Is the glass half empty or half full for the government in Oldham?
Was the Oldham East by-election result a particularly bad one for the Lib Dems? Labour held the seat comfortably , increasing its majority from a perilously slender 103 to a relatively healthy 3,558. On one hand Labour’s vote actually increased after the ignominy of its candidate, Phil Woolas, being turfed out of Parliament and suspended from the party. On the other hand, the Liberal Democrat vote fell by just under 3,000 against the backdrop of a turnout which had collapsed from 61.2% in May to 48% this time round. In fact the Lib Dem share of the vote is actually very slightly up. It is the Conservative share which has taken a serious hit. Given the controversy which attended Nick Clegg’s elevation to deputy prime minister, it could be argued that his party's total isn't too bad. After all, the government traditionally gets a tough time at by-elections. The Lib Dems were last night trotting out the statistic that a governing party has not gai...