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Showing posts with label Designer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Designer. Show all posts

Monday, August 2, 2010

Chalk Board Fabric

All five Craft Tote Winners will be announced on my Today’s Creative Blog Facebook page.  Head on over….maybe you’re a winner!!!image


This girl gets it.  As do most women in the crafting world…..the more the merrier.  We crafty creative types love to share, love to help, love to inspire others to create…..we love to oogle over another one’s project seeing their own artistic expression.  I love the Creative World… We don’t have time for competition….…..I love women like Kathy!  

Merriment Design-“is all about everyday creativity. Get inspired by my step-by-step DIY craft instructions and templates — all for free.”

Kathy comes from a childhood of craftiness which prepared her for all her crafty attention as an adult. imageShe started a handbag business with a friend, her wedding invites were featured in Knot Magazine and she had a segment with “Amazing Wedding Cakes”.  The girl is talented…….wickedly talented.  Below is the cake she helped inspire…Gorgeous isn’t it?image

Not only did she use this fabric below for inspiration, she also used it for her wedding invites!   SHUT UP!!!    I guess that trumps the vellum I used.image Before you think you have to use fabric to make cool invites or cards…….wait!  Look how simple and cool this Thank you card is.  This is one card you won’t have to nag your children to make. imageI’ve always LOVED these Dymo label makers.image  Her tutorials are some of the best!  So easy to understand with step by step instructions.    Like this family coloring book.  What a great way to help your little ones recognize family members.imageimage Then when you draw a mustache on your Mother In Laws face….you can blame it on the kid.  :)  Great idea though…….and she’ll show you how to make it.imageMy new friend and neighbor Lisa pointed these jam labels out to me…….that actually reminded me that I had this gem of a blog in my FFF just waiting to be featured. Thank you Lisa!image Perfect time to use these.image She spoils her husband with fun birthday cakes and fun candles.  I love these candles!image Of course she made them……image And of course she’ll show you how.image I was giddy when I saw that she recycled cling wrap rolls into something beautiful and so useful.image Step by step instructions for making your own Napkin Rings.image imageimage Aren’t her photos great?  imageShe is pretty crafty with her printer and personal photos.  Making unique gifts whenever she can.  She used photos from around her town to make a memory game for children. image This beats the barney one I bought my son.image  Using her printer and photos, she has created many many other gifts as well…..a recipe book and many others you can see on her site.  These are such thoughtful gifts.  Way better than anything you can buy.  She’ll even show you how to do it.imageBecause she had so much fun creating her own wedding initiation….she now offers this service.  This one below is one of the cutest, most original invites I have ever seen.imageI titled this post Chalk Board Fabric because she uses it a lot!  And we LOVE chalk board anything. 

Patio pillows…….image A gift tag……imageAnd these!  This is genius. image I am not trying to rush your summer…….I hate it when stores rush your summer…….like putting Back to School supplies on the shelves in July!  Before we know it, we’ll be seeing candy canes on those same shelves.

Kathy is also very crafty in the kitchen. 

Bacon bowls?  YES!  BACON BOWLS!  Holy Mother of all that’s good!  imageOh my…….I love it!  I  mean who doesn’t like bacon?imageHow in the heck do you make a bacon bowl?  Oh…….look…….a tutorial!imageAnd why I never thought of these before……except for the fact that I don’t like to mix syrup with my bacon…….but my son does…….He would LOVE this.image           I had so much fun thumbing through her blog.  So many great ideas…….ideas that I’ve never seen. 

You guys were SO great in leaving Will comments for one of the totes.  I SO appreciate it.  You made me look good……Thank you!

I hope you’ll head over and leave Kathy a few comments too.


All comments left on my blog automatically enters you for my Lisa Leonard monthly drawing.  I’ll announce July’s winner tomorrow.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sewing Sewing Sewing

All comments left in the month of May will automatically be entered to win a Lisa Leonard necklace!image

I love a woman who enjoys being a mother. You can just tell this blogger LOVES her life.

A Little Bit Funky is a happy mama who sews and sews some more. She sews so much, she even has an Etsy shop……..I also love it when Mom’s can pad the families bottom line without leaving the home to work. I personally think the US should adopt what a couple other countries do……allow mom’s to stay home for at least a year and up to 5…..and get compensated. Think of what it would save down the road.

OK, stepping off my soap box and back into the beautiful world of creative goodness…….

Crystal has a segment called the 20 minute crafter……imagewhere she has projects that are supposed to be quick……….like these drapes……she added the yellow panel….so dang cute. But I hate to burst your bubble Crystal….but that’s gonna take me a few more minutes than 20….maybe 14,000 minutes. Come to think of it…….you better just sew them for me.image Or this cute tee she embellished. This actually looked simple…….for me…..if I could sew.image Let’s talk about her Etsy shop again….where she sells the cutest, most original little softies….I think she calls them Hoho’s. What a great gift.image More Hoho’s………Mmmmm hoho’s….I suddenly have a craving for those hostess hoho’s….imageThese are pretty cool too…….colorful, original……and hip.imageThere is just no end to the cuteness if you can sew. Adorable dish towels. Love the ric rac……….I also love the ric rac trim decorating her blog.image

She makes many different kinds of flowers……this was on a photo bag….image This girl has an eye for color…….she’s VERY good at putting stuff together.image Honestly…….is this not one of the best ideas…….and one of the cutest ideas for kids? Placing the state shape on a tee. Love it.image

And if you’re not into sewing….she has a few other creative projects to inspire you on this Monday. You can do anything with chalk board paint.image Go surprise her……she’s going to pee her pants when she finds out that she’s is today’s feature. She is so cute…..she has my button on her side bar with “someday” above it. Melts my heart. She is also a regular contributor to Get Your Craft On. I notice people…..I do. Speaking of which……is tomorrow. Come show off your latest creation. If you can’t wait, you can list it on Skip To My Lou’s Made by You Monday’s.image

Sponsor a post and have your image and link posted here. Email me for details.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Couture Flowers

image All comments left in the month of May is automatically entered to win a Lisa Leonard necklace.  So leave me a comment! 


You all are going to flip!  FLIP!  You know how flowers on anything is so hip right now?imageWell, I met Tomato Baby at Bloggy Boot Camp.  What a beautiful woman.  We met as the day was winding down…….I so wish I would have met her early in the day.  She was on her way home with a migraine and I was heading to dinner and riding with women I didn’t know.  She was wearing this cute top with a set of cute organza-ish flowers on it……..she bought it so she could copy it.  I hope she doesn’t mind me saying that……..I mean the fact that she could even copy it had me impressed!  

Well, not only did she make them……..she is sharing it with us!  What a gal!

Make Couture Flowers!

I can do this part………image And I can manage this part too…………image Now we’re talking…….I love playing with fire……imageI think I have a couple of bobby pins around here…….image   I’m sure she didn’t need to buy that shirt to copy the flowers…..I think it was just an excuse….because anyone who can create these amazing works of art below doesn’t need to copy…..Dang…..would you look at those cool bags?  Don’t let Laurie from Tip Junkie see it.

 imageI’ll be heading through Idaho his summer…….where Jan (tomato baby) is moving…..maybe we can meet up then?  Would love to hang with her.  Maybe some of that talent will rub off?


Ok, off you go…….go surprise her.  Make me look good.


Looking for drapes?

Quality Custom Drapes

Check out the gal who is sponsoring this post.
