labradoodle caught my attention too.  My Backyard Eden

Can there be too much burlap?  Not if you’re in my world…….bring on the burlap.  Carolyn decided on a round table cover……then added a bit of holiday flair with a stencil and some paint. thanksgiving 030_thumb[24] With that Southern Living at HOME center piece, and red candle….you can’t go wrong.  (I have that jamestown tray….LOVE IT)thanksgiving 024_thumb[11]She’s handy with the stenciling…..she saw some pillows from Potter barn….instead of buying them….she made them.  That’s my girl! She is kind enough to show us with a tutorial! TUTORIAL!!!pbpillows019_thumbpbpillows009_thumb1After looking at PB’s then hers……….I like hers better.  I do.  I bet you can do with burlap too.  :)pbpillows035_thumb6I never get tired of looking at these wreaths.  I don’t care how many people make them…keep em coming.  She bought all her ornaments from The Dollar Store and created this beautiful amazing wreath.   She nailed it with combining the colors.  I love it.  I need to head back and read her tutorial.

eddierosswreath013_thumb27Being in the holiday mood, she was on top of it and planted her amaryllis.  I also need to get on this with my paper whites.  Such a great delight in the dead of winter to have these gorgeous flowers blooming.  The planters aren’t bad either.   amaryliss 003_thumb[30]   Before I head down Christmas alley, I wanted to show you what she did with this Early American style coffee table.  I’ve seen a few of these in my lifetime.  Even with paint, you’d have a hard time getting around the making this work…….but leave it to her.procrastinatorafter 024_thumb[2]She used it for her turtle habitat.  I think that’s what she has in there.  Perfect for that table.  And look at cute little Rosie.  She looks related to my Maybelline.halloween 007_thumb[16]OK, back to the holidays………

Easy toffee gift idea.  Love toffee.  She has the full recipe and tutorial.  No excuses now.toffee 022_thumb[17]      To decorate, she MADE these hurricanes.  MADE THEM!  dollarstoreloot 022_thumb[12]dollarstoreloot 004_thumb[7]She started out with 3 glasses and 3 candle sticks…..waved her magic wand and TaDa!!!


And these ceramic coasters are a very popular gift idea.  Simple, functional and cute.  chickencoasters 024_thumb[18] 

So grab your stenciling dabber and get ready for some holiday crafting!