My own personal Tripadvisor

A purely personal post through which I aspire to tap the urbane cosmopolitanism and richly cultured nature of ‘Three Thousand Versts’’ readership. I know you must all have travelled widely given the breadth of knowledge betrayed by your commentary. And as no doubt you are much too sophisticated to be seduced by flattery, I shall spare you preliminary compliments and hasten to the nub of my query.

My girlfriend and I have a trip booked which commences with Green and White Army duty in San Marino, but leaves us the best part of three days to explore the micro-republic’s locality. Our itinerary will initially be reasonably straight forward. We arrive in Bologna on match day, must transport ourselves to San Marino city where we have a room booked and then we must get to the stadium.

From Thursday morning until our return flight on Sunday we are free to explore the region. That is where my august readers come in! Florence does not seem to be far away from San Marino and it is certainly accessible by train from Bologna, but is there a quicker way to get there from San Marino which avoids retracing our steps? On a short trip is it worth having a couple of nights in Florence or would we be better to concentrate on Bologna? Are there alternative destinations nearby where we would be better spending our time?

Many thanks in advance my worldly wise friends.


Anonymous said…
You lucky man, unfortunately the better half limits me to two away games a year and for financial reasons I've decided to hit Poland and the Czech Republic later on in the year; knowing my luck we'll be playing in some god-forsaken post-industrialist hellhole like Katowice or Wroclaw.

Anyway...if you're in tow with Ms Chekov as opposed to the Buckfast Loyal wing of the GAWA then Bologna is a very good choice as a base. Its a university town with a lively nightlife, lively in the Italian as opposed to UK sense ie loads of capuccino bars, decent cheap restaurants and general all-round arty stuff. As long as you wrap up well, this is also the best time of the year for a trip to Florence, as it should be mercifully free of brats on school trips and the "lets do Europe on 1 euro a day" backpackers that infest the place April-September. You need to be fairly disclipined though with what you want to see though as there is too much to see to pack into 2 days.

Whatever, you'll have fun- and don't worry about the troops left behind, we'll just make do with a pizza and a couple of cans of harp.
Aidan said…
"in some god-forsaken post-industrialist hellhole like Katowice or Wroclaw."
Wroclaw is a beautiful city, in my opinion it even tops Krakow so maybe you need to revise your definition of hellhole ;-)
Owen Polley said…
I went to Poland the last time. Warsaw is a lively spot and Krakow is beautiful. Not sure about the other places. Teplice in Czech Republic is the post industrial hell-hole! Anywhere's good for a day or two with the GAWA though. Thanks for the help! Think might mosey on down to Florence than spend Saturday in Bologna.
O'Neill said…

I might be getting my Chorzows and Wroclaws mixed up!


You are aware that:
1.The Saturday is Valentine's day
2. The Italian national team have a home rugby fixture that weekend;)
Anonymous said…
Not the most alluring of cities but for the foodies, sausages and cheeses are worth trying.

It might be worth looking at Venice if you haven't been before -if you can come in by the water bus from the airport is the best way even if you are not flying, and of course Florence is always worth visit as is Milan which is not too far away either.

The Italian train system is very good and not too expensive so you are spoiled for choice within 3 hours of Bologna and you would get to see a lot of the country, you can prebook tickets on line.
Owen Polley said…
"You are aware that:
1.The Saturday is Valentine's day
2. The Italian national team have a home rugby fixture that weekend;)"

I realise both those things! Don't fancy my chances of making it from Rome to Bologna for 6am on Sunday mind you. Will probably book ahead due to Valentines Day thing.
Anonymous said…
Brilliant phrase and it is duly

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